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In 2002, China’s higher education gross enrollment rate has been from 1998's 9.8 percent increase to 15 percent, marking China's entry mass higher education stage. From elite education to the public education, China's higher education is facing enormous changes. The rapid expansion of the scale of universities results in the construction of multi-campus, universities merger and the competition among universities is becoming increasingly fierce. At the same time higher education international environment has also undergone a great change, China's universities faced with the challenge of global competition. University policy makers have a strong institutional research needs. However, the old Institutional Research Practice mode is hard to resolve complex management problems in popularization of higher education stage, both in the breadth and depth of institutional research. A new practical model must be constructed.
     Firstly, this paper summarizes the status of institutional research in China and on the basis of a questionnaire survey to the 15 Universities research, this paper point out the current shortage of institutional research in China. Secondly, with an analysis the new problems facing domestic universities in the popular education stage, consider how to go about expanding and deepening in institutional research. Thirdly, analysis the state of institutional research in United States,centralized model, organized distributed model, and splitting model. Lastly, tbasing on the matrix system,propose research institutions practice modeaccording to China's national conditions.
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