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As increasing globalization of economy and rapid development of information technology, the global economy has witnessed a tendency of national economy softening and service-oriented manufacturing. With the development of science and further detailing of global professional divisions, the international R&D sector gets more and more globalized. Representing the high-end in service sector, R&D sector is considered as the dominant segment in production-oriented service industry. In recent years, it has witnessed a rapid development, and already becomes one of the most influential industry stamped by fastest development,most attractive to talents, and top added value. It has been regarded as the strategic focus for reforming industrial structure and the key domain for a new round open-up to the world. In addition, it is as well one of the newly-emerged industries that could improve the R&D efficiency, accelerate commercialization of technologies and promote industry transition and upgrading.
     According to the international experiences especially from the developed countries, it has been regarded as a tendency to develop modern service industry in a clustered manner. Beijing, endowed with its technology resources covering wide spectrum, and favored climate, serves as the promise land for service industry, especially for R&D sector. On the other hand, the R&D sector also brings a great deal benefits for Beijing and even for the whole state on promoting the development of economy. The newly proposed conception of“the city of world”, definitely, could promote R&D sector developing in a clustered manner, which keeps accord with the tendency of developing service sector in a high-end, efficient and comprehensive manner. In this sense, it becomes more and more urgent to carry out systematic study on clustered development of Beijing service industry, leading the coordination of economy and society in Beijing and otherwise, promoting the sustainable development.
     The thesis will carry out a systematic study on R&D sector by integrating the different indicators, including option of marched development model, strategic plan for cluster model, and performance assessment of industrial cluster model; otherwise, conduct further study on strategic thinking and target, general thought and strategic focus for industrial cluster of R&D sector in Beijing, performance assessment system and implementation measures for industrial cluster in R&D sector. In addition, the thesis probes into the theoretical methods, pattern option, and policy suggestions specific for cluster model of R&D sector in Beijing.
     The thesis is composed of nine parts.
     The first chapter gives a general figure of the background and significance of the thesis; otherwise, the research threads, technical framework, and major innovation are as well demonstrated.
     Chapter two deals with the theories supporting this thesis, inthis part, a brief introduction to service sector and cluster model, including reviewing relative concepts, theories and methods on modern service sectors, R&D sector, industrial cluster, industrial policy and etc. Furthermore, this part as well conducting a research on the mutual relationships between them.
     Chapter Three makes an analysis on the typical models of industrial cluster at home and overseas. International experiences on industrial cluster, typically, are represented by U.S. Silicon Valley high-tech service system, British biotechnology service system and Italian SME service system. While the domestic R&D sector are represented by Zhejiang Model - integration of government, production, study and research; Jiangsu R&D model - concentration of various resources, Tianjin clustered R&D service model– service provided by Industrial Alliance, and Taiwan R&D sector (cluster) model– action options.
     Chapter Four makes an analysis on the status quo of Beijing R&D sector. A comprehensive analysis and evaluation has been conducted in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of Beijing R&D sector, including the evolution characteristics, external climate for development, inherence and SWOT; besides, a comparative analysis has been made between Beijing and some other cities. Beijing remains leading in R&D investments and production with merit of its rich resources, and cost advantage. On the other hand, the government promotes“Scientific Beijing”through various measures, bringing opportunities for the R&D sector. The general headquarter in Beijing shows an evidence for rapid development, creating non-interrupted stimulus for developing the R&D sector in a scale manner, in other words, R&D sector has been regarded as the determinant for promoting economy development in Beijing. However, current R&D sector mostly operated in an extensive manner, resulting in typeofoperastion integration and management lingering on a low level; furthermore, the development of production-oriented R&D sector will encounter the challenges from other cities and regions.
     Chapter Five proposes a study on the model selection for Beijing R&D sector. Together with the innovation approaches and development of R&D sector, analysis on the basic models and mechanisms of regionalized cluster model in service sector, the optional study has been accordingly conducted to interpret the distribution characteristics of Beijing R&D sector and cluster model. An analysis is to be conducted based on the possibilities and necessities of R&D sector, by virtue of rich human, technology, and capital resources, together with external market around Beijing represented by Hebei and Tianjin, Beijing has embraced cluster model of R& D sector in a favorite manner.
     Chapter Six conducts a study on the strategic target of clustered development of Beijing R&D sector, especially on issues in respect to cluster model applied in Beijing R&D sector, including strategic thinking and target, general thought and strategic focus, implementation procedures, and strategic security. Otherwise, this part also claims the strategic thought of Beijing R&D sector toward cluster model. In other words, it in fact refers to maintain the development strategy of“Environment-friendly Beijing, Culture-enriched Beijing and Technology-empowered Beijing”after scientific thought of development under specific macro background in Beijing; then, make the full utilization of Beijing’s resources as the“center of technology”and“innovation birthplace”according to the regional conditions, including natural, economic, technological, social and etc.. Otherwise, by focusing on reasonable planning and multi-points cluster, the horizontal distribution of Beijing R&D cluster should be further optimized, which could promote the optimization of industrial structure in Beijing. In addition, by taking cluster model as the tailored model for R&D sector, the sector should keep self-innovation, breakthroughs, coordinated management, and multi-parties cooperation, understand the tendency of clustered development of Beijing R&D sector, promote the comprehensive development in a manner of“High growth speed, High value added, High clustered, and High coverage”(so-called 4 High). At last, R&D sector should determine the short-term (2012) and medium-term (2020) strategic target respectively.
     Chapter Seven deals with the analysis on performance assessment of cluster model of Beijing R&D sector. This part conducts the analysis on constrains hindered the performance assessment of Beijing R&D sector, design principle of assessment indicator in performance assessment system, and also the selection of models. In addition, an empirical study has been conducted on the result of assessment to Beijing R&D sector with assistance of SPSS.
     Chapter Eight deals with the systematic analysis on measures of implementation industrial cluster conception in Beijing R&D sector and accordingly, some suggestions are proposed, specifically, including drawing lessons from the international experiences on cluster development of service industry, constituting policies and regulations to promote the implementation of cluster model development of Beijing R&D sector, selecting effective implementation method tailored for Beijing specific, and at last, but not the least, concentrating implementation efforts in the cluster development of Beijing R&D sector.
     Chapter Nine makes a summarization of the thesis, displaying the limits in the process of research, and giving suggestions on further research.
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