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Synchrotron radiation is an extremely ideal soft X ray, vacuum ultraviolet lightsource, and it plays a more and more important role in many basic and appliedresearches. Research and development of relevant beamline and Spectrum-DividingTechnologies is the important premise for the application of synchrotron radiation.Most scientific experiments just need to use monochromatic light in a certain bandwhen using synchrotron radiation with a continuous spectrum distribution, and thereare strict requirements for the photon flux, spectral resolution, spectral purity, imagingbeam spot of the beamline. These jobs are completed by the monochromators ofbeamline. The technologies of monochromator is a quite complex optical engineering,and it presents many new challenges on the optical design, optical componentsprocessing, testing and evaluation and some other theoretical and technical problems.
     The construction of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, which greatlyenhance the applied research level of soft X-ray of our country in the solid statephysics, biology, materials, and other fields, at the same time, higher requirements forthe soft X-ray beamline have been proposed. The design of high performance softX-ray monochromator has become a new target for gaining a high level ofexperimental results. In many types of monochromator, the variable-included-angleplane grating monochromator is widely recognized due to its wide spectrum, highthroughput, high resolution, application flexibility and other superior performance,but the key technology of monochromator is very difficult to achieve.
     The main research work in this paper is as follows:
     1. The physical design of the soft-X spectromicroscopy beamline station in theShanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility are described, and main focuses on thecore device of the beamline–the design of optical and mechanical structure of thevariable-included-angle plane grating monochromator;
     2. The relationship between the resolution and the mechanical movement precisionare analyzed combined with the application. The various factors that result in thelight spot transversal transfer of spectromicroscopy beamline during wavelengthscanning are analyzed, and the relationship between various factors and the lightspot transversal transfer are deduced, and the error distribution are solved, in orderto ensure performance of the beamline.
     3. Study on the fast constant temperature cooling technology of the optical elementswith high heat load and its effect for the optical system using the finite elementanalysis techniques combine with the characteristics of Shanghai SynchrotronRadiation Facility, and the optical element cooling are simulated..
     4. Present the testing methods of the off-line and on-line of the variable-included-angle grating monochromator. The monochromator wavelength scanningmechanisms are calibrated. The mechanical precisions are measured, and the resultsare given.
     The content of this paper will laid the theoretical and methodological foundationsfor designing the high performance monochromator in the third generationsynchrotron radiation.
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