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     目前英语测试的研究开始关注语言能力的科学测量。第二章的理论探索,从语言测试的主要类型及评价原则入手,分析了学业成绩测试(achievement tests)的常见方式,指出传统的学业成绩测试是一种终结性评价方式,仅通过这一种方式来评价语言学科是远远不够的。因此,笔者提出采用学业成绩评估(achievement assessment)这一说法来概括包括学业成绩测试及语言学习过程中的形成性评价方式在内的多元化、多样化的学业考评方式。
As is known, language testing appears after language teaching and serves it all the way. The task of language teaching is to cultivate the language learners the abilities of using language, while the purpose of language testing is to provide us scientific techniques of measurement. Nowadays, more and more educators begin to pay much more attention to language testing.
     In China, based on The English Curricular Criteria for Full-time Compulsory Education and Common Senior Middle School (2001), the new English Curriculum Standards for Senior School was issued in 2003 and it has been carried out in four provinces since September, 2004. Shandong province is one of them. The English Curriculum Standards embodies the latest development of linguistics, ELT theory and practice and emphasizes on developing the abilities of language use. It also provides specific curricular content standards on language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategy and cultural awareness. So the criteria have offered a concrete basis for the implementation of the Senior English teaching and evaluation.
     This thesis aims to investigate the achievement assessment of Senior English from the perspective of new curriculum standards, which is attached great importance to by teachers, students, parents, etc. In accordance with the framework of communicative language abilities and Bachman’s communicative language testing theory, traditional achievement tests are not perfect and comprehensive to assess the students’language use abilities. So the evaluation suggestions are put forward in the English Curriculum Standards. The investigations mainly focus on the current situation of achievement assessment.
     This thesis consists of six parts. Introducation gives a brief statement of the thesis. The first chapter presents the definitions of language abilities in different periods and gives a brief review on language testing in the developing process. In the light of the theories, the author pointed out that the comprehensive language use abilities referred in the English Curriculum Standards go beyond the category of
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