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Five-year-schooling of higher vocational education students, compared to others, have their prominent individual differences. In English teaching, individuality teaching is a matter under our close concern. On how to meet the needs of the students' individuality in English learning to improve the English teaching quality, according to years' English-teaching practices and experience, the writer of this paper approaches the solution to it: level teaching.
    This article consists of four parts. The first part, from the aspects of English role in this world, English influence to the students' growth, the role of English teaching in the five-year-schooling of higher vocational education specialities and its development, clarifies the status and functions of English teaching in the five-year-schooling of higher vocational education. The second part analyzes the current situations of higher vocational students and the English teaching, which contain the requirements of the development of higher vocational education for our, the features of higher vocational students' quite non-balanced elementary knowledge and higher vocational education patterning and unification, the present status of low quality and poor efficiency in English teaching. The third section puts forward the solution to improving English teaching : level teaching. It first analyzes the meanings and its expression forms, then illustrates its theoretical basis from philosophy, sociology, psychology and
    pedagogics, finally explains its practical foundation from the necessity and feasibility. The fourth part sets forth in detail the ideas of level teaching. After discussing the premise and foundation of level
    teaching, it forwards the specific steps: class division according to their different levels, choosing proper contents of courses and teaching methods for every level, taking due education assessments. At last, it lists the prerequisites of carrying out level teaching.
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