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     本文对基于最大后验概率(Maximum a Posteriori,MAP)的概率分析超分辨率算法进行研究。基于MAP的概率分析超分辨率算法可以将高分辨率目标的一些先验知识以先验概率密度函数的形式加入到优化问题的正则约束项中,将超分辨率问题转化为随机正则优化问题来求解,有非常好的理论基础,因此基于MAP的的超分辨率算法一直是一个研究的热点。本文将小波域Implicit Markov Random Field (IMRF)模型结合到图像超分辨率算法中来,构造了新的优化目标函数,提出了基于小波域IMRF模型的图像超分辨率算法。本文算法可以很好的克服小波域Hidden Markov Tree (HMT)模型超分辨率算法计算量非常大的缺陷,而且较小波域HMT超分辨率算法能得到更好的超分辨率重建结果。
     目前对现实三维场景的深度图像的获取越来越受到大家关注。直接获取场景深度图的设备主要有激光测距扫描仪和飞行时间(Time of Flight, TOF)相机。激光测距扫描仪可以提供准确和密集的深度信息,但是激光测距扫描仪每次只能测量一个点,过大的时间损耗限制了它们的应用。TOF相机运用高速快门,通过探测光脉冲的往返时间来得到目标物的距离,可以同时得到整幅场景的深度信息。很好的克服了激光测距扫描仪的缺陷,但是由于传感器硬件条件的限制,TOF相机得到的深度图像分辨率低,从硬件方面进行改进很难克服一些技术难题,结合图像超分辨率重建的思想从软件方面来提高深度图像的分辨率就非常有价值。
     本文对深度图像的超分辨率重建算法进行研究。考虑到同场景的彩色图像和深度图像之间存在相似一致的不连续性。我们假定同场景的彩色图像和深度图像在局部小窗口内具有近似线性关系,将近似线性关系通过Matting Laplacian矩阵的方式融合到超分辨目标函数的正则约束项中,将深度图超分辨率问题转化为最优化问题来求解,提出基于Matting Laplacian矩阵的深度图超分辨率算法。由于计算Matting Laplacian矩阵非常费时,计算代价较大,接下来我们运用引导图像滤波器来描述同场景彩色图像和深度图像之间局部小窗口内的近似线性关系,提出了基于引导图像滤波的深度图超分辨率算法。考虑到同场景的彩色图像和深度图像在局部小窗口内具有的近似线性关系的假设过于简单,对一些实际的复杂场景,彩色和深度在边缘处并不完全满足这个假设,接下来我们假设同场景的彩色图像和深度图像在局部邻域内具有相同的局部结构特征,进而定义了描述这一特征的局部结构参数模型,并将该参数模型融入到正则约束项中对深度图的局部边缘结构提供约束,提出了基于彩色图像局部结构特征的深度图超分辨率算法。
Image super resolution refers to the reconstruction of a high resolution image from one or a set of blurred low resolution images. Considering that there are many cases only one low resolution image is available, so in this paper, we mainly focus on super resolution from single low resolution input image. The goal of single image super resolution is to estimate a high resolution image from a low resolution input. There are mainly three categories of approach for this problem:interpolation based methods, learning based methods, and statistical reconstruction based methods.
     The interpolation based methods are simple but tend to blur the high frequency details. In this paper, we propose a new interpolation based method. Our approach uses the quad tree segmentation to partition the low resolution image, and takes the edge-directed interpolation to each segmented band of the low resolution image, and then applys a wavelet projection to optimize the high resolution image got from the local interpolation. The experimental results show our interpolation method greatly improves the image edge ringing effects of traditional interpolation algorithm.
     The statistical reconstruction based methods require a probability density function of the data known as a prior image model. Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) is one of the most popular statistical methods, so MAP statistical reconstruction based methods are sparked within this research community. In this paper, we propose a novel image super resolution method based on MAP statistical reconstruction. Our approach takes the wavelet domain Implicit Markov Random Field (IMRF) model as the prior constraint and utilizes the MAP theory to construct the objective function with this model. Furthermore, we employ steepest descent method to optimize this objective function. The experimental results demonstrate that our method obtains the superior performance in comparison with traditional single image super-resolution approaches.
     The learning based methods "hallucinate" high frequency details from a training set of high-resolution/low-resolution image pairs, and this kind of methods highly relies on the similarity between the training set and the test set. It is still unclear how many training examples are sufficient for the generic images. In this paper we propose a new learning based super-resolution method which base on the haar wavelet transform and back-propagation network. Considering the self-similarity between the detail subbands of Haar wavelet decomposition, firstly our approach trains the Back-propagation network to approximate the self-similarity relationship and then uses the trained network to predict the detail subbands of Haar wavelet decomposition.
     Depth image of the real three-dimensional scenes get more and more of our attention. Laser range scanners can provide extremely accurate and dense three-dimensional measurement over a large working volume. But these high quality scanners measure a single point at a time and it limits their applications to static environments only. Recently new time-of-flight sensors have been developed to overcome this limitation. These sensors measure time delay between transmission of a light pulse and detection of the reflected signal on an entire frame once by using extremely faster shutter. Though this technology is promising, in the current generation, these time-of-flight sensors are expensive and very limited in terms of resolution. How to improve the resolution of the depth image is an interesting topic.
     In this paper, given a low resolution depth image as input, we recover a high resolution depth image using a registered and potentially high resolution camera image of the same scene. Based on the fact that discontinuities in range and color tend to co-align, we assume that color image and depth image of the same scene have an approximately linear relationship in the locally within the small window. And we apply Matting Laplacian Matrix to exploit this linear relationship and construct an optimization problem. Furthermore, we employ steepest descent method to optimize this objective function. But, calculating the Matting Laplacian matrix is very time-consuming, so we apply the guided image filter to exploit this linear relationship between the color image and depth image of the same scene. Using guided image filter, we integrate the registered high resolution camera image into the range data and generate an initial high resolution depth image. Moreover, a reconstruction constraint is also used to further improve the quality of the initial high resolution depth image iteratively.
     Taking into account that the assumption of the approximate linear relationship between color image and depth image is too simple, some practical complex scenes, color and depth at the edge do not satisfy this assumption, next we use local structural features of high resolution camera image to construct the regularization term and construct a new optimization problem. Experiments demonstrate that our approach can get excellent high resolution range image in terms of both its spatial resolution and depth precision.
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