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     1 农艺性状方面:
    肥量为N:24kg/667m,、p205:sk只/667m,、KZo:1 6kg/667m,。
The factor of density and fertilizer was designed on three levels in the experiement in 2002 and 2003. The levels of density (A) and fertilizer (B) were as follows, Al, 4000 plants/667m2; A2, 3500 plants/667m2; A3, 3000 plants/667m2, B1, N: 24kg/667m2 P2O5: 8kg/667m2 K2O: 12kg/667m2; B2, N: 18kg/667m2 P2O5: 6kg/667m2 K2O: 9kg/667m2; B3,N: 12kg/667m2 P2O5: 4kg/667m2 K2O: 6kg/667m2(The levels of fertilizer were B2, B3 and B4, N: 8kg/667m2 P2O5: 2.67kg/667m2 K2O: 4kg/667m2 in the experiement in 2002). Effects of density, fertilizer and their interaction on agronomic characteristics, physioecology, fruit characteristics, economical characteristics, yield and quality were studied. The results were as follows: 1 For agronomic characteristics
    The leaf index area increased as the density and fertilizer increased. The differences of leaf index between Al and A2 or A3 were significant
    at 0.01 level, While A2 and A3 at 0.05 level except in the seedling period. The difference between Bl and B2 was significant at 0.05 levels except in Aril 28. The plant biomass also increased as fertilizer increased, While it decreased as density enhanced. The difference of plant biomass between Bl and B3 was significant at 0.05 level while A3 and Al at 0.01 level. Denisity had a little effect on the plant height, the earheight and the coefficient of earheight. But the stem diameter and coefficient of ear height decreased significantly as density increasing. The differences between A3 and A2, A2 and Al, were significant at 0.01 levels. Effects of fertilizer on the ear height and coefficient of ear height were not significant. But the plant height, the stem diameter and coefficant of ear height increased as the levels of fertilizer grew. The difference between Bl and B3 was significant at 0.01 levels. The interaction of density and fertilizer had a significant effect on the stem diameter. 2 For physiological and ecology
    It had a decreased trend of the N and K content of up-ground plant, the chlorophyll content, the NRA activity, the uptake N, P, K, Photosynthesis rate, Transpiration rateand Stomata conductance as the density increased, while it had a increased trend as fertilizer enhance. Except the P content of plant, each parameter was significant difference among the levels of density and fertilizer. The degree of transparency in corn colony declined as the density increased during the early stages,
    while it enhanced during the later stages. It changed little during the early stages, while it decreased significantly during the later stages as fertilizer increased. The interaction of density and fertilizer hadsignificant effects on the chlorophyll content, the NRA activity, the K content of of up-ground plant, the uptake N, P, the degree of transparent, Transpiration rateand Stomata conductance, and had no significant effects on other parameter.
    3 For the fruit characteristics, economical characteristics and yield
    As the density increased, the ears/667m2and ratio of No-ear plant increased significantly, while ratio of Two-ear plant and weight of 1000 kernel decreased significantly. Grain per ear of A2 was greater (P<0.05) than A1 and A2. Yield of A2 was greater than A1 (p>.05) and A3. (P<0.05). As the fertilizer incrased, the ear per 666.67m2 and grain per ear enhanced significantly. Fertilizer had on significant effects on other economical characraristics. The interaction of density and fertilizer had no significant effect on ears/667m2, grain per ear, weight of 1000-kernel. The yeild increased significantly as the fertilizer increased. These two experimental results were similar in 2002 and 2003.
    4 For quality
    The fertilizer has significant effect (p<0.05) on the percentage of oil, and the difference of percentage of oil between B1 and B3 was at 0.01 level. Density and interaction of density and fertilizer had no significant
    effect on the percentage of oil. The interaction of density and fertilizer had significant effect on protein content. Protein of B1 was greater (p<0.01) than B2 or B3 The
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