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With the development of economy and our entrance of WTO, the competition of company is becoming fiercer. As we know the human resource has becoming the element of which corporation gain the competitive advantage. The concept of human resource management has changed dramatically. The information technology has brought greatly opportunity to the human resource management. We can develop the information system and mine the knowledge for human resource management. Our domestic research especial in the mining on this field is still at infancy. So, there is great practical value in the research on human resource management information system and data mining of human resource.
    In this article we focus on the construction of the Human Resource Management Information System. Because of the importance of the human resource management, we research construction of human resource management information system. Then we use designed the HRMS with UML and XML technology. Finally, on the basis of the already studies of abroad, we studied data mining of human resource.
    Hope this article will be helpful on the development of human resource management information system and human resource management.
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