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     本文以城市地区传统正射影像几何方面存在的主要问题,即建筑物对其他地物的遮蔽为探讨范围,将真正射影像几何纠正作为研究的主要内容,以成像模型较为复杂的三线阵传感器影像为主要的研究对象,其中将以其代表——ADS40(Airborne Digital Sensor)影像为例展开研究,从分析遮蔽产生的本质原因入手,对真正射影像遮蔽区域的检测和补偿问题进行了深入分析和研究。
The orthophoto is the image that has image characteristics as well as the geometric accuracy of the map, which gains the advantages of high precision, abundant information and reflecting the true world. The improvements of the remote sensor promote the quality of the acquired images and the producing efficiency, while the problems of the conventional orthophoto affect its wide application. The accuracy and the completeness of the orthophoto are especially influenced by the geometric problems, which mainly include the building lean, the double mapping effect and the objects deficiency etc. The essential reason of the problems is the occlusion caused by the buildings. The true orthophoto is proposed by the researchers as a novel concept, which means that not only the terrain but also the important objects under current image scale (such as the building and bridge, etc.) are also rectified correctly.
     In this dissertation, the geometric problem of the orthophoto in urban district that the occlusion caused by the buildings is taken as the scope of our inquiry, and the geometric rectification is taken as the main research problem while the ADS40 image which has relatively complex imaging model is treated as the research subjects. We begin with the essential reason of the occlusion produce, and will have a deep analysis of the occlusion detection and compensation.
     This paper is composed of 7 chapters, which is mainly about the geometric principles of the true orthophoto, and the composition of the ADS40 systems as well as the process flow of the data. The occlusion detection and compensation of the ADS40 systems is elaborately illustrated. The verification in the frame images with the method of ADS40 images is also given. The main contribution of the paper is list as follows:
     1. By introducing the development and composition of the ADS40 systems, the technical parameters and characteristics are analyzed. The rectification principle and progress of ADS40 images is elaborately introduced. A plane-projection-based iteration detection method(PPID) is proposed according to the essential reason of the occlusions' producing. In this algorithm, the intersection points of the projection rays and the planes are adopted and the intersection points of the projection rays and the terrain (or other buildings) are calculated. The final integration of the intersection points is the occlusion region. Experiments with the ADS40 aerial image data shows that comparing to other two representative methods, this method can obtain more accurate results, and additionally, it has better efficiency.
     2. The characteristic of high overlapping coefficient is employed in the occlusion compensation by neighboring images. The reason of the radiation difference between the neighboring images is analyzed, and the existed process method and defaults are illustrated. An Object-classified-based partial histogram matching method and the sequenced selection principle is proposed. The experiment shows that the Object-classified-based method can obtain more precise result compare to the normal histogram matching method, and the sequence compensation principle will reduce the influence of the radiation compare to the nadir based compensation principle.
     3. The occlusion detection and compensation methods of the ADS40 images are employed to verify the reliability using the frame images. Experiments show that the occlusion detection method is still good in both accuracy and efficiency by using the frame images. An improved method of the typical Z-buffer method used in occlusion detection method is proposed. As a result of the deficiency of information, it remains a quantity of pixels which can't be compensated by neighboring images. On the basis of introducing DBM, a valid-pixel-based inpainting method is proposed to fill up the remnant pixels. It is verified by the experimental results that this method can obtain better result on compensating occluded areas of true orthophotos comparing with other image inpainting algorithms.
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