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The dissertation is to study on reform outcomes of Australian VET (Vocational Education and Training) since 1980s, started from "Macro-curriculum conception" and taken curriculum quality as main thread. Based on this, the author put forward a rough framework of Chinese VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System.
     The whole dissertation is divided into following introduction and eleven chapters.
     Introduction. This part is to explain the purpose of the study, the key concepts in the study, the methods using in the study, and the framework of the whole research.
     Chapter One, Summary of Literature. This chapter is to study the collection, analysis and summarizon of the previous studies on Australian and Chinese VET system as well as the existing issues of Chinese VET curriculum, through searching periodical websites and consulting current relevant monograph. It's basic work for the whole research.
     Chapter Two, Comparative analysis of Sino-Australian VET development and "soil" environment This chapter is to comparatively study on Chinese and Australian VET development and reform, the background of Chinese and Australian VET reform and Chinese and Australian VET system. It is to analyze history and current status of Chinese and Australian VET development, conclude advanced experience and advantages and disadvantages of two countries. Based on those, reforms and innovations of Chinese VET systems is needed to perfect VET macro system and micro foundation, and develop a VET strategy with Chinese characteristics.
     Chapter Three, The Classic frameworks and experiential pathway of Australian VET reform. This chapter to study on the following Australian VET reform core outcomes: AQTF (Australian Qualification Training Framework), AQF (Australian Qualification Framework) and TPF (Training Package Framework). It expatiates the operation process of AQTF through introducing the background and features of AQTF, and methods and meaningfulness of registered training. It induces the linkages of different levels and flexibility of AQF. And the endorsed and non-endorsed parts of Training Package are respectively introduced, with the background of TP followed.
     Chapter Four, Australian 'demand-driven' model VET curriculum. It is to research on curriculum conception guided by Australian course dream leaded and market directed philosohpy, "multi-dimensional" curriculum development and flexible curriculum implementation. Australian VET curricular has clear standardized evidence, and are designed according to AQF, competency standard and assessment guidance specified in the Training Packages. VET curricular are precisely, scientifically and jointly designed by government, industries, companies and training organizations. The delivery of Australian VET curricular is flexible and diverse. Standardized and innovated curriculum management system strongly assures flexible delivery.
     Chapter Five, Value Tropism of Australian VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System. It' s to study on VET quality assurance values in western countries and Australian VET curriculum quality conceptions. It introduces "competency-based" conception of western countries in the process of VET, and five main aspects: specified VET teachers' market entry qualifications and professional development strategies, course settings based on work world; cooperation between industry and training oragazations based on workplace; multi-dimensional enrollment requirement, comprehensive, whole-process and all staff involved system. Australian VET curriculum proves process management based on TQM, curriculum management standards based on ISO9000, curriculum outcomes management based on goal theory and curriculum decision management based on risk awareness.
     Chapter Six, Australian VET Curriculum Quality Standards System. This chapter is to study curriculum content standard system-Training Package, curriculum endorsement standard system and curriculum condition standard system. It introduces units of competencies, certificates and diplomas. Studies on Australian course registration/ accreditation standard system focus on the following four aspects: standards for state and territory registering/course accrediting bodies, standards for undertaking registration functions, standards for undertaking audit and evaluation functions and standards for undertaking course accreditation functions. In terms of the conditions' standards for curriculum implementation, standards for RTOs, including AQTF 2007, teaching and assessment standards are introduced. There is also a rough picture of Chinese piloting for VET teachers '. standard in Chongqing.
     Chapter Seven, Australian VET Curriculum Quality Assurance Input System. This chapter is to analyze condition input system of Australian VET curriculum quality from three perspectives: industry's entire journey participation, government providing sufficient fund and professional development of teaching staff. Australian industries and companies are involved in the whole process of VET by determining VET strategies, participating in VET products development, dominating VET running process and controlling VET quality. Australian government supports VET with enough asset, including competitive and multi-dimensional fund input system, strengthening "blood producing function" of VET itself, and assures high-quality curriculum and teaching by standardizing teachers' market entry qualifications and high-input to professional development.
     Chapter Eight Australian VET Curriculum Quality Decentralized Management System. This chapter is to study on curriculum management from federal government level, state (or territory) government level and RTO level. Federal government takes Training Package as foundation of curriculum quality management, provides consistent standard for curriculum management and makes important contribution to competency-based VET system; takes AQTF and AQF as method of curriculum quality management. R/CABs of each state (or territory) is the linkage between National Training Quality Council and RTOs, auditing the quality of all the RTOs, while RTOs follow stict registration regulations, and carries out internal audit measurements. R/CABs provides Prerequisite for high-quality curriculum implementation, and the RTOs provides guidance for self running through carrying out management procedures, continuously improving quality.
     Chapter Nine. Australian VET Curriculum Quality Multi-dimensional evaluation system. This chapter is to study on curriculum quality evaluation conception, curriculum evaluation, teaching and learning evaluation and school running evaluation. Australia also builds a set of standarded and specified VET quality evaluation system. The Federal government audits VET institutions strictly according to Standards, and inspects RTOs regularly and irregularly. Each state or territory has particular teaching and learning evaluation organization, which supervises and inspects quality of education and training based on training regulations. Besides regular visit to training organizations, education and training departments are required to write a report to evaluation committee annually. Undergoing strict quality evaluation plays a crucial role to promote teaching and learning of RTOs and assure the quality of VET.
     Chapter Ten, Enlightment to Construct Chinese VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System. This chapter is to analyze the necessity to construct Chinese VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System in terms of four perspectives: basic principle, main body, structure and operating mechanism. The development of Chinese VET Curriculum demands not only long-term input mechanism from both central and provincial government, but also decentralized management system and multi-dimensional evaluation system. And only through the vertical management involving national, provincial and training organization levels, the practical experience of Chinese VET Curriculum Quality Assurance can be accumulated.
     Chapter Eleven, Conclusion. Under three classic frameworks of VET and "demand-driven" curriculum model, Australian VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System consists of five sub-systems, namely quality conception system, quality standard system, quality condition input system, quality decentralized management and quality multi-dimensional evaluation system. They originated from the same environment and rely on each other. Borrowing advanced experience and practical outcomes of Australian VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System, Chinese VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System requires to be constructed in terms of five systems, multi-dimensional evaluation and four systems, based on four principles.
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