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     本论文针对中美经贸关系中的主要争端展开论述,其中包括:1、中美贸易收支不平衡问题 2、农产品贸易问题 3、纺织品贸易问题 4、服务贸易问题 5、知识产权问题。并从中美两国各自的角度,阐述了双方在这五个方面的利弊得失,提出了解决争端的策略和途径。文章最后就中美经贸关系发展的前景做了定性和定量的预测,进一步证实了中国入世后中美经贸关系的发展趋势。
November 11.2001, China formally entered the World Trade Organization (WTO), which opens a new page of China's merging into the global economy. Economic and trade relationship has always been the main body of Sino-US bilateral relationship. For long time, there are many disputes between China and US in many areas, such as politic system, ideology, market mechanism, strategic benefits etc, which have been the obstacles of the smooth development of Sino-US economic and trade relationship. What the Sino-US trade relationship will be after China's entry into WTO becomes the main concern problem for both China and the US. So it will be of more practical significance to research Sino-US trade relationship at this moment. For this consideration, the thesis will make discussion and research on Sino-US economic and trade relationship after China's entry into the WTO.
    This thesis will make discussion on the main disputes in Sino-US economic and trade relationship which include: Unbalance of trade payment between China and US 2.agricultural products trade S.textitle trade 4.service trade 5.intellectual property. Meanwhile, this thesis will state the advantages and disadvantages of each side in these five aspects, and will give the tactics and approaches to settle the disputes. At the end, the thesis will make the quality and quantity forecasting on the perspective of Sino-US economic and trade relation development which further verify the development trend of Sino-US economic trade relationship after China's entry into the WTO.
    In researching the main disputes, this thesis will first research the present situation of Sino-US trade relationship, finding out the gap of two countries, pointing out the roots of disputes, then put forward respective settlement plan against these disputes. This thesis will attempt to expose the advantages and disadvantages of each country by different means. For example, in analyzing Sino-US agricultural products trade, author will set about to the main agricultural products' price and produce cost; In textile, it will set about to discuss the apply rate comparison of no bobbin weaving machine to cotton spinning machine in cotton spinning industry; In service trade, it will illustrate
    the variation trend using the Economic Opening level figure and Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), which will involve in telecommunication industry. In settlement plan, the thesis will use the forecasting method of GM(1,1) to forecast the Sino-US trade value, farm products trade value, textile and garment trade value.
    As China being the member of WTO, it will be of practical significance analyzing and prospecting the Sino-US economic and trade relationship after China's entry into WTO not only to the decision makers of two governments, but also to other trade partners of China.
    The structure of this thesis will be as follows: Chapter!Introduction; Chapter2.General explain the present situation and disputes of Sino-US economic and trade relationship; Chapters.Perspective the main disputes of Sino-US trade; Chapter4.Tactics and approaches solving the disputes; Chapters. Prospect forecasting; Chapter 6.Conclusion and policy advice.
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