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施坚雅模式(Skinnerian Model)是美国著名中国学家施坚雅在20世纪60—80年代提出的一套研究中国明、清社会历史的理论模式。在理论与方法上,它融合了经济人类学、历史学、地理学、人口统计学、社会学、生态学等多种人文学科和社会科学的理论与方法。施坚雅模式出现后,影响了整整一代美国中国学家,至今在国际学术界仍有很大影响。诚然,对于这样一套系统的研究模式,目前国内外进行系统研究和探讨的还不多。本文拟从史学理论与史学史的角度,对施坚雅模式做一个案分析,意在探求其理论的内涵和外延,并籍此进一步了解近几十年美国中国学的发展变化。笔者期望这样的研究,庶几有助于我国历史学研究的探讨和借鉴工作。
Skinnerian Model, proposed by a famous expert at Chinese studies named George William Skinner during the period of 1960s-1980s, is a kind of theoretical model for the study of the Chinese society and history in late imperial China. It absorbs theories and approaches from other social and humane studies like economic anthropology, historiography, geography, demography, sociology and ecology, etc., and has influenced a whole generation of Chinese studies scholars. The impact of this model can still been found abroad today, whereas, there is no systematic study on Skinner and his model at home and abroad. My dissertation attempts to make a case study of Skinner from angles of historiography so that it can provide a further understanding of the development of American Chinese studies and their experiences of which we may make use.
    The current dissertation has made a comprehensive study of Skinnerian Model with methodology of academic history by recounting Skinner's academic career, sorting out Skinnerian Model system, analyzing social and academic backgrounds, and discussing its academic impact from the debates it has aroused in the academic circle and its practice. The dissertation consists of five parts except preface, conclusion and appendix.
    The first part is an account of Skinner's life and research activities. In 1948, Skinner started his anthropological study and in 1949, he came to Sichuan Province to do fieldwork, from then on he developed a liking for Chinese studies. In his 55-year academic career so far, Skinner has studied Chinese mainland as well as overseas Chinese. He has made an analysis of Chinese history and a tracking observation of Chinese status quo, and thus, in his works, there are both macroscopic theoretical frame and microcosmic case studies, which shows a research of Chinese practical problems and norm and construction the discipline of Chinese studies. His theories are mainly illustrated in such "Marketing and Social Structure in Rural China" (1964-1965), The City in Late Imperial China (1977), and "The structure of Chinese history" (1985). The dissertation does not adapt the two principal models of "marketing system theory" and "macro regional theory" but cracks the spatial structure of Skinnerian Model from macroscopic
     to microcosmic aspects and temporal structure from microcosmic to macroscopic aspects. Therefore, in our research his theories are divided into 7 parts: 1) macro regional hypothesis; 2) core-periphery theory; 3) Scale and arrangement of center in a regional system; 4) the rule of date arrangement of rural marketing; 5) theory of standard marketing community; 6) changes of traditional marketing and center places; and 7) regional development cycle hypothesis.
    The second part is mainly an analysis of the academic properties and origins of Skinnerian Model. Theoretically, the model derives primarily from Walter Christaller's central place theory which is also the base and core of the model. Besides, it also makes use of Maurice Freedman's anthropology, George K. Zipf's rank-size theory and Gilbert Rozman's municipal space net hypothesis. In its theoretical dimension, the most obvious
    feature of Skinnerian Model lies in its combination of research model and original theories. Thus, on the one hand, the model has the functions of other models in guiding and constructing Chinese studies; on the other hand, it is qualified for being the original theory of Chinese studies since the problems under studying are original, the materials are firsthand and the conclusions are creative. Moreover, it constructs the regional system of Chinese traditional society with system theory, displaying another theoretical feature of "Chinese center orientation". In the dimension of methodology, Skinner uses area study to highlight the diversity of Chinese society by adapting such means of quantitative analysis and comparison to show the changes of the society, making advantage of other disciplines' approaches to develop Chinese studies into an authentic social science. In addition, pos
1. Report on the Chinese in Southeast Asia. Ithaca: Cornell University, Southeast Asia Program,1951.《东南亚华人报告》
    2. (General editor) The Social Sciences and Thailand. Bangkok: Cornell Research Center, 1956.(总编)《社会科学与泰国》
    3. Chinese Society in Thailand: An Analytical History. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1957. (Japanese edition: Bangkok: Japanese Chamber of Commerce, 1973.)《泰国的华人社会:分析的历史》
    4. Leadership and Power in the Chinese Community of Thailand. Ithaca: Cornell University Press,1958. (Monographs of the Association for Asian Studies, Ⅲ. Japanese edition: Tokyo: Ajia Keizai Kenkyujo, 1961. Reprinted 1979 by Universities Microfilm International.)《泰国华人社会的领导与权力》
    5. (Editor) Local, Ethnic, and National Loyalties in Village Indonesia: A Symposium. New Haven:Yale University, Southeast Asia Studies, 1959.(主编)《印度尼西亚农村的地方性、种族性与民族忠诚:座谈纪要》
    6. (Editor) Modern Chinese Society: An Analytical Bibliography, Vol. 1, Publications in Western Languages, 1644-1972. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1973.(主编)《近代中国社会研究:论著类目索引》,第一卷西文卷,1644—1972年
    7. (Editor, with Winston Hsieh) Modern Chinese Society: An Analytical Bibliography, Vol. 2,Publications in Chinese, 1644-1969. Stanford University Press, 1973.(与谢文逊合编)《近代中国社会研究:论著类目索引》,第二卷中文卷,1644—1969年
    8. (Editor, with Shigeaki Tomita) Modern Chinese Society: An Analytical Bibliography, Vol. 3,Publications in Japanese, 1644-1971. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1973.(与富田重亮合编)《近代中国社会研究:论著类目索引》,第三卷日文卷,1644—1971年
    9. (Editor, with Mark Elvin) The Chinese City Between Two Worlds. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1974.
    10. (Editor, with A. Thomas Kirsch) Change and Persistence in Thai Society: Essays in Honor of Lauriston Sharp. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1975.(与托马斯·凯西合编)《泰国社会的变迁与持续:纪念劳伦斯·夏普文集》
    11. (Editor) The City in Late Imperial China. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1977.(主编)《中华帝国晚期的城市》
    12. (Editor) The Study of Chinese Society: Essays by Maurice Freedman. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1979.(主编)《中国社会研究:莫里斯·弗里德曼文集》
    13. (Editor, with Sow-Theng Leong and Tim Wright) Migration and Ethnicity in Chinese History: Hakkas, Pengmin and Their Neighbors. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1997.(与龙苏尘、蒂米·莱特合编)《中国历史上的移民与种族:客家人、棚民及其邻居》
    14. Kinship System of Spanish-Americans of New Mexico. 1948《新墨西哥州西班牙人—美国人的亲属制度》(未刊稿)
    15. Kundiyo, New Mexico. 1948《新墨西哥的坎迪奥》(未刊稿)
    16. Field Notes-Skinner's conversations and information from informants/residents. 1948《田野调查注释——施坚雅与居民的访谈录》(未刊稿)
    17. Aftermath of Communist liberation in the Chengtu Plain. Pacific Affairs 24, 1 (Mar. 1951):61-76.《共产党解放成都平原的后果》
    18. The new sociology of China.Far Eastern Quarterly 14, 4 (Aug. 1951): 365-71.《中国的新社会学》
    19. Peasant organization in rural China. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 277 (Sept. 1951): 89-100.《中国乡村的农民组织》
    20. A study in miniature of Chinese population. Population Studies 5, 2 (Nov. 1951): 91-103.(Reprinted in Social Demography, edited by Thomas R. Ford and Gordon F. De Jong.Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1970, 642-56.)《中国人口之微观研究》
    21. Cultural values, social structure and population growth.Population Bulletin of the United Nations 5 (July 1956): 5-12.《文化价值、社会结构与人口增长》
    22. The unity of the social sciences.In The Social Sciences and Thailand.Bangkok:Cornell Research Center,1956,3-6. (In Thai and English). 《社会科学的一致性》
    23. Chinese assimilation and Thai politics.Journal of Asian Studies 16,2(Feb.1957) :237-50. (Reprinted in Southeast Asia:The Politics of National Integration,edited by John T.McAlister,Jr.New York:Random House,1973,383-98. ) 《华人的同化与泰国政治》
    24. The Chinese of Java.In Colloquium on Overseas Chinese,edited by Morton H.Fried.New York:Institute of Pacific Relations,1958,1-10. 《爪哇的华人》
    25. Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia.Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 321(Jan.1959) :136-47. 《东南亚的海外华人》
    26. The nature of loyalties in rural Indonesia.In Local,Ethnic and National Loyalties in Village Indonesia:A Symposium.New Haven:Yale University,Southeast Asia Studies,1959,1-11. (Reprinted in Social Change:The Colonial Situation,edited by Immanuel M.Wallerstein.New York:Wiley,1966,265-77. ) 《印度尼西亚农村效忠的特性》
    27. Change and persistence in Chinese culture overseas:A comparison of Thailand and Java.Journal of the South Seas Society 16(1960) :86-100. (Reprinted in Readings in South-east Asian Anthropology,edited by Donald J.Tugby.Brisbane:University of Queensland Press,1967. Reprinted in Southeast Asia:The Politics of National Integration,edited by John T.McAlister,Jr.New York:Random House,1973,399-415. ) 《海外华人文化的变迁与持续:泰国与爪哇的比较》
    28. Java's Chinese minority:Continuity and change.Journal of Asian Studies 20,3(May 1961) :353-62. 《爪畦的华人少数民族:连续与变迁》
    29. The Chinese minority.In Indonesia,edited by Ruth T.McVey.New Haven:HRAF Press,1963,97-117. (Indonesian translation:Golongan minoritas Tionghoa.In Golongan Etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia,edited by Mely G.Tan.Jakarta:Penderbit PT Gramedia,1979,1-29. ) 《华人少数民族》
    30. What the study of China can do for social science.Journal of Asian Studies 23,4(Aug.1964) :517-22. [Chinese translation in Ta-hsueh sheng-huo(Hong Kong)6(1966) :8-13. ] 《中国研究可以为社会科学做些什么》
    31. The Thailand Chinese:Assimilation in a changing society.Asia 2(Autumn 1964) :80-92.
    32. Marketing and social structure in rural China,Parts Ⅰ,Ⅱ,and Ⅲ.Journal of Asian Studies 24,1(Nov.1964) :3-44;24,2(Feb.1965) :195-228;24,3(May 1965) :363-99. (Part I reprinted in Peasant Society:A Reader,edited by Jack M.Potter et al.Boston:Little,Brown,1967,63-93;and in Man,Space and Environment:Concepts in Contemporary Human Geography,edited by Paul Ward English and Robert C.Mayfield.New York:Oxford University Press,1972,561-601. Parts Ⅰ,Ⅱ,and Ⅲ separately reprinted in Bobbs Merrill reprint series.Reissued 1974,1977,1981,1988,1994,and 2000 as a pamphlet by the Association for Asian Studies.Japanese edition:Kyoto:Horitse Bunka Sha,1979. 222 p.) 《中国农村的市场和社会结构》
    33. Communication(on marketing systems in Communist China).Journal of Asian Studies 25,2(Feb.1966) :319-24. 《交流》(关于共产党中国的市场体系)
    34. Overseas Chinese leadership:Paradigm for a paradox.In Leadership and Authority,edited by Gehan Wijeyewardene.Singapore:University of Malaya Press,1968,191-207. 《海外华人的领导:自相矛盾的范式》
    35. (with Edwin A.Winckler)Compliance succession in rural Communist China:A cyclical theory.In A Sociological Reader on Complex Organization,2nd ed.,edited by Amitai Etzioni.New York:Holt,Rinehart,and Winston,1969,410-38. 《共产党中国农村默认的继承权:一种循环的理论》
    36. Chinese peasants and the closed community:An open and shut case.Comparative Studies in Society and History 13,3(July,1971) :270-81. 《中国农民和封闭的社区:一个开放与封闭的例子》
    37. (with Arthur P.Wolf)Maurice Freedman(1920-75) [obituary].China Quarterly 63(Sept. 1975) :i-iii (与武雅士合著)《莫里斯·弗里德曼(1920-75年)》(讣告)
    38. Maurice Freedman,1920-1975,and Bibliography of Maurice Freedman.American Anthropologist 78,4(Dec.1976) :871-85. 《莫里斯·弗里德曼(1920-1975年)与莫里斯·弗里德曼著述书目》
    39. Mobility strategies in late imperial China:A regional-systems analysis.In Regional Analysis,Vol.1. Economic Systems,edited by Carol A.Smith.New York:Academic Press,1976,327-64. 《中华帝国晚期的策略灵活性:区域系统的分析》
    40. Urban development in imperial China[Part One introduction].In The City in Late Imperial China,edited by G.William Skinner.Stanford:Stanford University Press,1977,3-31.
    41. Urban and rural in Chinese society[Part Two introduction].In The City in Late Imperial China.Stanford:Stanford University Press,1977,253-73. 《中国社会的城乡》(《中华帝国晚期的城市》第二部分导言)
    42. Urban social structure in Ch'ing China[Part Three introduction].In The City in Late Imperial China.Stanford:Stanford University Press,1977,521-53. 《清代中国城市的社会结构》(《中华帝国晚期的城市》第三部分导言)
    43. Regional urbanization in nineteenth-century China.In The City in Late Imperial China.Stanford:Stanford University Press,1977,211-49. 《19世纪中国区域城市化》
    44. Cities and the hierarchy of local systems.In The City in Late Imperial China.Stanford:Stanford University Press,275-364. (Reprinted in Studies in Chinese Society,edited by Arthur P.Wolf.Stanford:Stanford University Press,1978,1-77. ) 《城市和地方体系层级》
    45. Vegetable supply and marketing in Chinese cities.China Quarterly 76(Dec.1978) :733-93. (Reprinted in Vegetable Farming Systems in China,edited by Donald L.Plucknett and Halsey L.Beemer,Jr.Boulder,CO:Westview Press,1981,215-80. ) 《中国城市的蔬菜供应与市场》
    46. Introduction.In The Study of Chinese Society:Essays by Maurice Freedman.Stanford:Stanford University Press,1979,xi-xxiv. (《中国社会研究:弗里德曼文集》)《导言》
    47. 《市场及其区域经济的结构与发展》 在1980年召开的“关于中国社会及经济史(自宋自1900年)的中美学者讨论会”上施坚 雅提交的论文
    48. Chinese history and the social sciences.In Chinese Social and Economic History from the Song to 1900,edited by Albert Feuerwerker.Ann Arbor:University of Michigan,Center for Chinese Studies,1982,11-16. 《中国历史与社会科学》
    49. Asian studies and the disciplines.Asian Studies Newsletter 19,4(Apr.1984) . 《亚洲研究与学科规范》
    50. Rural marketing in China:Revival and reappraisal.In Markets and Marketing:Proceedings of the 1984 Meeting of the Society for Economic Anthropology,edited by Stuart Plattner.Lanham,Md:University Press of America,1985,7-47. 《中国的农村集市:复兴与重估》
    51. Presidential address:The structure of Chinese history.Journal of Asian Studies 44,2(Feb.
    1985): 271-92.《主席演说:中国历史的结构》
    52. Rural marketing in China: Repression and revival.China Quarterly 102 (Sept. 1985): 393-413.《中国的农村集市:压制与复苏》
    53. Family System and Demographic Process in Rural Japan, 1702-1872. Application to the Population Program of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. 1985《1702—1872年间日本农村的家族制度与人口统计过程》
    54. Regional Demography and Development: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of the N(?)bi region,1700-1900. Proposal to the ACLS-SSRC Joint Committee on Japanese Studies. 1985《区域人口统计学与发展:对1700—1900年间N(?)bi地区的跨学科分析》
    55. Regional Systems Reaggregation of Local Level Population and Agricultural Census Data:France 1831-1901. n.d..《1831—1901年间法国地方人口标准及农业人口普查资料的区域体系的再现》
    56. Sichuan's population in the nineteenth century: Lessons from disaggregated data.Late Imperial China 8, 1 (June 1987): 1-79.《19世纪四川人口:从未加核实的数据所得的教训》
    57. Conjugal power in Tokugawa Japanese families: A matter of life or death.In Sex and Gender Hierarchies, edited by Barbara D. Miller.New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993,236-70.《日本德川时期家庭内夫妻间的权力:生死问题》
    58. Differential development in Lingnan.In The Economic Transformation of South China:Reform and Development in the Post-Mao Era, edited by Thomas P. Lyons and Victor Nee.Ithaca: Cornell East Asia Program, 1994, 17-54.《岭南的级差发展》
    59. Creolized Chinese societies in Southeast Asia.In Sojourners and Settlers: Histories of Southeast Asia and the Chinese, edited by Anthony Reid.Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1996,50-93.《东南亚混杂的华人社会》
    60. Family systems and demographic processes.In Anthropological Demography: Toward a New Synthesis, edited by David I. Kertzer and Thomas E. Fricke.Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997, 53-114.《家族制度与人口统计程序》
    61. Introduction (and maps).In Migration and Ethnicity in Chinese History: Hakkas, Pengmin, and their Neighbors, by Sow-Theng Leong. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997, 1-18.(《中国社会的移民与种族划分》中的)《导言》及地图
    62. Chinese cities, then and now: The difference a century makes. In Cosmopolitan Capitalists:Hong Kong and the Chinese Diaspora at the End of the Twentieth Century. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1999, 56-79.《中国城市,过去与现在:一个世纪以来的区别》
    63. (with Jianhua Yuan) A Hierarchical Regional Space Model for Contemorary China: Positioning Census Household in HRS, Paper prepared for the Geoinformatics '99 Conference China Data,20 June 1999.《当代中国的等级区域空间模型:等级区域空间中的人口普查户数分布》
    64. (with Mark Henderson and Lawrence W. Crissman) Conceptualizing HRS and constructing tabular and spatial datafiles.http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/chinadata/geoim99/Proceedings/Henderson.pdf, 1999.《等级区域系统的概念化与平面及空间数据文件的构建》
    65. (with Mark Henderson) Analyzing the urban hierarchy. http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/chinadata/geoim99/Proceedings/skinner, pdf, 1999.《城市层级的分析》
    66. (with Wei Wang) Constructing an urban-rural continuum.http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/chinadata/geoim99/Proceedings/Wangwei.pdf, 1999.《城乡连续统一体的构建》
    67. (with Mark Henderson and Douglas M. Messenger) Delineating regional systems and core-peripgery structures.http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/chinadata/geoim99/Proceedings/Henderson 2.pdf, 1999.《区域体系与核心—边缘结构的绘制》
    68. (with Jianhua Yuan) Reproductive Behavior in Time and Space: The Lower Yangzi Macroregion,1966-90.http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/chinadata/geoim99/Proceedings/skinner 2.pdf, 1999《时空里的生育行为:长江下游宏观区域(1966—90年)》
    69. Sample Maps《地图样本》
    70. About GIS Tools for Macroregional Analysis《关于用来做宏观区域分析的地理信息系统工具》
    71. (with Mark Henderson and Yuan Jianhua) China's fertility transition through regional space:Using GIS and census data for a spatial analysis of historical demography.Social Science History 24, 3 (Fall 2000): 613-643.
    73. "Advanced" and "Backward": The Spatial Logic of Uneven Development in China, Lectures in Chinese University of Hongkong, Oct. 2002.《“先进”与“落后”:中国不均衡发展的空间逻辑》
    74. Quality of Life in Contemporary China: The Pattern of Spatial Inequalities, Lectures in Chinese University of Hongkong, Oct. 2002.《当代中国的生活质量:空间不均衡性的模式》
    75. Reproductive Goals and Family Strategies: Ethnic Differences in Southeastern China, Lecture in Barbara Ward Memorial Lecture presented dy the Hong Kong Anthropological Society and the Hong Kong Museum of History, Oct. 2002.《生育目标和家庭策略:中国东南部的种族差别》
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    3. Brook, Timothy, Geographical sources of Ming-Qing history, Ann Arbor Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan 1988.
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    14. Dimond,E.Grey,Inside China today:a western view,New York:Norton,1983.
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