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For a long time, the studies in academic community on technical subjects are often limited to technical subject, focused on the definition of technical subjects, neglected the technical subjective relationship. Academic community seldom involved at different levels, as well as different types of technical subjective relationship. The technical socialization research in academic community is also at the initial stage, have made some progress. But the writer believes that clarify the subjective relationship in the process of the technical socialization is very necessary. We should take subjective relationship of technical socialization as an important issue of human knowledge and practice.
     This article begins from the subjective relationship in technical socialization. Firstly it analyze the constitution of the different technical subject , in technology and their social status in the process, and indicate the technical subjective relationship between the status quo and existing problems; Secondly it proposes the harmonious relations between technical subject should to follow principles, such as the same purpose, extensive cooperation and the sharing of resources, point out three aspects that affect the construction of harmonious technical subjective relationship, which are communication, knowledge sharing, evaluation system, summarized the development of harmonious technical subjective relationship, that is the design and integration the main goal, the initial realization of the main manufacture activities and the full realization of technical subjective relationship. Finally it sums up by build a harmonious social technical subjective relationship among individuals, organizations and government levels. It integrates theory and practice accordingly.
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