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城轨交通具有客运周转量大、安全可靠、受干扰少等其他城市客运交通无可比拟的优点,对缓解城市交通压力的作用越来越受到重视。电力牵引具有功率大、速度快、效率高、过载能力强等特点,已经成为城轨交通牵引动力的发展方向。内置式永磁同步电机以其体积小、低速输出转矩大、磁路气隙小等优点,可利用其磁阻效应来提高电机效率和改善调速特性,特别适宜用作城轨交通的牵引电机。城轨电力牵引系统运行能耗问题引起广泛关注,牵引系统节能控制成为城轨牵引系统研究的一个重要方向。论文以城轨牵引内置式永磁同步电机(interior permanent magnet synchronous motor, IPMSM)驱动系统为研究对象,结合城轨交通运行特性,重点研究内置式永磁同步电机效率优化及其控制策略的相关理论和方法,为城轨牵引内置式永磁同步电机驱动系统节能降耗应用提供理论和实验研究基础。
     首先分析内置式永磁同步电机的结构和原理,推导其在不同坐标系中的数学模型,得到相应的等效电路。在分析空间矢量脉宽调制(Space Vector PWM,SVPWM)电压型逆变器的工作特点和SVPWM输出波形谐波成分的基础上,提出了IPMSM直接转矩控制系统开关频率优化方法,根据转速和负载自适应控制滞环宽度值,采用零电压矢量优化分配策略,抑制逆变器输出电压电流谐波,减少由谐波引起的铁芯损耗和铜损,提高系统的效率,改善系统的动态性能。
More and more attentions have been paid on urban rail transit as it relieves pressure of urban transportation, unexampled advantages of which are large passenger transport volume, safe and reliable, little disturbance, and so on, compared with other means of urban passenger transportation. Electric traction has become the development direction of traction power with the following features:high power, fast speed, high efficiency, strong overload capacity. The interior permanent magnet synchronous motor(IPMSM) can make use of the magnetoresistive effect to improve its efficiency and speed characteristics, has the advantages of small size, large output torque in the low speed, minor magnetic air gap, so that it is especially suitable for traction motor of urban rail transit. Extension attentions have been focused on the problem operating energy consumption in the system of electric traction, and energy-saving control of traction system becomes a major research direction in the system of urban rail traction. Chosen the IPMSM drive system of urban rail traction as research object, combined the operating characteristic of urban rail transit, the relevant theory and method to IPMSM efficiency optimization and control strategy are mainly studied in paper. The theoretical and experimental basis is provided for application of energy saving and lower consumption in the drive system of IPMSM for urban rail traction.
     The structure and principle of IPMSM are firstly analyzed, its mathematical models are deduced in the different coordinate system, and respectively equivalent circuits are obtained. The switch frequency optimization method is proposed based on analysing to the characteristic of SVPWM voltage source inverter and harmonic component of SVPWM output waveform. The hysteresis band is adaptively controlled by the speed and load changing rate and the optimum distribution strategy of zero voltage vector is adopted to suppress harmonic waveform in the output voltage and current of inverter, reduce core and copper losses produced by harmonic voltage and current, and improve system efficiency and dynamic performance.
     Based on the analysis to drive system's operating characteristic and motor's state equation, the control strategy of optimal flux/speed and efficiency optimization instantaneous power are presented for the drive system of urban rail traction motor during the transiently operating process of accelerating and braking region.It can fully develop the ability of output torque and can control the stator flux and motor speed to attain minimum operating loss of IPMSM and improve operating efficiency in the control strategy of optimal flux/speed. The instantaneous power control strategy is proposed based on the instantaneous power theory of three phase circuit. Instantaneously input active and reactive power are changed by the control of stator field's amplitude and position angle to improve the system efficiency, torque output capability, and response speed.
     When the drive system of urban rail traction motor runs at constant speed (cruising operation), its operating state is approximated to be steady. The efficiency optimization control in the drive system of urban rail traction motor is solved at steadily operating state. Analyzed the relation among various losses, excitation current, and speed, the loss model of IPMSM is built. The minimum excitation current control method is proposed to attained minimum electromagnetic losses. The minimum loss and maximum output torque are achieved by the minimum excitation current control, and the operating efficiency of motor and dynamic performance of system are improved.
     The loss model efficiency optimization control method of IPMSM is largely dependent on motor parameters and is hard to be realized. The golden section method and fuzzy logic search technique are researched. The integrated search technology is proposed to realize online efficiency optimization control for drive system of urban rail traction motor. Simulation results are proved that the traction system energy consumption is reduced, the traction system efficiency is improved effectively, torque ripple is reduced, and robustness is improved by the method.
     The embedded microcontroller STM32F103 of ST corporation is used for the host control chip, the C programming language is applied for control software, and the experimental platform is constructed for efficiency optimization control system of urban rail traction IPMSM. Design and realization on hardware circuit of overall system and partial software are introduced in detail. The efficiency optimization control experiments of IPMSM drive system are performed on the platform during the transiently operating process of accelerating/braking region and steady-state operating process of constant speed (cruising operation). The validity of the proposed strategy is proved by the experimental results.
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