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Canada is a multi-race and multi-ethnic,multicultural country.At the two founding peoples--British Canadians and French Canadians living together on the vast territory,with more and more many other ethnic immigrants to settle in Canada,ethnic and racial problems had become a very difficult problem of Canada's political and social life.French Canadians and English Canadians contradiction have aggravated since 19th 40-50,Quebec separation motions rised;The west capitalist nations entered low point in walking gradually by that the postwar“gold develops scheduled time”,and confronted with phenomenon of stagflation. Facing so many questions,it was a major problem that how to set up a harmonious multicultural society what Canadian politicians to be settled urgently.Pierre Elliott Trudeau appointed as Prime Minister 1968 and tried to describe the blueprint with“just society”for the future of Canada.In the limit of Trudeau who was in power 16 years,The main body of this paper discusses the gains and losses of major policy formulation and implementation around building a“just society”in many fields.
     This paper consists of preface、text and concluding remarks:
     Preface,the selected topic about the main body of this paper think and study development at home and abroad.
     PartⅠ,about“just society”summarizes of Trudeau.This part emphasises introduction of Trudeau grew up and“just society”idea how to forms and develops.
     PartⅡ,language and culture policy.Started with“Official language law”and multiculturalism policy.“Official language law”had improved French position,had relaxed fierce contradiction between the French Canadians and English Canadians;Trudeau government made Canadian culture prosperity and made every nation keep its distinctive culture at the same time;
     PartⅢ,Charter of Rights and Freedoms.Because of The Constitution Act of 1982, Canada had the first true sense of the Constitution,and Charter of Rights and Freedoms made citizens of fundamental rights and freedoms by law on the confirmation.Charter of Rights and Freedoms had become the most important part of the Constitution.
     PartⅣ,economic policy.Take Wage and Price Control in 1975 and National Energy Policy in 1980 for instance,analysing Federal government how to answer inflation that economic crisis brings about and high unemployment problem;How the Trudeau government reached an agreement with the Alberta provincial government with regard to sources of energy problem,avoiding the international oil price impingement to Canada.
     Concluding remarks.Summing up“just society”of Trudeau guiding principle putting into effect,affirm Trudeau what made contribution for Canada,and point out defects in policy at the same time.
[1]让·克雷蒂安(Jean Chretien,1934年1月11日—)1934年1月11日生于加拿大魁北克省,毕业于拉瓦尔大学法律专业,并获多所大学法学名誉博士学位。他1963年当选为自由党联邦众议员,自1967年起先后任财政国务部长、税收部长、印第安事务和北方发展事务部长、国库部长、工贸和商业部长、财政部长、司法部长兼总检察长、能源矿业和资源部长以及副总理兼外交部长等职。1990年6月,当选为自由党领袖并于当年12月重新当选为联邦众议员。1993年10月大选后出任加拿大总理。他在1997年和2000年两次大选中连续获胜,蝉联总理。2003年12月卸任。
    [1]Thomas S.Axworthy & Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Towards a just society,Penguin Books,1992.
    [2]Clarkson & Stephen,Trudeau andour times(volumeⅠ、Ⅱ),McClelland & Stewart Inc.The Canada Pubishers 481 University Avenue Toronto,Ontario,1991.
    [1]Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Memoirs,McClelland & Stewart Inc,1993.
    [2]Andrew Cohen and J.L.Granatstein,Trudeau's shadow:the life and legacy of Pierre Elliott Trudeau,A Division of Random House of Canada Ltd,1999.
    [3]George Radwanski,Trudeau,the new American library of Canada limited,1979.
    [4]Robert Bothwell & lan Drummond John,Canada since 1945:Power,politics,and provincialism,Toronto:Buffalo:University of Toronto Press,C 1981.
    [5]Walter L.Gordon,Storm signals:new economic policies for Canada,McClelland and Stewart Limited,1975.
    [6]Harry G Johnson,The Canadian quandary:economic problems and policies,McClelland and Stewart Limited in Association with the Institute of Canadaian Stduies,Carleton University,1977.
    [7]Mr.Melnyk,Trudeaumania,Sarah Chan Mon.Canadian History CHC2D1-02,Oct.28,2002.
    [1]Paul Litt,Trudeaumania:Participatory Democracy in the Mass-Mediated Nation,The Canadian Historical Review 89,1,March 2008.
    [1]George Radwanski,Trudeau,the new American library of Canada limited,1979,p.45.
    [1]George Radwanski,Trudeau,the new American library of Canada limited,1979,p.55.
    [2]George Radwanski,Trudeau,the new American library of Canada limited,1979,p.72.
    [3]George Radwanski,Trudeau,the new American library of Canada limited,1979,p.82.
    [4]约翰·博德利·罗尔斯(John Bordley Rawls,1921~2002),美国著名哲学家、伦理学家。20世纪70年代西方新自然法学派的主要代表之一,同时也是20世纪最伟大的哲学家之一。著作有《作为公正的正义》、、《正义感》、《正义论》等。
    [1]Thomas S.Axworthy & Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Towards a just society,Penguin Books,1992,p.401.
    [2]Thomas S.Axworthy & Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Towards a just society,Penguin Books,1992,p.402.
    [3]George Radwanski,Trudeau,the new American library of Canada limited,1979,p.81.
    [4]George Radwanski,Trudeau,the new American library of Canada limited,1979,pp.82-83.
    [1]Thomas S.Axworthy & Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Towards a just society,Penguin Books,1992,pp.161-162.
    [1]Pitamber Kaur,Federalism and Political Separatism,South Asian Publishers,2000,pp.33-34.转引自孙卫华:“透析加拿大魁北克问题的原因及前景”,河北师范大学毕业研究生硕士学位论文,2003年,第4页。
    [3]D.Paul Schafer,Aspects of Canadian culturalpolicy,Unesco,1976,p.287.
    [4]Thomas S.Axworthy & Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Towards a just society,Penguin Books,1992,p.260.
    [1]Thomas S.Axworthy & Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Towards a just society,Penguin Books,1992,p.261.
    [2]Edgar Mclnnis,Canada,Political and Social History,Toronto,1982.转引自张有伦主编《加拿大通史简编》,南开大学出版社,1994年。
    [3]Thomas S.Axworthy & Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Towards a just society,Penguin Books,1992,p.261.
    [1]西摩·马丁·科普森:《大陆的分界:美国与加拿大的价值与制度》(Continental Divide:the Vvalues and Institutions of the United States and Canada),鲁特埃奇出版公司,纽约,1900年,第180页。转引自高鉴国:《加拿大文化与现代化》,沈阳:辽海出版社,1992年,第105页。
    [1]Richard J.Walton,Canada and the USA,Parent's Magazine Press.New York,1972,p.132.
    [4]Diefenbaker john G,One Canada:The years of achievement 1956-1962,Scarborough,Ontario,1976,p.21.
    [2]Andrew Cohen and J.L.Granatstein,Trudeau's shadow:the life legacy of Pierre Elliott Trudeau,A Division of Random House of Canada Ltd,1999,p.317.
    [3]Kenneth McRobers,Quebec:Social Change and Political Crises,Toronto,The Canadian Publisher,1988,p.326.
    [4]麦肯齐·金(Mackenzie King,1874年12月17日—1950年7月22日)出生在安大略省柏林市,1895年和1897年先后获得多伦多大学学士和硕士学位,从芝加哥大学学习后,他进入哈佛大学,取得经济学硕士(1898年)和哲学博士(1909年)。1908年担任了洛里埃内阁中的劳工部长,1919年出任自由党领袖职务。他在1921年至1926年、1926年至1930年、1935年至1948年三度担任加拿大总理,在位时同长达21年,是英联邦历史上在位时间最长的一位总理。
    [5]Andrew Cohen & J.L.Granatstein,Trudeau's shadow:the life legacy of Pierre Elliott Trudeau,A Division of Random House of Canada Ltd,1999,p.151.
    [1]George Radwanski,Trudeau,the new American library of Canada limited,1979,p.224.
    [2]George Radwanski,Trudeau,the new American library of Canada limited,1979,p.224.
    [3]Robert Bothwell & lan Drummond John,Canada since 1945:Power,plitics,and prowincialism,Toronto:Buffalo:Uniwersity of Toronto Press,C 1981,p.395.
    [4]k.D.Munt J.A.Rink,The Canadian Economy in the 1980's,AC·SEE·MA Winnipeg,Canada,R2P 1E2,1983,p.60.
    [1]K.D.Munt J.A.Rink,The Canadian Economy in the 1980's,AC·SEE.MA Winnipeg,Canada,R2P 1E2,1983,p.23.
    [4]Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Memoirs,Mc Clelland & Stewart Inc,1993,p.182.
    [5]George Radwanski,Trudeau,the new American library of Canada limited,1979,p.272.
    [1]Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Memoirs,Mc Clelland & Stewart Inc,1993,p.196.
    [2]The Canadian Encyclopedia,http://www.the Canadian encyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=HomePage&Params=A1,2008-9-18.
    [3]The Canadian Encyclopedia,http://www.the Canadian encyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=HomePage&Params=A1,2008-10-20.
    [5]Walter L.Gordon,Storm signals:new economic policies for Canada,McClelland and Stewart Limited,1975,p.67.
    [1]Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Memoirs,Mc Clelland &.Stewart Inc,1993,p.196.
    [2]The Canadian Encyclopedia,http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=HomePage&Params=A1,2008-9-20.
    [3]George Radwanski,Trudeau,the new American library of Canada limited,1979,p.273.
    [6]Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Memoirs,Mc Clelland & Stewart Inc,1993,p.197.
    [1]Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Memoirs,Mc Clelland & Stewart Inc,1993,p.286.
    [2]Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Memoirs,Mc Clelland & Stewart Inc,1993,p.287.
    [2]Robert Bothwell & lan Drummond John,Canada since 1945:Power,plitics,and prowincialism,Toronto:Buffalo:Uniwersity of Toronto Press,C 1981,p.421.
    [3]Robert Bothwell & lan Drummond John,Canada since 1945:Power,plitics,and prowincialism,Toronto:Buffalo:Uniwersity of Toronto Press,C1981,p.421.
    [5]Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Memoirs,Mc Clelland & Stewart Inc,1993,p.290.
    [1]Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Memoirs,Mc Clelland & Stewart Inc,1993,p.288.
    [2]Thomas S.Axworthy & Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Towards a just society,Penguin Books,1992,p.106.
    [3]Thomas S.Axworthy & Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Towards a just society,Penguin Books,1992,p.107.
    [4]The Canadian Encyclopedia,http://www.the Canadian encyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=Home Page & Params=A1,2008-11-2.
    [1]Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Memoirs,Mc Clelland & Stewart Inc,1993,p.292.
    [2]Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Memoirs,Mc Clelland & Stewart Inc,1993,p.292.
    [3]Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Memoirs,Mc Clelland & Stewart Inc,1993,pp.293-294.
    [5]Thomas S.Axworthy & Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Towards a just society,Penguin Books,1992,p.111.
    [1]Pierre Elliot Trudeau:Memoirs(Volume 2)“The Art of Governing”Videocassette.Les productions la fete.1994.100 min.转引自 Sarah Chan:Trudeaumania,Canadian History CHC2D1-02 Mr.Melnyk,Mon.Oct.28,2002.
    [2]“Pierre Elliot Trudeau.”(2000).Maclean's.86.转引自 Sarah Chan:Trudeaumania,Canadian History CHC2D1-02Mr.Melnyk,Mon.Oct.28,2002.
    [1]Andrew,Cohen & Granatstein,J.L..Trudeau's shadow:the life and legacy of Pierre.Elliott.Trudeau.A Division of Random House of Canada Ltd,1999.
    [2]Axworthy,Thomas.S.& Pierre Elliott Trudeau.Towardsa just society.Penguin Books,1992.
    [3]Bothwell,Robert & John,lan Drummond.Canada since 1945:Power,politics,and provincialism.Toronto:Buffalo:University of Toronto Press,C1981.
    [4]Clarkson & Stephen.Trudeau and our times(volume Ⅰ,Ⅱ).McClelland & Stewart Inc.The Canada Pubishers 481 University Avenue Toronto,Ontario,1991.
    [5]Diefenbaker john G..One Canada:The years of achievement 1956-1962.Scarborough,Ontario,1976.
    [6]Doern,Bruce.The Politics of Economic Policy.the University of Toronto press in cooperation with the Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Government Publishing Centre,Supply and Services Canada,1985.
    [7]Gordon,Walter L.Storm signals:New Economic Policies for Canada.McClelland and Stewart Limited,1975.
    [8]Hopkins,J.Castell,F.S.S..Canada:the story of the dominion(volume Ⅰ,Ⅱ).New York and London:the Co-operative publication society,1901.
    [9]Johnson,Harry G..The Canadian quandary:economic problems and policies.McClelland and Stewart Limited in Association with the Institute of Canadaian Stduies,Carleton University,1977.
    [10]McRobers,Kenneth.Quebec:Social Change and Political Crises.Toronto,The Canadian Publisher,1988.
    [11]Metealfe,William.Understanding Canada:A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Canadian Studies.New York and London:New York University Press,1982.
    [12]Radwanski,George.Trudeau.the new American library of Canada limited,1979.
    [13]Richard John & Reblasi Elisabeth Gidengil Neil Nevitte.The challenge of direct democracy:The 1992 Canadian referendum.McGill-Queen's University Press,Montreal & Kingston.London.Buffalo.
    [14]Rink,K.D.Munt J.A..The Canadian Economy in the 1980's.AC·SEE·MA Winnipeg,Canada,R2P 1E2,1983.
    [15]Ruggeri,G.C..The Canadian Economy:Problems and Policies.Gage Publishing Limited,1981.
    [16]Schafer,D.Paul.Aspects of Canadian cultural policy,the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization(Unesco),1976.
    [17]Smith,Geoffrey.Reagan and Thatcher.W.W.Norton & Company,New York,London,1991.
    [18]The Americ an Assembly.Canada and the United States:enduring friendship,persistent stress.Columbia University and Council on Foreign Relations,Inc.,1985.
    [19]Trebilcock,Michael J..The Political Economy of Economic Adjustment:The Case of Declining Sectors..University of Toronto Press,1986.
    [20]Trudeau,Pierre Elliott.Memoirs.McClelland & Stewart Inc,1993.
    [21]Walton,Richard J..Canada and the USA.Parent's Magazine Press· New York,1972.
    [22]Zink,Lubor J..Trudeaucracy.Toronto Sun Publishing Ltd,1972.
    [1]Mr.Melnyk.Trudeaumania.Sarah Chan Mon.Canadian History CHC2D1-02.Oct.28,2002.
    [2]Paul Litt.Trudeaumania:Participatory Democracyin the Mass-Mediated Nation.The Canadian Historical Review 89,1,March 2008.
    [10]肖蔚寅:《特鲁多与加拿大联邦制的发展探析》(2006)孙卫华:《透析加拿大魁北 克问题的原因及前景》(2003).封永平:《当代加拿大宪法危机探析》(2002),硕士学位论文,河北师范大学。
    [2]Canadian Historical Review:http://utpjournals.metapress.com/content/120322/
    [3]The Canadian International Trade Tribunal:http://www.citt.gc.ca/index_e.asp
    [4]The Candian Journal of Economics:http://economics.ca/cje/en/index.php
    [5]The Canadian Encyclopedia,http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=H ome Page & Params=A1

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