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基于政府和私人部门合作的PPP (Public-Private-Partnership)模式的实质是通过价格调节机制增加公共产品的有效供给,从而改进整个社会的福利,定价问题是高速公路PPP项目决策的关键问题。在当前PPP项目实践中不乏存在因定价不当而引起政府、私人部门和公众冲突,对项目产生不利影响的实例,同时理论上也缺乏一种有效适应高速公路PPP项目特点自身的定价理论,如何合理确定高速公路PPP项目收费水平,实现政府、私人部门和用户等利益相关者的利益均衡,对于保证高速公路PPP项目成功运作具有重要意义。
The essence of Public-Private-Partnership (called "PPP" for short) model based on cooperation between the government and the private sector is to increase effective public goods supply through the price adjustment mechanism, and therefore to improve the whole social welfare.Pricing is key to highway PPP project decision.There is no lack of examples existed in the current project practice, which made conflicts among government,private sector and public,and produced adverse effects to the project because of improper pricing.In theory, there is not yet an effective pricing theory corresponded with highway PPP project characteristics. How to reasonably determine the highway PPP project pricing level and achieve benefit equilibrium among government, private sector and user etc project stakeholders, has important meaning to guarantee highway PPP project successful operation.
     This dissertation takes highway PPP project pricing problem under uncertain environments as research object,and takes benefit equilibrium among government, private sector and user etc project stakeholders as research target, puts forward two key problems to be solved, including:choose reasonable pricing theory combined with highway PPP project characteristics;research highway PPP project pricing problem under uncertainty environments.
     This dissertation summaries three aspects of literature,including:highway PPP project characteristics,road pricing theories and influence of uncertainty on highway PPP project pricing.The dissertation points out that the road pricing theory has achieved remarkable results but not enough to solve highway PPP project pricing issues.Major limitation lies in that the current pricing theory usually aims at general highway project, lack of analysis the influence of highway PPP project characteristics on pricing and influence of uncertainty on highway PPP project pr(?)cing.
     Firstly,this dissertation deeply analyzes the characteristics of highway PPP project, and points out:it not only has general highway project characteristics, still has other following important features:pricing decision problem of highway PPP project with concession cantract at its heart,is a multiobjective optimization problem involved multiple stakeholders including government,private sector and users,should consider not only influence of targets of government and private sector,and also influence of project users'target.; highway PPP project decision-making process has leader-follower hierarchical structure. The dissertation introduces stackleberg decision theory and points out it can be served as supplement and completement for second-best pricing theory, a kind of pricing theory corresponded with highway PPP project characteristics Achieving stackleberg decision-making goals has a variety of models,the most fundamental and applied mostly model is bilevel programming model, the dissertation defines highway PPP project pricing problem as a bilevel programming model,meanwhile introduces fuzzy programming theory to simulate uncertainties of pricing problem. The dissertation puts forward bilevel programming pricing model under uncertainty is a kind of pricing method accord with highway PPP project characteristics.
     Secondly, this dissertation uses fuzzy programming theory to solve highway PPP project pricing problem under uncertain environments, and taking OD potential traffic demand dw for fuzzy variable, establishes three types of bilevel programming pricing models under uncertainty,including:fuzzy expected value bilevel programming model,fuzzy chance-constrained bilevel programming model and fuzzy dependent-chance bilevel programming model.
     Thirdly, this dissertation, combined with the government and private sector objective equilibrium problem, points out that game between government and private sector has a Nash equilibria in pure strategy.The dissertation provides concept of Nash equilibrium between government and private sector combined with different pricing model.For leader-follower hierarchical structural characteristic of highway PPP project pricing decisions,the dissertation points out that different player's objective equilibrium can use sub-game refined Nash equilibra definition,and provides concept of Stackleberg-Nash equilibrium combined with different pricing model.
     And then, the dissertation designes a intelligent algorithm to solve four main problems of fuzzy bilevel programming pricing models,including:evaluation of uncertain functions; evaluation of Nash equilibrium; evaluation of lower level objective evaluation of Stackleberg-Nash equilibrium.
     Lastly, combined with the approved "Urban Agglomeration Planning in the Central Yunnan Province", this dissertation takes network design problem including Kunming,Yuxi,Qujing,Chuxiong etc core cities in the central Yunnan Province as a case study, verifies the adaptability of the model, and inspects representativeness, reliability and validity of intelligent algorithm.
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