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     通过超滤、凝胶过滤色谱和RP-HPLC对鳀鱼蛋白酶解产物分离纯化,最后以基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱法(MALDI-TOF-TOF MS)鉴定出该肽段的氨基酸序列为Ser-Gln-Phe-Pro-Phe-His-Ala-Arg-Gln-Gln,分子量1244.8Da。
The present study deals with the effects of different conditions on the antioxidantactivity of protein hydrolysates of anchovy autolysis. The optimum conditions weredetermined to obtain high antioxidant activity hydrolysate. Considering the effects ofinactivation of enzyme, inhibition of substrate and product inhibition on the autolysis, aempirical equation autolysis kinetics about the relationship between DH and autolysis timewas established. On the basis of the autolysis exogenous enzymes was added to obtainhydrolysate with higher antioxidant activity. The best enzyme and the optimal hydrolysisconditions were determined. The antioxidant effect of the anchovy protein hydrolysates wascomprehensive evaluated by using vitro antioxidant tests. Antioxidant peptides from anchovyprotein hydrolysates were isolated and identified using modern purification and amino acidsequencing technology. The physicochemical properties and oxidation stability of anchovyprotein hydrolysate was studied.
     The protein content of anchovy was15.7%, rich in amino acids. The total content ofproline, leucine, valine and aromatic amino acid content was32.0%. At the condition ofsubstrate concentration42.4mg/mL, temperature50°C, pH7.5and autolysis time3hhydrolyzate obtained DPPH radical scavenging activity, the degree of hydrolysis and totalrecoveries were respectively64.2%,24.3%and77.0%. The anchovy protein autolysisdynamics model of was derived and validated. Autolysis dynamics and thermodynamicsconstants were Km=8.7g/L、k2=1.4gU-1min-1、Ks=73.9g/L、kd=0.15gU-1min-1,△EA=2.68×104J/mol. There is substrate inhibition phenomenon in the process of autolysis.
     When using exogenous enzymes to assist autolysis, the optimal enzyme and hydrolysisconditions were as follow: Best of goods protease composition: Protamex:Flavourzyme500MG: Alcalase2.4L=1.1:1.0:0.9, E/S of3.27%(w/w, protein),2.7hydrolysis time and temperature55.4°C. Under this conditions the DPPH radical scavengingactivity, DH and total nitrogen recovery of hydrolyzate were84.7%,33.2%and87.5%,respectively, which were respectively increased by20.5%,8.9%and10.5%compared withautolysate.
     Autolysate (APH) and hydrolysate prepared by best commercial enzyme assisted autolysis (CAPH) showed good antioxidant activity, wherein the reducing power, DPPHradical scavenging activity, hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, superoxide anion radicalscavenging activity and chelating metal ions of CAPH was better than that of APH. Theantioxidant activities have concentration-effect relationship. Antioxidant activities of anchovyprotein hydrolysate in linoleieaeid system were low compared with BHT, Inhibition activityof APH is slightly stronger than that of CAPH.
     Antioxidant peptide was purified from anchovy protein hydrolysates by ultrafiltration,gel filtration chromatography and RP-HPLC. The amino acid sequence of peptide isidentified as Ser-Gln-Phe-Pro-Phe-His-Ala-Arg-Gln-Gln by matrix-assisted laserdesorption/ionization time-of-flight mass (MALDI-TOF-TOF MS). The molecular weight ofpeptide is1244.8Da.
     Essential amino acids (EAA) content of anchovy protein hydrolysates of were metWorld Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO/WHO) mode (1991).The flavor amino acid of APH and ACPH f were44.83%and44.59%, respectively. In freeamino acids, flavor amino acid contents of APH and CAPH were9.46%,12.42%,respectively. Commercial enzyme assited autolysis is more conducive to the relaease of flavoramino acid in the form of free amino acid. The mass percentage of peptide of AHP andCAPH were67.15%,62.93%, respectively. The molecular weight of most peptides is lessthan1kDa. The percentage content of peptide with molecular weight less than5kDa of AHPand CAPH were90.1%,96.2%, respectively.
     In the range of pH2.0-10.0, solubility of anchovy protein hydrolyzate was above80%.The minimum solubility was at pH4.0. When pH was8.0, the solubility of APH and CAPHwere respectively up to97.3and98.9%. When pH <5.0, the turbidity of anchovy hydrolysatewas high and the maximum turbidity appeared at pH3.0(CAPH) or pH4.0(APH). When pH≥4.0, the turbidity was significantly reduced.
     In the range of pH2.0-10.0, anchovy hydrolyzate antioxidant activity can be maintainedat80%. At20-100°C range, APH and CAPH antioxidant activity did not change significantly(P>0.05). After2h treatment at100°C, antioxidant activity was still maintained at above96%. After digestion by in vitro gastrointestinal enzymes, APH and CAPH antioxidant activity retention rates were respectively72.3%and70.5%, decreased by27.73%,29.5%compared with that before digestion.
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