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During April 13-May 14 of 2005 and April 15 - May 15 of 2006, in Tumuji Nature Reserve of Inner Mongolia, I maked use of observation's method, kind square method, kind line method, factor measurement's method etc. which belong to wild method and combine with Wilcoxon test, Chi-square test, Principal componants analysis etc. to study habitat selection of Redcrowned Crane, Siberian crane, White-naped Crane, Hooded Crane, Common Crane and compare their Feeding habitats and non-feeding habitats, and carryed on comparison on the habitat selection of the 5 cranes. Result is as follows:
     Chi-square test showed that five kinds of cranes are different in plant types, water current condition, underground condition, distance to waters.The red crowned crane are pleased to dwell for rest above 2000m of artificial interference, and the water depth is around 25 cm in reed marsh, the early spring also are seen in farmland; The white crane like to rest in the artificial interference is between 1000m and 2000m,the water depth is around 30 cm in reed marsh.They are also seen in sedge meadow and accidentally are seen in moss meadow; The white naped crane like to rest in the artificial interference is above 2000m, most dried moss meadow and sedge meadow,the distance to water is below 1000m, it shows markedness is small in plant types selection,the concomitant rate is above 0.01; The markedness of hooded crane is also smaller in plant types selection, the concomitant rate is above 0.01, the artificial interference is above 1000m and markedness is small in the distance to water, the concomitant rate is above 0.01; Common crane's markedness is smaller in plant types, the concomitant rate is above 0.01, the artificial interference is above 1000m and markedness is small in the distance to water ,the concomitant rate is above 0.01.
     Wilcoxon test showed that markedness of five kinds of cranes towards plants hight selection is big ,all below 0.001, among them, the red crowned crane and white crane has high request towards plants hight while white naped crane has low request towards plants hight; On plants density selectivity only red crowned crane and white crane are not marked, the concomitant rate is above 0.05, the other all attains to marked level;On plants cover selectivity ,between the red crowned crane and the white crane, hooded and white crane, red crowned crane and hooded crane the difference is not marked,the concomitant rate is above 0.05, the other all attains marked level;On water's depth on plants ground selection ,between the hooded crane and the white naped crane, hooded crane and common crane,common crane and the white naped crane the difference is not marked, the concomitant rate is above 0.05, the other all attains to marked level;On the number of plant kinds, between white crane and white naped crane, hooded crane and white crane,hooded crane and white naped crane the difference is not marked,the concomitant rate is above 0.05, the other all attains to marked level.
     The Principal componants analysis shows that the main gene of the red crane to habitat selection is the food, veil water and vegetation, for the white crane, food and veil are the main gene, for the white nape crane, the main gene are food ,water and vegetation, for white head crane are veil water and vegetation, however, food, veil and vegetation are the main gene for the common crane's habitat selection.
     The results of distance mutuality analysis of five kinds of crane show that the red crane and white crane have greater comparability of eating habitat selection, the greatest comparability is between white head crane and common crane, and the comparability between white nape crane to white head crane and common crane is also obvious.
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