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Under the fierce market competition, destination marketing is becoming aneffective tool to deal with it. But in reality, marketing activities promoted by differentdepartments are not related; each one is doing their own ways. The research thinksthat destination marketing should emphases the management and relationship ofdifferent marketing subjects. When applying modern marketing theory into it, itshould consider the organization of marketing. From the point of view of networkorganization, it studies the organization of marketing, and how to balance theirrelationship when conducting marketing activities, and its functions and development.
     The research includes the connotation of the destination marketing network, theanalysis of its characteristics, the driving force of its function and development. Itresearches the process of marketing specialization and social and cultural elementimpacting on destination marketing network, analyses the mutual function betweeneconomic and social relationship, studies how to prevent the opportunistic behavior indestination marketing network, and coordinates their benefits and relationships. It alsostudies the network structure of the destination marketing, analyses its various types,characteristics and functions of it. And based on theory study, the case study focuseson the development of the destination marketing network of China, and discuses theways and possibilities of in China.
     The research is of being theoretical and practical, which reflects in three aspects.Firstly, it provides the unified theory and methods to study the destination marketingorganizations from the view of the network organization theories and gives a cleardefinition of it. Secondly, with the guidance of network organization theory andmethods, it studies the development and evolution of the destination network, itsnetwork mechanism, its network structure, and sets up integrated research frame of it.Thirdly, with the analysis of the nature, development, evolution and functions ofdestination network organization, it is helpful to bring different parts of marketinginto playing important role in destination marketing, to form well-organized, closed related and active destinations marketing network as whole, and to make sure the roleand of the government in destination marketing.
     The research adopts the ways of literature summarization and interdisciplinary toanalyze the development of destination marketing network of China. It includes:
     1. The organization is the key to the research of destination marketing, whichreflects the fundamental difference between the destination marketing and businessmarketing.
     2. As an intermediate form of marketing and its networkintegrated structure,network organizations works as a way to balance the marketing, and to solve theproblem of it.
     3. The destination marketing network is an economic network based on marketingdivision, and also a social network involved in social and cultural impacts. Thedestination marketing network is a kind of network organization.
     4. The division of labor, social capital, collective learning and entrepreneurial spiritis the basic drive of the destination marketing network, promoted by marketingtransactions and social relations and helped each other forward.
     5. The destination marketing network is the symbiosis operation mode of thebusiness enterprises, marketing and network. The network mechanism is its uniquemode.
     6. The destination marketing network structure reflects the systemtism degree of it.Building up high level self-organized―sub-network‖is beneficial to improve itssystemtism degree.
     The research puts forward some instructive policy suggestions to develop thedestination marketing network of China. It thinks that tourism should be defined associal undertaking, which implies that its social mechanism should be well-conducted.The development of the destination marketing network is dependable on socialresources, social participation, entrepreneurial spirit, government function reform,tourism organization building, division of labor and marketing order.
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