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It has been more than twenty years since China began its reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs).A lot of innovation of the economic organizational form of our country were carried on under the circumstances that there is not great adjustment in the institution of property right, and they have led to the fact that the reform is out of anticipation to them. Both Marx's theories of property right and western theories of property right emphasize property right's function in improvement to efficiency, stimulation to people. And they were just ignored by the traditional property right system of state-owned enterprise of our country. It is very important to grasp the theories for the innovation of our state-owned enterprises.
    The state-owned enterprise is the pillar of our national economy; the reform of state-owned enterprise has already entered a key period now. Driving the reform of state-owned enterprise energetically, especially the reform of state-owned enterprise's property right system have very important function for improving the vigor and efficiency of state-owned enterprise and building up perfect socialist market economy system. This paper benefits from the new achievement in research of the theory of western property right while adhering to the basic position of Marx's theory of property right, and on the basis of summarizing the drawback of the property right system of state-owned enterprise in our country systematically, it uses the models of contract theory and agent theory by agreement about the enterprise of the theory of western property right, and analyzes insufficient stimulation of the traditional property right system of state-owned enterprise of our country. This is the basic reason for state-owned enterprise's inefficiency and economy of poor benefits. The reform of property
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