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     最近,Hamilton证明了Ricci流的局部Harnack不等式,并由此得到Ricci流的Nonconic估计。在他的报告Curvature and Volume Bounds中使用这个估计证明了有限距离具有有限曲率。这在Poincare猜想证明中是很重要的一步。下面我们给出关于Ricci流的Nonconic估计。
     在第二章中,我们给出了黎曼流形上半线性抛物方程的正解的Harnack估计,利用该估计我们可以得到一个积分形式的Harnack不等式。我们接下来研究完备黎曼流形上的半线性抛物方程这里函数V满足V=(x)+k(u).此类估计仍然有许多未解决的问题。我们希望通过利用一个梯度估计来得到方程正则解的Harnack估计。该方法最早在[11]和[40]中由Cheng.S.Y,丘成桐和Trudinger提出,用于解决椭圆方程的情况,此时解与时间无关。1986年,丘成桐和Peter Li在[30]中得到了线性抛物方程的正则解的Harnack估计。
     定理2.1.2.设M是一个完备带边流形。设p是M上一点,Bp(2R)是以p为球心2R为半径的测地球,且与aM没有交点。我们用-K(2R)(K(2R)≥0)表示测地球Bp(2R)的Ricci曲率的下界。设V是定义在M×(0,∞)上的C2,1函数,假设及这里θ(2R),γ(2R),M(2R)是定义在Bp(2R)×[0,T]上的常数。若u(x,t)是方程在M×(0,T]上的正则解,则对任意的a>1,0     在第三章中,我们主要研究Ricci流下关于线性热方程的Harnack估计。利用该估计我们得到了一些结论,包括一个整体结果和一个积分形式的Harnack不等式。
     定理3.1.3.设是Ricci流方程(1.1)的一个完备解。假定|Ric(x,t)|≤Kg(x,t)对某个K>0和所有的(x,t)∈Bρ,T成立。设u:M×[0,T]→R是一个正则光滑函数满足热方程(1.4),q(x,t)是一个定义在M×(0,T)上的C2,1函数,|△q|≤θ.给定α>1,我们有估计对所有的(x1,t1)∈M×(0,T)和(x2,t2)∈M×(0,T)使得t1In this paper we mainly study the local Harnack estimate for Kahler-Ricci flow on complete Kahler manifold,Harnack estimate for semilinear parabolic equations on the complete manifolds and Harnack estimates for the linear heat equation under the Ricci flow.
     By the maturity of the differential equation theory, geometric analysis has gotten full development over the past 20 years, and becomes an important field on geometric research at present. The most important result is that the sketch of the proof of the Poincare conjecture given by Perelman in [34], Huaidong Cao and Xiping Zhu finished it in the end [9].
     The Harnack estimate of geometry flow is also called Li-Yau-Hamilton in-equality. It plays an important role in geometric analysis. Harnack inequalities of parabolic originated from the work of Moser[31] who treated the case of linear divergence-form equations. In 1986 Li and Yau got the Harnack inequality for the heat equation on manifold by the parabolic maximum principle in [29]. This is the first time to combine the Harnack inequality of differential equation with geometry. After that, Hamilton got some Harnack estimates of nonlinear differential equations on manifold by using the same method[17,18,20]. Chow obtained similar inequalities for Gauss curvature flow of hypersurface on Euclidean space in 1991 [11]. Moreover, in 1992 Cao got the Harnack estimate for Kahler-Ricci flow on Kahler manifold[6]. Andrews used the inverse of Gauss map to get the Harnack estimate of a class ge-ometric flow of hypersurface on Euclidean space[1]. Recently, There occurs many papers on the field,such as[8,10,28,29]. In this paper we get the following results on the basis of their works.
     In chapter one we study the local Harnack estimate for Kahler-Ricci flow on complete Kahler manifold and give its corollary (the nonconic estimate of Kahler-Ricci flow). It was proved by H.D.Cao[5] that the solution of Kahler-Ricci flow equation exists for all time. By a result of Mok[31] one also knows that the positiv- ity of the bisectional curvature is preserved under the Kahler-Ricci flow equation. Mori and Siu and Yau proved that any compact Kahler manifold X of pos-itive holomorphic bisectional curvature is biholomorphic to a complex projective space.
     Recently, Hamilton proved the local Harnack estimate of Ricci flow, and derived the nonconic estimate from it. On his report Curvature and Volume bounds he applied the nonconic estimate to prove that finite curvature within finite distance, which is an important step in the proof of Poincare conjecture. The following is nonconic estimate of Ricci flow.
     Theorem A(Nonconic estimate of Hamilton's Ricci flow):Let Mn be a Riemannian manifold, (M,g(t)) is a solution to the equation t∈[0, T).U C Mn is an open connected set, and on U×[0, to), t0     where O∈U. If Mr2= C1 such that Br(O,t0) (?)U, then and V∈TpM, we have
     where C> 0 depending on n and C1.
     We consider a similar problem on Kahler-Ricci flow in Chapter one, and get Theorem 1.1.1 and Corollary 1.1.1 with some curvature conditions. Firstly, we give the Kahler-Ricci flow equation:
     Theorem 1.1.1 (Local Harnack estimate of Kahler-Ricci flow):we denote the curvature condition, Then let gij(x,t) be a solution of (1.1) on a complete Kahler manifold X for t∈[0,r2], and satisfies the curvature condition on Br(O,t)×[0,r2], then (?)(x,t)∈B2/r(O,t)×[0,r2], we can find some constant B> 0, depending only on n, s.t the following local Harnack estimate holds, let Then for any t> 0, and w∈TxX,w≠0, we have Here
     Corollary 1.1.1 Under the same condition in Theorem 1.1.1, the scalar cur-vature R satisfies the estimate
     Corollary 1.1.2 (Nonconic estimate of Kahler-Ricci flow)
     Under the same conditions as Theorem 1.1.1, at point (0,r2), we have where C depends only on n.
     In Chapter 2, we prove a Harnack inequality for positive solutions of the semi-linear parabolic equation on Riemannian manifold and get some results, including an integral Harnack inequality.
     We will study the semilinear parabolic equations of the type on a complete Riemannian manifold. The function V satisfies V=h(x)+k(u). The geometric dependency of the estimates is complicated and sometimes unclear. Our goal is to prove a Harnack inequality for positive solutions of the equation by utilizing a gradient estimate derived in Section 2. The method of proof is originated [11] and [40], where they have studied the elliptic case, i.e. the solution is time independent. Later, professor Yau,S.T and Peter Li got some results in [30].
     Theorem 2.1.1. Let M be a complete manifold with boundary, (?)M. Assume p∈M and let BP(2R) to be a geodesic ball of radius 2R around p which does not intersect (?)M. We denote-K(2R), with K(2R)≥0, to be a lower bound of the Ricci curvature on BP(2R). Let V be a function defined on M x (0,∞) which is C2 in the x-variable and C1 in the t-variable. Assume that and on BP(2R)×[0,T] for some constantsθ(2R),γ2R),M(2R). If u(x,t) is a positive solution of the equation on M x (0,T], then for any a> 1 and c> 0, u(x,t) satisfies the estimate on BP(R), where Ci are constants depending only on n.
     Theorem 2.1.2. Let M be a complete manifold with boundary, (?)M. Assume p∈M and let Bp(2R) to be a geodesic ball of radius 2R around p which does not intersect (?)M. We denote-K(2R), with K(2R)≥0, to be a lower bound of the Ricci curvature on BP(2R). Let V be a function defined on M x (0,∞) which is C2 in the x-variable and C1 in the t-variable. If u(x, t)is a positive solution of the equation on M×(0, T], assume that and on Bp (2R)×[0,T] for some constantsθ(2R),γ(2R),M(2R). then for anyα>1, 0     In part 3, we study a Harnack inequality for positive solutions of the linear heat equation under the Ricci flow and get some results, including a global result and an integral Harnack inequality. Suppose M is a manifold without boundary. Let (M,g(x,t))t∈[0,T] be a complete solution to the Ricci flow We assume its curvature remains uniformly bounded for all t E [0, T]. Consider a positive function u(x,t) defined on M×[0,T]. we assume u(x,t) solves to the equation The symbolΔhere stands for the Laplacian given by g(x, t).
     Theorem 3.1.1. Let (M, g(x,t))t∈[0,T] be a complete solution to the Ricci flow (1.3). Suppose|Ric(x,t)≤Kg(x,t) for some K>0 and all (x,t)∈BPp,T. Consider a smooth positive function u:M×[0, T]→R solving the heat equation (1.4) and q(x,t) is a C2,1 function defined on M x (0,T),|▽q|≤γ,|Δq|≤θThere exists a constant C1 that depends only on the dimension of M and satisfies the estimate for allα>1 and all with t≠0.
     Theorem 3.1.2. Suppose the manifold M is a solution to the Ricci flow (1.3). Assume that 0≤Ric(x,t)≤kg(x,t) for some k<0 and all (x, t)∈M x [0, T]. Consider a smooth positive function u:Mx[0,T]→Rsatisfying the heat equation (1.4) and q(x,t) is a C2,1 function defined on M×(0, T) and|Δq|≤θThe estimate holds for all (x,t)∈M x [0,T].
     Theorem 3.1.3 Let (M,g(x,t))t∈[0,T]be a complete solution to the Ricci flow (1.1). Assume that|Ric(x,t)|≤Kg(x,t) for some K>0 and all (x,t)∈Bρ,T. Suppose a smooth positive function u:M x [0,T]→R solving the heat equation (1.2) and q(x,t) is a C2,1 function defined on M x (0,T),|▽q|≤γ,|Δq|≤θ. Given a> 1, the estimate holds for all (x1,t1)∈M x (0,T) and (x2,t2) G M×(0,T) such that t1< t2-The constant C comes from Theorem 3.1.1.
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