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     为探讨太湖生态健康恶化的成因,解决其环境污染和渔业资源衰退的问题,有关科研单位对太湖的环境、生态、渔业和生物资源等,进行了多次大规模的调查和长期的监测统计工作,开展了许多深入的研究,积累了相当全面、系统的基础资料。但是,以往的研究大多只针对生态系统中一种或几种环境、生物因子,未能充分整合有关太湖完备的基础数据和资料。采用基于食物网的计算机模型,从整个生态系统的角度来探讨渔业和环境影响的研究在国内也不多见。本论文综合运用生态学、水生生物学、生态经济学以及计算机科学的理论和方法,构建了反映太湖生态系统结构和发育过程的EwE模型,得出了量化和综合的结果,对太湖的渔业和环境决策也具有一定的指导意义。该论文首次从生态系统发育(ecosystem development)的角度,指出“幼态化”是太湖生态系统结构的现状特征,其发育的过程是由“成熟态”向“幼态”逆向演替;对太湖生态系统的发育进行了动态模拟,得出了与其发育进程相一致的结果,分析了渔业和富营养化
    析(network analysis)功能,对1 991~1 995年间太湖生态系统的结构和特征进
    用率极低,浮游植物和碎屑的生态营养效率(ee以rophic efficiency)仅为0.413
    thophic effect)都较低,对新银鱼和虾蟹类反而表现出正值。渔业捕捞对大部分
     采用Eeopath,构建了太湖1 960(1 961~1 965),1 980(1 981~1 985)和1990
Taihu lake is the third largest freshwater lake in China with an area of 2338 km2, which is 74% of the total area of all lakes in Taihu basin. Its aquatic system provides lots of ecosystem services such as flood controlling, water supplying, fishery, shipping, touring and culture, and affords a undisplaced natural supporting system for the sustainable social and economic development of Taihu basin. In the recent 40 years, Taihu lake sustained more and more stress from fisheries and pollution. The water quality reduced one class every 10 years and the water body sustained serious eutrophication. The biodiversity declined remarkably and the composition of fishery products was composed of small species with lower value. In 2000, Taihu lake was listed in "water pollution prevention and control on the three rivers and three lakes" by the state environmental protection administration of China. The government planed to solve its eutrophication problem with a investment of 20.43 billion yuan RMB in 1997-2010. And 4.
    1-9.24 million fry was put into Taihu lake every year to maintain the fishery resources. But the efforts of pollution controlling and fishery management have not been integrated in the "frame of ecosystem". As the pollution sources were controlled, the rebuild of the aquatic ecosystem was not processed on schedule. The composition of catches was not reasonable and the fishing intensity was not controlled effectively yet. The excessive fishery and aquaculture kept on destroying the structure of Taihu lake ecosystem.
    For revealing the facts affects the health of Taihu ecosystem and figuring out the problems of environmental pollution and fishery degradation, some academic groups have carried out several large-scale investigations and long-term monitoring on the environment, ecology, fishery and biological resources of Taihu lake. Lots of the researches have studied the relationship between pollution, fishery and ecology, and
    provided comprehensive and systematic information about Taihu ecosystem. But the former studies just focused on one or several environmental and biological facts of the system. Most of the basal data was not utilized and integrated in them. The study based on food-web models, which was constructed in the "frame of ecosystem", was still few in the study of lake ecosystem in China. The paper constructed static and dynamic models using Ecopath with Ecosim, which was a ecosystem modeling software based on food-web. The structures, functions and services value of Taihu lake ecosystem in different decades were studied by 3 static mass-balanced models as viewed form maturity and ecosystem development. The developments of the ecosystem in the stress of fishery and pollution were simulated by several dynamic food-web models. The mechanisms of eutrophication and fishery degradation were revealed, and the effects of future alternative management strategies on ecosystem and fishery profits were evaluated. The results and conclusions are described in detail as follows. 1. The modeling analysis of the structure of Taihu lake ecosystem
    Using the basic and network analysis function of Ecopath, a mass-balanced model with 22 groups was constructed to proceed a quantitative and synthetic analysis for the structure of Taihu lake ecosystem. The Taihu lake ecosystem was composed of 4 aggregated trophic levels. Because of the eutrophication, the throughput of trophic level I was as high as 9956.11t/km2/y. But the ecotrophic efficiency (EE) of phytoplankton and detritus were only 0.413 and 0.362. It meaned that the utilizing efficiency of trophic level I was very low. Small pelagic species such as tapertail anchovy (TapA), silver fish (SilF), macrocrustacean (MacC) and other pelagic fishes (OthF) dominate the ecosystem. The prey overlap index of TapA, OthF, SilF and MarC were higher than 0.8, which meant that there was intensive food competition between the small pelagic species. The negative mixed thophic effects (MTE) of large culters (LarC) on most of its preys were much lower than the trawl fishery. On the oth
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