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Competitive sports schools are sports schools attached to the institues of physical education of China physical culture and sports commission and formed in 1979, because of rapid development of competitive sports in the world and our national reality. Through more than 20 years dev elopment~ competitive sports schools have had some framwork and cultivated a lot of very outstanding athletes, produced excellent results improved the cultural qualities of athletes in our nation and enhance the competitiveness of athletes?rework. Furthermore competitive sports schools have cultivated numorous elite athletes to our nation and society. They also have accumulated ~vealth of experience for researching the combination of athletic system and education system and making the institutes of physical education the base of the combination of learning. training and researching. The facts prove that : such a training system that takes the advantage of the facilities of institues of physical education . the scientific conditi
    on the environment of study for cultivating the champions is useful. Nevertheless, some defects have exposed in course of their deveiopment ~vhich especially affected their living and developing in the future. This paper is based on the background of its establishment, the conclusion of historical achievement of competitive sports schools and the analysis of current states of these schools education, to analyse the change and development of competitive sports chools?scale and running benefit over 20 years . Research shows in the past years the competitive sports schools?running benefit developed waved upon wave, there are significant deferences among these schools?running benefit. This paper exposes the factors that influence the development of competitive sports schools under the circumstance of market economy: the channels that the funds come is unitary and the use of funds is not reasonable, the scale of school is not very opproprite, the present competitive system is not rational, the comprehensive ad
    vantages of the institutes of physical education is not made fully use, the setting of events is not rational and the
    policy of Schooling and Training is not deeply practiced and so on. Finally, according to the basic principles of education investment and sports investment. combinating the realistic situation of China and these 6 schools as well as the experts? advices, the paper raises the tendency of reform and development of competitive sports schools in the future.
     Through the analysis, this paper tries to offer some help for running the schools well and reforming and developing these schools . and to provide some useful reference for the pertinent departments? inspection and evaluation.
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