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As the severe situation of China’s energy industry, its sustainable developmentdepends on technology innovation. So far, studies about energy industry technologyinnovation focus on new energy technology, technology innovation input intensity,evaluationofsomeenergybusinesss,etc,whilethereisonlyalittlequalitativeresearchon influence factors of energy industry technology innovation. The dissertation take
     China’s five basic energy businesses as the research objects to systematically sum uptheinternalandexternalinfluencefactors,andanalyzeitsactionmechanisminside-out.Through analyzing the modes of technologyinnovation, the motion of technologyinnovation and the factors influencing technology innovation, the dynamic evaluationmodel,thetheoreticalmodelofinternalinfluencingfactors andthetheoreticalmodelofexternal influencing factors of China’s energy industry technology innovation areconstructed. The theoretical model of internal influencing factors analyzed the factorsofresearchanddevelopmentinput,systemfactors,nonresearchanddevelopmentinputand different types of research and development expenditures and deduced the internalinfluencing factors function mechanism. The theoretical model of external influencingfactors analyzed the factors of industry competition and entering industry bulwark anddeducedtheexternalinfluencingfactorsfunctionmechanism.
     On the basis of theoretical analysis, the dynamic evaluation about industrialtechnologyinnovation of China’s energyindustry is brought out. The empirical studieson internal influencing factors theoretical model and external influencing factorstheoretical model are based on the data of China’s energy industry and research anddevelopment institution. The empirical studies on internal influencing factorstheoreticalmodelindicate:
     (1) Research and development expense input is still the main influencing factorsofChina’sEnergyIndustrytechnologyinnovation;
     (2) The factor of industry system is not significant for China’s energy industrytechnologyinnovation;
     (3) The function of different types of research and development expenditure isdifferentforChina’senergyindustrytechnologyinnovation;
     (4) The influention of non-research and development expenditure on technologyinnovationisnegativeforChina’senergytechnologyinnovation.
     (1) At present, foreign direct investment didn’t play role on China’s technologyinnovation;
     (2) The factor of industry competition has negative influence on technologyinnovationexpenseinputandtechnologyinnovationpersonnelinput.
     (3) The factor of entering industry bulwark has negative influence on technologyinnovationexpenseinputandtechnologyinnovationpersonnelinput.
     Theoretical analysis and empirical test have made the conclusions in thisdissertation. Increasing of non research and development expense input can notimprove the industrial technology innovation capability in China and research anddevelopment expense input can enhance the industrial technologyinnovation capability.It is not necessary for industrial technology innovation to increase the energy industrymarket orientation extent and non nationalization of energy industry in China shouldnot be considered at present. Energy industry competition and entering industrybulwark have made against industrial technology innovation capability and restrictionof energy industry competition and enhancement of entering industry bulwark arepropitioustotheenergyindustrialtechnologyinnovationcapability.
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