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     最后对制剂的药效学作用及其作用机理进行了研究,证实了F_(CE)R Iβ链基因与慢性咽炎发病有相关性,咽乐含片对慢性咽炎模型动物F_(CE)R Iβ基因表达有一定影响。
     4.在分子水平上探讨了咽乐含片治疗慢性咽炎的机理,初步确定了F_(CE)R Iβ链基因与慢性咽炎发病的相关性,-因乐含片对慢性咽炎模型动物F_(CE)R Iβ基因表达有一定影响。
The quality control methods to traditional chinese medicine has become the firstquestion restricting the development of the herb and TCM preparation. Fingerprintgraph research is the best resolving method. Studying chemical pattern recognition ofchromatographic fingerprint of TCM can effectively supervise it's quality.
     Chronicpharyngitis is one of the common and high rates clinic disease. Because oflong course and symptoms outbreak again and again, it gives us the incurable impression.It was statisticed that the incidence of Chronic pharyngitis was 10%~20%in the diseaseof laryngopharynx, and high incidence in adult, especially in teachers, singers. It morehappened in the city. It is a disease that can seriously effect the living liquid of peoplesbecause of it's repeat. The new medicine that can treat it will have a capacious marketforeground.
     This dissertation is aimed to erect the advanced quality control parrten of TCM andsecondly develop the Fufang jiegeng Tea and crank out Yanle Buccal Tablets, it can offerthe patients convenience by a long way.
     This dissertation is divided into 2 major parts. In the first part, a detailed reviewwas given to the etiologic mechanism, diagnosis and especially Chinese medicinetreatment of Chronic pharyngitis.Besides, a brief review was given to the modern researchof the chromatographic fingerprint, including relationships between activities andChromatographic fingerprinting and all of the medicinal materials in the prescription.
     In the second part, Firstly the prescriptionst was filtrated by orthogonalexperimental design method, using anti-inflammation and excrete phlegm effects asmedicine-effect guideline, the result was that the original prescription was the mostexcellent. Then, to sure the quality of medicinal materials,Chromatographic fingerprintingof Rhizome Belamcandae and Semen Oroxyli was erected. In order to look for reasonabledistill technics, Canonical discriminant function and Fisher's discrimination were foundedwhich cound accurately differentiate the true and flase of Rhizome Belamcandae.
     Two distillation ways was used by water or alcohol as solvent and separateing diferrent part according to polarity magnitude,pharmacological experiment was tailedafter it, It is estabilished that the distillation solvent of large production technics is water.In order to preserve polysaccharide component, shell- polysaccharide was used as clarifierto refine the liquid, and the condition of clarification was studied.
     For the sake of determinating the matter base namely effective component groupof Yanle Buccal Tablets,the analytical methods of Bivariate was used, Correlationcoefficients between the peak area value and anti-inflamation effective data wascalculated, among the excessive 21 peaks, 6 peaks had the deeply relativity, includingChlorogenic acid,Baicalein,Glycyrrhizicacid,Tectoridin.Because of these were effectivecomponent of Flos lonicerae,Rhizoma belamcandae, Semen oroxyli, Radix Glycyrrhizaeadmittedly. The content is upper in herb, they are used as comparison in establishing thequality control for Liyan Buccal Tablets.In addition, to insure elegancy appearance andwell situated ora sense, and to keep qualitative stabilization, figuration technics of YanleBuccal Tablets was studied.
     Finally, It was undertaken that the pharmacology experiments of preparation andmechanism studieds in molecule level, It was made sure that F_(CE)R Iβchain gene hadrelativity with chronic pharyngitis, Yanle Buccal Tablets can work on F_(CE)R Iβchain geneexpression in model animal withchronic pharyngitis
     Creativity of this dissertation
     a Thesecondly development was undertaken of the Fufang jiegeng Tea whichwas anonstandard preparation in our hospital and curative effect was reliably, It was crankedout Yanle Buccal Tablets, which can offer the patients convenience by a long way. Inorder to sure the curative effect, everystep of preparation was tailed after by pharmacology.
     b Tectoridin and Irisflorentin was determined in the same time, the content of pharmacopoeia (2005edition) was reinforced, Chromatographic fingerprinting of Rhizome Belamcandae wasdeeply studied and erected,9 mutual peaks was demarcated, 9 samples was classified bycluster analysis method,Canonical discriminant function and Fisher's discrimination werefounded which could accurately differentiate the true and flase of Rhizome Belamcandae.A kind of new modle of controlling herb's quality was offered.
     c Chromatographic fingerprinting of Semen Oroxyli was deeply studied and erected,6 mutual peaks was demarcated, 13 samples was classified by cluster analysis method, It was offered that the gist of Semen Oroxyli produced standardizly and quality controlment ofthe preparation including Semen Oroxyli.
     d It was undertaken that the pharmacology experiments of preparation and mechanismstudieds in molecule level, It was made sure that F_(CE)R Iβchain gene had relativity withchronic pharyngitis, Yanle Buccal Tablets can work on F_(CE)R Iβchain gene expression inmodel animal with chronic pharyngitis
     e Bivariate was introduced into calculating correlation coefficients of the peak areavalue and anti-inflamation effective data, and the relationships between activities andChromatographic fingerprinting were estabilished, it offered a brand-new thinkingfor in search of domino offect substance and developping new Chinese traditionalmedicine.
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