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The study was conducted to determine the effects free antigen soybean protein. Secelect eight dens piglets of JiangQuHai type breed(Duroc FengJing JangQuH ai),six dens experiment and two contrests.120 in totals, study included feeding and metabolism experiments. Criteria used were performance, nutrient retention, tibia quality and blood criteria.The treatment diets were fed in a factorial arrangement of three levels of crude phytase(10%, 17.5%, 35%),protain and anergy of all diets were similarjn 20th,30th,40th day, we get blood from anterior vena caia of piglet without diet.In 20th day ,we seclet 8 piglets fost fistula in gaster to get gastric juice..after the experiment ,slaughter all of the 8 piglets to make histologic section and electron micrograph..to study the pigs upgrowth of the alimentary canal .the results are as follows.:
    (1)Observe By histology and photomicrograph technique, breeding by new type fermented soybean, stomach and small intestine of the porkets and piglets are well upgrowthing , villus becomes finger shape, configuration is smooth and in gear, intestinal muscle is thicker and intestinal villus is higher and intestinal recess is deeper than control group
    (2)supplementary raise different processed soybean, pH of endogenetic substance in stomach of all the piglets is become more and more decreaseed (3)Of all the blood performance diarrhea, concentration of BUN,ALB content, concentration of TP, concentration of blood sugar, activity of GPT are increasing with the growth ,while activity of AKP is decreased daily gain of The 3 group is more efficient than control group(P<0.05),
    daily foraging is increase 197.98 percent ,pay of the feedstuff influence is evidently, diarrhea rate is decline in evidence. Diets of Digestive rate on crude
    protein, crude fat, ashes, Ca, P are discrepancy in prominence(P<0.05)
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