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With the rapid development of the technology of computer science and communication, the logos of digital are inevitably bestowed upon the medical field which closely interrelated to the human. The life value acknowledge of people continuously promotes with the development of society, more and more patients hope for life-support by using high technolgy. So a rational designed medical ultrasonic atomizer with advanced technology will be welcome, which with economical, pragmatic and reliable characteristics.
     Along with the development of ultrasound technology, ultrasound technology has been widely used in aerosol therapy and clinical ultrasound nebulizer is one of the indispensable medical equipment nowadays after "SARS". It has been widely applied in clinical treatment and has become an irreplaceable means of treatment on account of its' many merits, such as simple structure, modest price, easily operate, widely used, perfect efficacy, pain-free, tiny side effect, low costs, safely, easily maintain and so on. Ultrasonic nebulizer can be applied as not only the dose in the treatment of patients suffering from respiratory, but also air humidified devices, sterilize, disease prevention, indoor potted plant modeling and other kinds of roles.
     This paper implements on the basis of the project of intelligent atomizer system.
     Here the main works are:
     (1) Embedded microprocessor part of the core function is the realization of internal control, and detects the mainly factors which influents the exports of the equipment, including equipment spray volume, fan speed, temperature detection equipment, equipped with LCD screen and data storage to display the treatment parameter and equipment status. It realizes human-computer interaction and provisional data will be stored in memory on which X5045.
     (2) In the development of the intelligent atomizer, the optimal decision is designed by analyzing and comparing the two high-frequency oscillators, and its' performance is controlled by a microprocessor controller. So the overall performance is superior to the conventional design.
     (3) Bluetooth wireless transmission technology based on the communication link, the parameters can be collected through Bluetooth wireless transmission up agreement. Meanwhile, the PC will be able to receive control parameters to enhance the treatment of functional network equipment and fill the existing deficiency of the traditional health care system.
     (4) Finally, we reviewed the development process of the whole system, summarized the systematic weak point, and put forward the advice on improving and perfecting the system.
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