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Color Classification exists in each link of the wood producing,processing and application. It is very important to the industrial production and application because it can achieve automatic classification by color,and have a further signification.
     Computer vision and pattern recognition method is used in this research to classify the color of wooden board.According to the characteristics of wood itself,classification of wooden board based on its color is achieved,and segmentation to the defective wood is also realized.The research contents in the study are as follows:
     Based on image processing theory,using the color difference of the uniform color space L~*a~*b~*,5 color parameter mean value,7 color difference parameter mean value and 7 mean square deviation of color difference parameter,altogether 19 parameters are extracted as the color features to research on color classification of 10 categories of 5 tree species.
     The method of wood color classification based on color moments in RGB color space is studied.Every color moments of R,G,B components in the RGB color space,and also the mean value and variance of the two whole images,altogether 11 parameters are extracted as the characteristic value of color.Using self-organizing competitive neural network to rough classification to different tree species(114 species),classified to 6 species,then confirmed by using BP neural network.The correct rate is above 88%.
     The method of wood color classification based on color moments in RGB color space is studied,three matrix H,S,V of HSV color space-respectively first-order origin moments, second-order center moments,third-order center moments altogether 9 characteristic parameters are extracted as the color feature
     The method of wood color classification by using color comment in HSV color space is studied.mean,variance,skew ness the three matrixes difference extracting HSV color space H,S,V is extracted counts regulation 9 characteristics in total parameter is the color features. Ten sorts of wooden board of five wood species are classified by using their color comments features.Five species ten categories are classified by color.
     Two methods of color histogram are studied:one method is choosing HSV color space, choosing color feature of H,S,V component in HSV color space to calculate the mean value, variance,skewness,kurtosis,entropy and energy,forming 18 dimension color feature vectors. Then experiment of color classification is done to each 5 tree species 10 categories.The other method is choosing HSV color space,quantization first to form 72 dimension histogram,build standard template,then making similar measure with the template,and get the 72 dimension characteristic vector,according to the distribution feature of wood itself,remove the characteristic vector which the frequency is 0 or too small,then 30 dimension color characteristic vector is formed.Do the experiment to the five species ten categories.
     Main color idea is proposed,and extraction method of main color is given,choosing HSV color space,quantization first to form 72 dimension histogram,build standard template of different tree species,then making similar measure with the template,and get the 72 dimension characteristic vector,extract the frequency from big to small,in order to get the parameters of the main color feature.Research on color classification of five species ten categories is done.
     Try to combine the color and texture to classify the color of wooden boards,the main color feature is 3,5,8 bin,the texture parameter is co-occurrence matrix with 6 parameters, then do the experiment to the five species ten categories.
     Four classifiers are built:Genetic Algorithm cluster analysis,Neural Network classifier, support vector machines classifier and k-neighbor classifier,in which the Neural Network contains 3 classifiers,:BP,RBF,PNN.The ideas and principles of each classifier are described. Then use the method above to do the color classification experiment.
     The segmentation method of wooden board based on color and mathematical morphology is proposed.No defect standard template of different tree species is built,and then compared the color difference with defect and standard form board,and all the color difference takes an average,get the threshold that wanted.Extract the pixel point that greater than the threshold value,and do the calculation of mathematics morphology,so the defect segmentation effect of the wooden board can be get.
     In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established. Then the system components and principles are demonstrated,the hardware and software components of the system are introduced
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