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Bio-diesel is one kind of clean fuels containing element of oxygen, having the merits of regeneration, easy biological decomposability, pollution emission lower than mineral petroleum and almost no greenhouse effect. Bio-diesel consists of mixture of different fatty acid methyl ester which is gotten through esterification from animal or plant oils. Correlative research and practice attest the characteristics of bio-diesel resemble these of mineral diesel. So bio-diesel could be used separately or mixed with mineral diesel by diesel-engine.
     Because of the diversity of choosing the right plants for production of bio-diesels, it is important to select the suitable plants. In this paper, I Analyzed the main physical chemistry characteristics and use GCMS to analyze the fatty Acids of the seed oil of Jatropha Curcas L., seed oil of Sapium sebiferum, seed oil of Prinsepia utilis, seed oil of Camellia oleifera abel and their bio-diesel fuels to find out characteristics of potential plant oils that are suitable for further production of bio-diesel based on seed oil of Jatropha Curcas L.
     Experiment results revealed that relative impurities contents of seed oil of Jatropha Curcas L., seed oil of Sapium sebiferum, seed oil of Prinsepia utilis, seed oil of Camellia oleifera abel were all under 0.5%and relative volatiles contents were under 0.2%; The acid numbers of seed oil of Sapium sebiferum, seed oil of Prinsepia utilis, seed oil of Camellia oleifera abel were lower than seed oil of Jatropha Curcas L.'s.( 9.7235),needing emphasize was that the acid number of seed oil of Camellia oleifera abel is 2.5638, basically needs no beforehand disposal of esterification before production of bio-diesel. Use GCMS to analyze corresponding bio-diesels of these four plant raw oils, results shows that C_(16) fatty acids and C_(18) fatty acid account for most of acid composition. The proportion of C_(16:0), C_(18:0), C_(18:1), C_(18:2) fatty acids are similar or closed. The respective contents of C_(16:0), C_(18:0), C_(18:1), C_(18:2)fatty acids in seed oil of Jatropha Curcas L. are 15.13%, 5.85%, 36.53%, 41.20%while respective contents of C_(16:0), C_(18:0), C_(18:1), C_(18:2)fatty acids in seed oil of Prinsepia utilis are 16.49%, 7.80%, 40.23%, 34.49%; discrepancy of the CN number and iodine number among these four oils is small.
     My research reveals that the choices of right plants for preparation of bio-diesel are extensive and the four sorts of plant seed oils are all suitable for the production of bio-diesel according to the characteristics of physical chemistry and composition of fatty acid and the characteristics of plant oils which is suitable for preparation of bio-diesel, including low acid number and water- volatiles contents, small amount of matte which comprise element of Sulfur and Nitrogen, no-forfication fatty acid above C_(16) account for most of fatty acids content in plant oils. However, choosing the right plants which are suitable for preparation of bio-diesel should Consider the growing cycle, growing conditions, yields and distribution of the plants.
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