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As the "eastward" trend of world economic and political gravity gets more and more obvious, Asia is becoming the "powerhouse" of international relations gradually. East Asia in the field of international political research is a very complicated political game arena, which covers China, Russia, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, ASEAN, America and the "Pan East Asian" states, such as India located in South Asia, Australia and New Zealand located in the region of South Pacific Ocean. East Asian politics is complicated and troublesome, especially in security arena. Fruitful academic achievements made by scholars and research institutions of different states are emerging in the research of security. Security study on East Asia is the prominent task of the international security research after the end of Cold War.
     Power Transition Theory (PTT) itself is not the mainstream theory in international relations, but the theoretical proposition of this theory influences broadly and profoundly. Power Transition Theory develops on the basis of Realpolitik. The kernel of the theoretical architecture attaches importance to the analysis of power. PTT maintains that "power transition" is one of the crucial inducements causing instability in international relations. This dissertation attempts to analyze and investigate scientifically the adjustment of East Asia security architecture in order to unfold new visual angle of East Asia security research by use of reasonable theoretical assumptions and framework of PTT combined with East Asia security transformation. The outstanding "problematic transition" in East Asia region is the rise of China and the transformation or development of Chinese diplomatic strategy. The rise of China brings forth momentous changes on the power comparison of great powers, which does not cause the occurrence of "power transition" in international system but only brings forth limited "power shift" with the new adjustment of power comparison, which is called the "non-typical transition mode" by John Ikenberry. This dissertation selects the basic essentials and factors to comparatively analyze the national power of China, America, Japan, Russia and India from1991to2011by using complex methods on the base of PTT,in order to make clear East Asian countries'power transformation in the post Cold War period. With comparatively analysis the conclusion is that the superior complex strength of America is certainly much unattainable to China. Although the absolute proportion of America descends a little, the advantage of America over other States is overwhelming and there is no one State can challenge it. In conclusion, the power transition does not exist between China and America, and the power comparison only presents some kind of subtle adjustment, that is to say, China can not make parallel to the American advantage in short term. China is in the pre-phase of chasing America at the present time.
     Thus, there is difference in theoretical connotation between "power transition" and "power shift", and the current security trend of East Asia is also different to the situation discussed in PTT."Power shift" is the necessary process resulting in "power transition", and "power transition" is the final orientation of "power shift". So, all the periods before the power transition can be identified in the scope of power shift. The relationship between power transition and power shift is in similarity with the logic relation of quantitative change and qualitative change. The power transition is toward the inevitable tendency when power shift exceeds power parity phase. The reason that power shift produces the change of security relation before power transition lies in that power is still the necessary method realizing security in international relations. Power shift will arouse the sense of insecurity, the occurrence of new security issues, the depth of security tensions, and the adjustment of security relation. Thereby the regional security situation will change inevitably. PTT does not mention the relation between power and security directly, but it links power transition with international (regional) order directly. PTT advocates that relative increase or decrease of power induces the new fluxion and collocation of power elements, and then shakes international (regional) order to transform according to real power politics. The author of this dissertation believes that PTT cannot explain the new security situation of East Asia as the rise of China. It is not the decisive power transition but the power shift itself initiated by the rise of great power induces the new transformation of interstate interaction. Process of this transformation and adjustment will not only determine whether the historical course of power transition will emerge or not, but also determine what kind of international (regional) order will be brought forth by the power transition.
     "Power shift" induced by the rise of China has certainly become the key factor to re-organize the new East Asian security order. Security situation of East Asia has been changed while entering into21st Century. The national strategy of great power has readjusted during the period of "power shift". Obama administration's strategy of "U.S. Returning to the Asia-Pacific" and "U.S. Rebalancing toward Asia-Pacific" indicates that U.S. starts to adjust global security situation, redefines the future strategy pivot of U.S. military forces, and insures that Asia-Pacific region is the global center of U.S strategy in21st Century. This strategic adjustment includes the following aspects:Firstly, U.S. emphasizes that the global center of U.S strategy transforms to Asia-Pacific region, which means that not only the deployment of military forces but also the construction of alliances and defense system will tend to Asia-Pacific region decisively. Secondly, U.S. enhances the preparation of direct military conflict with China, and substitutes the military strategy of Asia-Pacific region of "direct military antagonism" with China for the former strategy of "watch and deter China". Thirdly, U.S. stresses the so called "rise of China" is the maximal uncertainty of security and economy in Asia-Pacific region, strives for the U.S. leadership comprehensively, and makes the U.S."leading roll" of Asia-Pacific region stable and strengthened as the "political guarantee" in realizing cooperation between U.S. and other states in this region. Fourthly, U.S. strives for benefits from Asia-Pacific region economy, and revitalizes U.S. export strategy by use of trade in Asia-Pacific region as point of penetration, and dominates the orientation of future cooperative economy in Asia-Pacific region by multiple means of diplomacy, economy, and strategy. Obama administration's strategy of "U.S. rebalancing toward Asia-Pacific" does not predicate that U.S. will rival comprehensively with China, because neither U.S. nor China is willing to see the "New Cold War".
     The East Asia security relation has changed and adjusted serially in the perspective of power shift:Firstly, the military alliance system is continuously enhanced, and various forms of updated trilateral defense dialogue and cooperation become the obvious trend transforming from U.S.-centered bilateral military alliance. Secondly, U.S. and its main alliances are absorbing India---another rising power of Asia Pacific region, to avoid the building of rival strategic groupings with the rise of China by winning over emerging economies, such as India and Russia. U.S. strives for dominating the historical process of rebuilding balance of power in Asia-Pacific region through substantially consolidating the strategic partnership with India during the period of China's rise. The strategic relation with India is a crucial chain of "U.S. rebalancing toward Asia-Pacific", and U.S. regards India as the key point of economic integration and political stability in the future South Asia and Central Asia. Finally, Southeast Asia is viewed as the access to new strategic resources of U.S. as the important region of restricting China's geo-strategic influence. To achieve this goal, U.S. will reinforce its presence in Southeast Asia and develop the "balancing China" strategy in the issue of South China Sea with the Southeast Asia states using multilateral institutions.
     The process of power shift is also the process of reorganizing regional security order. In the interest of maintaining the security stability, peace, and prosperity of East Asia, and attaching importance to the complex effect of power shift brought forth by the rise of great power, we should have profound cognition and understanding as the followings:Firstly, every state should manage the increasing security dilemma in East Asia well through enhancing dialogue and cooperation, especially the dialogue and cooperation between defense policy departments. Secondly, the adjustment of strategy and policy among states should be treated in deliberative position and attitude, and nationalism emotions and the interference and influence of domestic competing political interests should be reduced. The crux of avoiding security mistrust transforming to military conflicts is to preserve openness and engagement in interstate relations. Finally, besides the traditional military alliances, states in this region should make efforts collectively to build more containable regional security institutions, introduce and enlarge regional security multilateralism constantly, and avoid dangerous "balancing effect" induced by mere institution of balancing power. China's most neighboring states worry about the expansionary policies China will adopt after its rise, and turn to enhance the military and defense cooperation with U.S. or increase the military expenditure and defense spending to contain and watch out China, and rectify their security policy. The future of China's rise should build one new and more containable East Asian security order in the development between balance of power and institutional cooperation.
     New East Asian security order is essentially determined by the collective efforts of all East Asia states, not just by the great power relations. The Six Party Talk is an important manifestation form of Northeast Asian multilateral security institutions, and also is an effective attempt of East Asian security institution. The new security order of East Asia should build not only on the basis of balance of power, but also in the containable regional security cooperative architecture, which regulates and disposes more security issues. Profound recognition should be possessed to insure the correct strategic orientation and positive effectiveness in the reorganization of regional security order with power shift. The future East Asia security should be rebuilt in the dual process of balance of power and institutional cooperation.
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    ①Klaus knorr, The War Potential of Nations, Princeton, NJ.:Princeton University Press, 1956。转引自秦亚青著,《霸权体系与国际冲突:美国在国际武装冲突中的支持行为(1945-1988)》,上海:上海人民出版社,2008年版,第157页。
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    ②A.F.K.Organski, World Politics, New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1958.
    ① A. F. K. Organski, World Politics,2nd ed., New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1968, p.1123.
    ② Organski and Kugler, The War Ledger,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1980,pp.150-52.
    ④ Robert Gilpin, "The Theory of Hegemonic War", in Robert I. Rotberg and Theodore K. Rabb, eds., The Origin and Prevention of Major War, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1988, pp.115-37.
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    ② Woosang Kim and James D. Morrow, "When Do Power Shifts Lead to War?", American Journal of Political Science, Vol.36, No.4 (November 1992), pp.1896-922.
    ③ Woosang Kim, "Alliance Transitions and Great PowerWar"; "Power Transitions and Great Power War from Westphalia toWaterloo", World Politics, Vol.45,No. 1(October 1992), pp.1153-172; "When Do Power Shifts Lead toWar?"; "Power Parity, Alliance, and War from1648 to 1975", in Kugler and Lemke, Parity and War, pp.193-206.
    ④ Woosang Kim and James D. Morrow, "When do Power Shifts Lead to War?",American Journal of Political Science, Vol.36, No.4 (November 1992), pp.1896-922.
    ⑤ Woosang Kim, "Power Transition and Strategic Stability in East Asia", Asian Perspective, Vol.21, No.3(Spring/ Summer 1997), pp.1153-170.
    ① Douglas Lemke and SuzanneWerner, "Power Parity, Commitment to Change, and War"; Douglas Lemke and William Reed, "Regime Types and Status Quo Evaluations:Power Transition Theory and the Democratic Peace"; Douglas Lemke and Jacek Kugler, "The Evolution of the Power Transition Perspective", in Jacek Kugler and Douglas Lemke, eds. Parity and War:Evaluations and Extensions of "The WarLedger", pp.13-33.
    ① Steven Chan, "Exploring Puzzles in Power-Transition Theory:Implications for Sino-American Relations," Security Studies, Vol.13, No.3 (Spring 2004), pp.103-106,130-131.
    ② Ronald L.Tammen, Jacek Kugler, Douglas Lemke, Allan C.StamⅢ, Mark Abdollahian, Carole Alsharabati, Brian Efird and A.F.K.Organski,Power Tansitions:Strategies for the 21st Century, New York:Chatham House Publishers,New York·London,2000,p.195.
    ③ Douglas Lemke, "Power Transition Theory and the Rise of China", International Interactions, Vol.29, Issue 4, Oct-Dec. 2003,p.1270.
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    ③ Ronald L.Tammen, Jacek Kugler, Douglas Lemke, Allan C.StamⅢ, Mark Abdollahian, Carole Alsharabati, Brian Efird and A.F.K.Organski,Power Tansitions:Strategies for the 21st Century, New York:Chatham House Publishers,New York·London,2000,p.7.
    ②《辞海》对“安”字的第一个释义就是“安全”,并在与国家安全相关的含义上举了《国策·齐策六》的一句话作为例证:“今国已定,而社稷已安矣”。维基百科对于" security "的解释:免于遭受危险、破坏、损失和罪恶的程度。
    ③Bill McSweeny, Security, Identity and Interests:A Sociology of International Relations, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1999, p.27.
    ①孟德斯鸠认为“政治自由存在于安全之中"(Emma Rothschill,"What is Security? "Daedalus, Vol,24, No.3(1995),p.67.
    ②阿诺德·沃尔弗斯指出“安全是一种价值观”,是国际政治研究的“起点”和“落点”。(Arnold Wolfers, "National Security in an Ambiguous Symbol", Political Science Quaterly, Vol.67, No.2(fall 1952),pp.482-511)
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    ①详细数据见:Cynthia English, "Gallup:In Mideast, North Africa, Views of Powerful Nations Differ,"
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    ③ Ted Hopf, "The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory," International Security, Vol.23, No.1 (Spring 1998), pp.178-80.
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    ① Colin Elman and Miriam Fendius Elman eds.,Progress in International Relations Theory:Appraising the Field,Cambridge:MIT Press,2003,p.133.
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    ③ Ronald L.Tammen, Jacek Kugler,Douglas Lemke, Allan C.StamⅢ, Mark Abdollahian, Carole Alsharabati, Brian Efird and A.F.K.Organski,Power Tansitions:Strategies for the 21st Century, Chatham House Publishers,New York,London,2000,pp.48-49.
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    ④ Ronald L.Tammen, Jacek Kugler, Douglas Lemke, Allan C.StamⅢ, Mark Abdollahian, Carole Alsharabati, Brian Efird and A.F.K.Organski,Power Tansitions:Strategies for the 21st Century, New York,London:Chatham House Publishers,2000,pp.49-50.
    ① Ronald L.Tammen, Jacek Kugler, Douglas Lemke, Allan C.StamⅢ, Mark Abdollahian, Carole Alsharabati, Brian Efird and A.F.K.Organski,Power Tansitions:Strategies for the 21st Century, New York,London:Chatham House Publishers,2000, p.50.
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    ③霸权周期是指把霸权国从兴起到衰退的整个历史时期。美国学者特伦斯K.霍普金斯(Terence K.Hopkins)和伊曼纽尔.沃勒斯坦(Immanuel Wallerstein)总结了霸权周期的四个阶段:霸权上升期(Hegemonic ascendance),霸权胜利期(Hegemonic victory),霸权成熟期(Mature Hegemony)和霸权衰退期(Hegemonic decline).
    ① A.F.K.Organski, World Politics.New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1958,p.183.
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    中国崛起的第一部专著。不过,他当时讲的主要是中国的经济崛起,而非政治意义上的崛起。参见William H. Overholt, The Rise of China:How Economic Reform is Creating a New Superpower, New York:W. W. Norton & Company,2002。
    ①资料来源:"The Chinese Celebrate Their Roaring Economy As They Struggle With Its Costs ",
    ①A.F.K.Organski,World Politics,New York:Alfred A Konpf,Inc,1968,p.339.
    ②资料来源:"U.S. Status as World's Superpower Challenged by Rise of China",
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    ② E.H.Carr, Twenty Years Crisis,1919-1939:An Introduction to the Study of International Relations,London:Harper perennial,1964,P.102.
    ② Michael Elliott, "The Chinese Century," Tune, January 22,2007, p.33.
    ③ Jennifer M. Lind, "Pacifism or Passing the Buck? Testing Theories of Japanese Security Policy," International Security, VoL29, No.2,2004, pp.92-121.
    ② Richard Seldin, "The US finger on China's pulse", Asia Times, Jun.16,2006.
    ②中国国务院新闻办公室:《2008年中国国防白皮书》,北京2009年1月,第二部分“中国国防政策”。参见: talog=01&SearchFromTop=1
    ④ Robert S. Ross, "China's Naval Nationalism:Sources, Prospects, and the U.S. Response", International Security, Vol. 34, No.2 (Fall 2009); Peter Howard, China's Rising Sea Power:The PLA Navy's Submarine Challenge, New York and London:Routledge,2008 Lyle Goldstein and William Murray, "China Emerges as a Maritime Power," Jane's Intelligence Review, October 2004, pp.34-38.
    ① Aaron L.Friedberg, "11 September and the Future of Sino-American Relations", Survival, Vol.44, No.1,2002,p.43.
    ③数据来源:联合国粮食及农业组织FAO Statistical Yearbook 2010.
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    ③ Samuel P.Huntington, "The Lonely Superpower",Foreign Affairs,March/April,1999.
    ②数据来源:联合国粮食及农业组织FAO Statistical Yearbook 2010.
    ①资料来源:lodie T. Allen. Senior Editor, Pew Research Center and Kathleen Holzwart, Research Analyst, Pew Global Attitudes Project,September 22,2008, " A New Leader for a Chronically Gloomy Japan",
    ②数据来源:联合国粮食及农业组织FAO Statistical Yearbook 2010。
    ②数据来源:联合国粮食及农业组织FAO Statistical Yearbook 2010。
    ① A·F·K Organski and Jacek Kugler, The War Ledger,Chicago&London:TheUniversityof Chicago Press,1980. p.49.
    ① Ronald L.Tammen, Jacek Kugler, Douglas Lemke, Allan C.StamⅢ.Mark Abdollahian, Carole Alsharabati, Brian Efird and A.F.K.Organski,Power Tansitions: Strategies for the 21st Century, New York,London:Chatham House Pablisjers,2000. pp.19-20.
    ②Joseph S.Nye,Jr. "East Asian Security:The Case for Deep Engagement",Foreign Affairs(July/August 1995),pp.92-93.
    ①奥巴马总统当时对这一战略的介绍,请见:President Barack Obama, "Remarks By President Obama to the Australian Parliament," November 17,2011,
    ① U.S. Department of Defense, "Joint Operational Access Concept," January 17, 2012; 该报告的电子版,请参见:
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    ③ Hillary Clinton, "America's Pacific Century," Foreign Policy, November 2011, 2011/10/11/americas_pacific_century?page=full.
    ① Mark E. Manyin, etc., "Pivot to Asian-Pacific:The Obama Administration's Rebalancing towards Asia", Congressional Research Service, March 28,2012.
    ② Hillary Clinton, "America's Pacific Century," Foreign Policy, November 2011, 2011/10/11/americas_pacific_century?page=full.
    ①有关亚洲周边国家对中国崛起的反应的分析,请参见:Sumit Ganguly, Andrew Scobell, and Joseph Chinyong Liow, The Routledge Handbook of Asian Security Studies, London:Routledge,2010; Evan S. Medeiros, etc., Pacific Currents: The Responses of U.S. Alliance and Security Partners in East Asia to China's Rise, Santa Monica:Rand Corporation, 2008.
    ② Arshad Mohammed and Michael Martina, "U.S. and Allies Urge China to Rein in North Korea," AP, December 6, 2010; at
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    ④ Patrick M. Cronin, "Testing Trilaterism," CSIS Pacific-forum:PacNet No.59, December 7,2010.
    ① Mark McDonald, "Mullen Criticizes China over N. Korea," New York Times, December 8,2010.
    ② Reuters, "Kevin Rudd Fires Back the U.S. over Wikileaks:It's Your Fault," Sydney Morning Herald, December 8, 2010.
    ① Michael R. Auslin, "Japan and South Korea:The New East Asian Core," The Orbis, Summer 2005, pp.459-473.
    ② Hillary Clinton, "America's Pacific Century," Foreign Policy, November 2011, 2011/10/11/americas_pacific_century?page=full.
    ③资料来源: 1145248.htm.
    ④报告强调称,美印海军合作帮助奠定了两国防务合作向复杂化发展的基础,并称两国海军每年进行4次演习:“马拉巴尔”(MALABAR)、 "蛇神”(Habu Nag海军两栖演习)、SPITTING COBRA(破坏爆炸物)、"SALVEX" (潜水和营救行动)。
    ⑥美印陆军接触主要集中在Yudh Abhyas(印地语意为‘战争准备’)”的常规演习之上,该演习始于2004年,目前已从连级野外训练演习扩展为营级实弹演习,旅级指挥所演习。
    ⑦空军演习"COPE INDIA"每两年举行一次,上一次于2009年10月在印度阿格拉举行,演习主要内容是人道 主义援助任务演练。
    ② Richard Haass, The United States and India:A Shared Strategic Future, New York:Council on Foreign Relations, September 2011.
    ③ Mohan Malik, China and India:Great Power Rivals, Boulder:Firstforum Press,2011; Jonathan Holslag, China and India:Prospects for Peace, New York:Columbia University Press,2009; Ashley J. Tellis, Travis Tanner, and Jessica Keough, ed., Asia Responds to Its Rising Powers:China and India, Seattle:National Bureau of Asian Research,2011.
    ④ Joshy M.Paul:"Emerging Power and Cooperative Security in Asia",RSIS Working Paper,20 December,2010, p.3.
    ① Joshy M.Paul:"Emerging Power and Cooperative Security in Asia",RSIS Working Paper,20 December,2010, p.19.
    ② Amitav Acharya, "Will Asia's Past Be Its future?",International Security, Vol.28,No.3,2003/04,p.150.
    ③ Joshy M.Paul:" Emerging Power and Cooperative Security in Asia",RSIS Working Paper,20 December,2010, p.19.
    ④ Frank C.Darling,United States Policy in Southeast Asia:Permanency and Change, Asian Survey, Vol.14, No.7(July,1974),p.608.唐纳德·纽霍特兰是界定“美国国家利益”的著名学者。
    ⑤ Douglas Webber,"Two Funerals and a Wedding?The Ups and Downs of Regionalism in East Asia and Asia-Pacific after the Asian Crisis",Pacific Review, Vol.14,No.3(2001),p.355.
    ②Daniel Twining, "America's Grant Design in Asia",The Washington Quarterly,Vol.30,No.3 (2007),p.85.
    ②Daniel Twining, "America's Grant Design in Asia",The Washington Quarterly,Vol.30,No.3(2007),pp.85-86.
    ① Avery Goldstein, Rising to the Challenge:China's Grand Strategy and International Security, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2005, p.216.
    ④ Barry Buzan, "Security architecture in Asia:the interplay of regional and global levels", The Pacific Review,16(2003), pp.143-73.
    ⑤ Ryo Sahashi, "Security Arrangements in the Asia-Pacific:A Three-Tier Approach," in Bilateral Perspectives on Regional Security:Australia, Japan and the Asia-Pacific Region, ed. William T. Tow and Rikki Kerstain,New York: Palgrave MacMillan,2012.
    ⑥ Willam T. Tow and Brendan Taylor, "What Is Asian Security Architecture, "Review of International Studies, Vol.36,Issue 12010,p.96.
    ① Willam T. Tow and Brendan Taylor, "What Is Asian Security Architecture,"Review of International Studies,Vol.66,Issue 1,2010,p.110.
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    ①David Wilkenson,"Unipolarity Without Hegemony,"pp.141-172.转引:朱锋:“东亚安全:问题变化、范式多样化与理论创新”,《国际关系理论与东亚安全》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2007年版,第109页。
    ① Aaron L. Driedberg, "Ripe for Rivalry:Prospects for Peace in a Multipolar Asia"; Thomas J. Christensen, "China, The US-Japan Alliance, and the Security Dilemma in East Asia," International Security, Vol.23, No.4,1999, pp.5-38; Reinhard Drifte, Japan's Security Relations with China Since 1989:from Balancing to Bandwagoning? New York: RoutledgeCurzon,2003; Ming Wan, Sino-Japan Relations:Interaction, Logic and Transformation,2006.
    ① Peter Van Ness, "Designing a Mechanism for Multilateral", Asian Perspective, Vol.32, No.4,2008, p.124.
    ③ Susan Strange, "Cave! Hic Dragones: A Critique of Regime Analysis," International Organization, Vol.36,1982,p.485.
    ④ Robert Jervis. Security Regime,P.357.转引自刘杰《国际机制论》,北京:新华出版社,2001年版,第236页。
    ⑤ Robert Keohane. After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1984.
    ⑥ Janice Stein. Detection and Defection: Security Regime and the Management of the International Conflict,pp.600-609.转引自刘杰《国际机制论》,北京:新华出版社,2001年版,第241页。
    ⑦ Joseph S.Nye, "Nuclear Learning and U.S.-Soviet Security Regime," International Organization,1987,,Vol.41.
    ① John J.Mearsheimer, "China's Un-peaceful Rise".Current History,Vol.105, Iss.690,2009, pp.160-163.
    ② David Shambaugh, ed., Power Shift:China and Asia's New Dynamics, London:University of California Press,2005,pp.12-16.
    ① Peter Van Ness, "Designing a Mechanism for Multilateral", Asian Perspective, Vol.32, No.4,2008, p.125.
    ③相关论述参见Chadwick I. Smith, " North Korea:The Case for Strategic Entanglement", Obis, Spring 2006,pp.343-353.
    ④ Benjamin Self, "China and Japan:A Fa?ade of Friendship",The Washington Quarterly,Vol.26,No.1, 2003,pp.77-88;G.John Ikenberry,"American hegemony and East Asian order", Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol.58,No.3,September2004,pp.353-367.
    ① Kishore Mahbubani, "Results Matters:Pragmatism Prevails in Asia," Global Asia, Vol.5, No.1 (Spring 2010), pp. 37-42.
    ② Amitav Acharya, "Will Asia's Past Be Its Future", pp.149-164.
    ② Kenneth Lieberthal and Wang Jisi, "Addressing U.S.-China Strategic Mistrust," The Brookings Institution:John L. Thornton China Center Monograph Series, Number 4, March 2012.
    ① Ralph A.Cossa, "US Approaches to Multilateral Security and Economic Organizations in the Asia-Pacific", in Foot Rosemary et al., US Hegemony and International Organizations, New York:Oxford University Press,2003,p.193.
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