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面积高程积分(Hypsometric Integral)是一种具有明确物理含义和地貌学意义的地形分析指标。作为一种宏观的地貌分析指标与方法,面积高程积分虽能定量地揭示流域发育特征,但其分析的理论与方法体系亟待完善。特别是,虽然前人对部分流域的面积高程积分展开过分析讨论,但基于该指标与方法对于区域性的流域地貌发育及地貌空间格局的系统研究明显不足。本文首先系统地分析了面积高程积分的基本概念,对其特征属性、影响因素及分类体系进行深入探讨。在此基础上提出了流域面积高程积分谱系的概念模型、地学含义、组成要素及分析方法。基于数字地形分析及地学信息图谱方法,以黄土高原重点水土流失区,特别是其中多级典型流域为实验样区,以多尺度数字高程模型(DEM)为基本信息源,研究基于流域面积高程积分谱系分析黄土高原流域地貌形态的方法,获得了对黄土流域地貌及空间分异特征的新认识,得到了基于流域面积高程积分谱系的黄土高原重点水土流失区地貌分区图。论文主要的研究内容和结论如下:
Hypsometric integral is a terrain analysis factor with apparent physical and geomorphologic meanings which could reflect the landform erode stage and evolution process. As a macroscopic parameter and method in terrain analysis, the applications of hypsometric integral could reveal the quantitative characteristic of landform evolution in watershed scale. However, it still needs to be improved and enriched of the hypsometric integral analysis method, particularly in the little progress has been made of hypsometric integrals in the applications of watershed evolution and geomorphologic pattern from previous literatures. On the basis of aforementioned shortages, this paper conducts a systematic analysis on the concepts of hypsometric integral, and then, the attributes of its morphologic feature, formation factors and its classification scheme have been deeply discussed. In addition, the spectrum serial of hypsometric integrals is proposed followed with its conceptual model, geographic meaning, component features and analysis methods. Based on the methods of digital terrain analysis and geo-informatic Tupu, the spectrum serial of hypsometric integrals is applied to the loess watershed landform in the severe soil erosion area of Loess Plateau. Finally, a new understanding of loess watershed landform and its spatial differentiation characteristic has been achieved. The main research contents and conclusions are listed as following:
     1. Clearing the basic characteristics of hypsometric integrals. This paper puts forward the conceptual model of the spectrum serial of hypsometric integral and carries out the further derived studies on various analysis methods. The results indicate that the spectrum serial could make a good understanding for the description of the geomorphology by each integral. Well expressed hypsometric integrals of each watershed terrain features, could enrich the theory and analysis methods to some extent.
     2. The index groups of the hypsometric integral are selected according to the terrain features analysis of watershed landform. The experiment results show that a serial of the integral values and their corresponding curves, derived from different terrain features, could efficiently reveal the geomorphological and the evolution characteristic of watershed from the whole to the local. According to the correlation variance of the hypsometric integral of terrain features, two index groups are selected as the basic index group to analyze the morphologic characteristics and evolution process of watershed landform, i.e. boundary of watershed, watershed and main gully as a group, and watershed, stream network and main gully as the other.
     3. The scale effect of the hypsometric integral is analyzed with the small loess watersheds along with the time serial. The experiment of scale effect among the grading scale, data scale and region scale show that, the integral curve appears high accuracy and well calculation efficiency when the elevation grade use100; The resolution of DEM shows a weak sensitivity to the integral value, i.e. the value keeps stable with the resolution varying; When the area of the test site exceeds10km2, the integral value states a similarity to others as well as regional stability.
     4. A discussion on the variance characteristic of the spectrum serial of the hypsometric integral is given with two different analysis serials, i.e. the typical watersheds on the spatial serial and simulated watersheds on the time serial. The results indicate that each index of the spectrum serial has an orderly spatial distribution, and the simulated watersheds also prove that the well correspondence characteristic between the integral value and evolution stage. The multi-index maps of hypsometric integral in the severe soil erosion area reveal that, despite most of the small watersheds are in mature stage,, it still present the spatial differentiation on the evolution process from east to west and from south to north in the study area.
     This paper enriches the theories and methods of digital terrain analysis through the studies on the spectrum serial of the hypsometric integral of watersheds in loess plateau. The conclusions strengthen the understanding of the loess watershed landform and its spatial differentiation characteristic. This paper is an innovative and beneficial work/job for the application of the geo-informatic Tupu.
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