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菊科(Compositae)旋覆花属(Inula L.)植物约有100种,主要分布于地中海地区,在欧洲、非洲及亚洲的其它地区也有分布。本属植物在我国有20余种和多数变种,进一步分为5组11系,其中部分为广布种,部分为特有种。我国过半的旋覆花属植物有药用记载。2010版中国药典收录的3味中药材,土木香、旋覆花及金沸草来源于本属的4种植物。对旋覆花属植物化学成分、药理活性的综述,以及本课题组的前期研究表明,本属植物富含的倍半萜类成分具有母核骨架多样、手性中心复杂、取代基团简单的特点;同时,倍半萜类成分显示出广泛的生物活性,特别是具有突出的抗炎和抗肿瘤活性。本课题选取了四种旋覆花属植物,喜马拉雅地区特有的西藏旋覆花(I. falconeri)、锈毛旋覆花(I. hookeri)、云南特有的绢叶旋覆花(I. sericophylla)和滇南羊耳菊(I. wissmanniana),进行植物化学和生物活性研究。而此前,它们的相关报道寥寥。
     在LPS诱导的巨噬细胞RAW264.7模型中,我们发现愈创木烷型倍半萜内酯IF-17(IC50,0.22M), IF-24(0.11M), IF-26(0.29M), IF-27(0.13M);伪愈创木烷型倍半萜内酯IF-28(0.07M), IH-31(0.29M), IH-37(0.28M), IH-40(0.38M);桉叶烷型倍半萜内酯IF-40(0.11M)以及桉叶烷衍生型倍半萜内酯IW-26(0.38M)表现出强于或近似于阳性药的NO代谢抑制活性,并进一步讨论了化合物骨架类型、脂溶性、取代基团、结构刚性等对NO生成抑制活性的影响。
     采用CCK-8法,体外筛选了倍半萜和二聚倍半萜的肿瘤细胞抑制活性,发现吉玛烷型倍半萜内酯和愈创木烷2,4连接型倍半萜二聚体,普遍对HepG2, PC-3和MGC-803细胞具有较强的抑制作用,而对HeLa细胞毒性不明显。二聚倍半萜IF-45和新颖骨架化合物IW-26对HepG2, PC-3和MGC-803肿瘤细胞生长抑制的IC50值分别为0.961.66和1.353.35M。
The Inula genus, which comprises ca.100species of the Compositae family, isdistributed throughout Asia, Europe, and Africa and can be found predominantly inthe Mediterranean. More than20Inula species are distributed in China and furtherdivided into five sections and11series in phytotaxonomy. A number of plants fromthe Inula genus are used as traditional herbal medicines throughout the world,especially in China. In the latest Chinese Pharmacopoeia, three Traditional ChineseMedicines that are used as expectorants, antitussives, diaphoretics, antiemetics, andbactericides Tumuxiang, Xuanfuhua, and Jinfeicao originate from four Inulaplants. Inula species have emerged as exceptionally rich sources of varioussesquiterpenoids, which accounted for anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferation,antibacterial, and hepatoprotective properties. In continuation of our research programfor bioactive sesquiterpenoids derived from the plants of Inula genus, we examined I.falconeri, I. hookeri, I. sericophylla, and I. wissmanniana, on which extensivephytochemical studies have not been previously conducted.
     178compounds were isolated from the whole plants of I. falconeri, I. hookeri,and I. wissmanniana via detailed phytochemical investigations with variouschromatographic techniques. The structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analysisto be84sesquiterpenes, seven dimeric sesquiterpenes,12monoterpenes, and75othercompounds which included20flavonoids,7lignans,6apocarotenoids, etc.Considering the great HPLC/DAD similarity between the crude extracts of I.sericophylla and I. hookeri, HPLC/DAD/ESI-MSnwas applied to analyse thesecondary metabolites from I. sericophylla, affording36terpenoids.
     The84sesquiterpenes comprised35new sesquiterpenoids and49knownsesquiterpene lactones which included nine defferent frameworks, mainly germacrane,xanthane, guaiane, pseudoguaiane, and eudesmane. Seven rare guaiane2,4-typeddimeric sesquiterpene lactones (IF-43IF-49), which three of them were structurallyequivalent to stereoselective and regioselective adducts of the same Diels-Alderreaction, together with biosynthetic analogues of1(2),4(5)-guaia-dienes (IF-16andIF-17) were obtained from I. falconeri, a plant endemic to the Himalayas. The firstnaturally occurring5,6-seco-and rearranged eudesmane sesquiterpenoids(IW-26IW-28), unprecedented C17-pseudoguaianolides (IF-41IF-44), and novel3,4-seco-eudesmane sesquiterpenoids (IW-25) were herein described. A survey ofliteratures also showed the new compounds IW-19, IW-24, and IF-50and knowncompound IF-37to be the first occurrence of eudesman-12,5-olide,4,5-seco-eudesman-12,5-olide,4,5-seco-caryophyllane derivative, chromolaevan-12,8-olide,respectively, from the plants of Inula genus.
     On the basis of theoretical and experimental reports, the biosynthetic pathwaysof novel secondary metabolites, including dimeric sesquiterpenes (IF-43IF-45),C17-pseudoguaianolides (IF-41IF-44), and eudesmane-derivatived sesquiterpenes(IW-21IW-23) were hypothesized in this study.
     On the basis of phytochemical investigations, the chemotaxonomic significanceof sesquiterpenes from seven Inula herbs were discussed via HPLC/DAD detectionfollowed by principal component analysis. Our experimental study supported the viewthat I. japonica Thunb. and I. lineariaefolia Turcz. were variants or subspecies of I.britanica L.. We also further suspected that I. hupehensis Ling, I. helianthus-aquaticaC. Y. Wu ex Ling, I. sericophylla Franch, and I. hookeri C. B. Clarke were evolvedfrom I. britanica L.. Considering the differences of chemical constituents between I.japonica Thunb. and I. lineariaefolia Turcz., the application of I. lineariaefolia Turcz.as Jinfeicao should be reconsidered.
     All the isolated sesquiterpenes and dimeric sesquiterpenes were assessed for theirinhibitory effects against LPS-induced NO production in RAW264.7macrophages.The guaianolides IF-17(IC50,0.22M), IF-24(IC50,0.11M), IF-26(0.29M), and IF-27(0.13M), pseudoguaianolides IF-28(0.07M), IH-31(0.29M), IH-37(0.28M), and IH-40(0.38M), eudesmanolide IF-40(0.11M), andeudesmane-derivatived sesquiterpene IW-26(0.38M) showed remarkable inhibitoryactivities, comparing with the positive control. These studies also led to a betterunderstanding of the structure-activity relationships from frameworks, lipophilicities,substituted groups, and structural rigidness for the sesquiterpenes.
     All the sesquiterpenes and dimeric sesquiterpenes were assessed for theircytotoxic activities against HepG2, HeLa, PC-3, and MGC-803cell lines by CCK-8assay. Some of the isolates, especiallly germacranolides and dimeric sesquiterpenesexhibited significant cytotoxicities against HepG2, PC-3, and MGC-803cells. Thedimeric sesquiterpene IF-45and novel eudesmane-derivatived sesquiterpene IW-26inhibited HepG2, PC-3, and MGC-803cells with IC50values at0.961.66and1.353.35M, respectively.
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