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In order to obtain ready-to-eat surimi products circulated at room temperature, AlaskaPollock surimi gels were selected to study the effects of high-temperature (100~120°C)treatment on their textural characteristics, moisture status, microstructure, aggregation ofprotein molecules, protein spatial structure and intermolecular chemical interactions, etc.so as to explain the changing mechanism of the surimi gels with high-temperaturetreatment. On this basis, the thermal stability of the surimi gels with high-temperaturetreatment were maintained or improved by adjusting water or adding macromolecularfood compounds, and further the mechanism how water and macromolecular foodcompounds affected the thermal stability of the surimi gels with high-temperaturetreatment were understood, providing some theoretical basis and technical support for theresearch and production of ready-to-eat surimi products. The main contents andconclusions are as follows,
     1. Alaska Pollock Surimi gels were obtained by sterilization in counter pressure retortand maintaining their central temperature at100±1°C,105±1°C,110±1°C,115±1°Cand120±1°C for10min respectively. The changes of the textural characteristics,moisture status, microstructure and protein spatial structure were studied to explain thechanging mechanism of surimi gels with high-temperature treatment. With treatingtemperature (≥100°C) increasing, the main protein secondary structure of the surimi gels,random coil damaged, resulting in the disappearance of myosin heavy chain andsignificant decrease of actin content. Protein molecules aggregated and the chemicalinteractions between the molecules changed, ionic bonds and hydrophobic interactionsdecreasing severely, while hydrogen bonds and disulfide bonds taking up an overallupward trend. Moreover, the frames of the network structure became much more fragile and the holes became larger, reducing the water holding capacity of the surimi gels andfurther leading to the destruction of the textural properties of the surimi gels.
     2. Different water retaining agents were added into surimi sols, some of which weremade into gels by heating. Both of the sols and gels were treated with different period ofcold-drying and the changes of moisture content, water activity and moisture state weremeasured. Then the sols and gels were treated with different high temperatures and the gelproperties were explored by a five-point grading system. Cold-drying significantlyreduced the moisture content of the surimi sols and gels, effectively improving theirtextural characteristics with high-temperature treatment. Moreover, adding water retainingagents changed the status and distribution of the moisture in the surimi sols and gels. Thewater activity was significantly reduced while the moisture content was almost the same,so the thermal stability of the surimi sols and gels with high-temperature treatment wasfurther improved.
     3. It was reported that wheat protein could significantly improve the thermal stability ofminced meat products. In this study, hydrolysed wheat gluten (HWG) was added andsurimi-HWG plural gels were made. The changes of the textural characteristics, moisturestatus and microstructure of the plural gels were measured to explain the mechanism howHWG affected the thermal stability of the surimi gels with high-temperature treatment.Before the addition of HWG, there was a low-temperature gelation process of surimi, inwhich the myofibrillar proteins sufficiently cross-linked to form a network structure, thenHWG uniformly dispersed in the holes of the network structure and interacted with thesurrounding myofibrillar protein, forming a uniform gel system which inhibited theaggregation of the myofibrillar protein molecule under high temperature conditions,thereby suppressed the destruction of the network structure of the gels withhigh-temperature treatment. So the water holding capacity and textural properties of thegels were maintained, and the thermal stability of the gels with high-temperaturetreatment were further improved.
     4. Alginate can react with Ca2+to form calcium alginate gel. In this study,the textural characteristics, water holding capacity and moisture status of the gel were studied. Inorder to improve its gel properties, other food gums were added. Then the plural gum withthe best gel properties was applied to improve the thermal stability of surimi gels withhigh-temperature treatment. The results showed that the calcium alginate gel with alginateconcentration4%showed the best gel properties and water holding capacity. Differentfood gums had certain effects on the properties of the calcium alginate gel, among whichkonjac gum had the best enhancement effect on the texture and microstructure of thecalcium alginate gel. Calcium alginate-konjac plural gum significantly improved thethermal stability of the surimi gels with high-temperature treatment. How the plural gumenhanced the gel properties of the gels with high-temperature treatment was mainly byincreasing the breaking strength. High temperature significantly reduced the deformationof the gels. Therefore, the plural gels with high-temperature treatment were brittle.
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