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  • 英文题名:Analysis of Scientific and Technology Capacity-building Path of Innovation
  • 副题名:对青少年系统教育之管见
  • 英文副题名:Opinions on the Systemic Education of the Youth
  • 作者:董向东
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:科学技术哲学
  • 中文关键词:科技 ; 创新能力 ; 培养路径
  • 学位年度:2008
  • 导师:王跃新
  • 学科代码:010108
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2008-03-25
Innovation capability is a country’s original research and development in science and technology, and is a nation’s constantly opening up of the field of advanced culture, the ability to update the national spirit, is a kind of national development, international understanding by the spontaneous competition into a cohesive capacity. The first part of this paper describes the importance of innovation, the innovative and creative ability of the young people and the improvement of young people’s innovative abilities. It puts forward that the training of a nation's spirit of innovation should be started from the youth. Young life is the golden period, a crucial period of development of innovation, its innovative capacity has a direct bearing on the country's innovative potential, is a matter of the country's future and destiny of the problem.
     The second part of this paper analyzes the restricted factors of the innovative abilities of young people. It is thought that t raining young people's innovative ability is not a new problem, but in China, till recent years it becomes an increasingly important issue. Data shows that Chinese students have strong ability to test, but manipulative ability especially the ability to innovate is poor, and have an obvious gap with the students in the United States and other developed countries.
     The reason is multifaceted. The third part of this paper mainly focuses on the important position and role that are occupied by the popularization of science . In which popularization of Science occupies a very important role. Popularization of science can attract the curiosity of young people, inspired their innovative capacity of the imagination; Enhance young people's sense of innovation and cultivate innovative thinking; To foster the young people’s innovative psychological and the development of innovative personality; At the same time, young people are conducive to enhancing innovation will, and foster the innovative spirit of youth, help the young people to foster a correct world outlook and outlook on life. Along with the development of China's education, the quality of education as the main educational trends, the innovative capacity of Chinese young people also has improved. But for various reasons, our young innovative capacity-building still has problems. They do not have a strong awareness of the problem, the lack of confidence and courage, irrational of knowledge structure, weakness of manipulative ability, and that lead to the unsatisfactory of innovation results.
     The fourth part of this paper explores the possibilities of the path to bring up and improve the innovative abilities of young people in nowadays social development situation. It puts forward that the problems of the Science Literacy and innovation capacity existed in young people let people realize that to train young people’s innovative ability has become the fundamental task of modern education, and it becomes the mainstream of China's education, only concerted efforts can we ensure that young people know the value of life ,and constantly enhance their sense of innovation and the innovation ability , and put the historical responsibility of the great rejuvenation of China to their shoulders , and let China stand tall among the nations of the world.
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