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Learning organization means:organization can recognize the challenges and chances bring from internal and external environmental change, continue learning new knowledge consciously, then make the knowledge share and exchange in the organization, enhance the organization's ability to learn and compete, and members of the organization set up the belief of life-long study and common development vision, realize members'self-transcendence and the organization's innovation and development by the members working and learning harmoniously. University, a organization which is with learning as main evens, with innovating, imparting knowledge and cultivating full development students as the main aim, seems as a learning organization natively. Agreement of ideas between the university and learning organization, convergence of organization's characteristic between them proves it. However With the fast development of modem society, science and technology, economy, and continual changing of environment of high education, many universities did not transform in time, which leads to the university be treated as a traditional organization that not real learning organization. In the traditional model universities, the organization lack the motivation to life-long learning, students can not obtain a ideal job for not learning enough knowledge, lacking innovative spirit,(Sima,2000), eventually lead to influencing development of the university. Therefore, only trying significant transformations continuously, universities can survive and develop in the uninterrupted metabolic environment,and learning organization development model meet transformational logic of university precisely. It is the main reason why more and more scholars pay attention to the learning organization development of the universities.
     Although there are many factors affect learning organization development of the universities, O'Brien said in "The Fifth discipline:The art and practice of the learning organization":I talked about learning organization and change of heart and soul with many people all over the United States, the attitude were all positive. If this kind of organization is popular, why we did not create amount of organizations. I think the reason of it is leadership.Leaders did not quite understand building the organization need what kind of promise. It shows leadership can influence learning organization development of the universities. Some scholars have researched this problem, but most of them elaborated theoretically and took for granted. The empirical research about weather the leadership influences learning organization development of universities and what is the influence mechanism is few. This study was based on reviewing the relative literatures home and abroad, suggested a theoretical research model, set up research tools, questionnaire surveys were undertaken on the twenty universities in the Jiangxi province, then analyze and treat with collected data with Statistics analysis software. Explored the mechanism of leadership influences learning organization in the universities by empirical research, brought up some operational suggestions on learning organization development of university.
     Based on previous studies, this paper first put forward learning organization of universities questionnaire and multiples leadership questionnaire suited to the situation of China, then undertook questionnaire surveys on the 1,000 faculties.The result of the item analyses,exploratory factor analyses, confirmatory factor analyses and reliability analyses show the LOUQ and MLQ in Chinese are satisfactory,they can be used in future study. Secondly, analyze the relationship of learning organization development and leadership of universities, the result shows learning organization development and transformational leadership has significant positive correlation, transformational leadership is easier than transactional leadership to promote learning organization development. However learning organization development and transactional leadership has not significant positive correlation. In this situation, this paper argued leader should use more transformational leadership, for example, charms influence, intelligence develop, motivation inspirit, personal concern, especially initiative administration 'motivation inspirit'.And the result of Repetitive measure analysis of variance (ANOVA).The high rank the leader, the more transformational leadership, but the lower rank prefers using transactional leadership. So this study suggested that should guide the low rank to use more transformational leadership. Thirdly, in order to try to find the existence probabilities of the demographic variables as moderating variables, this study tested five demographic variables, such as leader's sex, disciplines background, academic title,position, tenure. The result shows the moderating effect of the sex, the variable of disciplines background variable, academic title variable, tenure variable were significant. The conclusions make clear that for promoting learning organization of universities, the leaders in the learning universities should not only pay attention to the development of learning organization, circumstances, the led and style of leadership, but also notice leaders'demographic characteristics.
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