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Under the wave of economic globalization, China's state-owned enterpriseinternational competitiveness problems gradually become the hot topic in government,business and academia. Competitiveness is a decisive factor in the enterprise survivaland development. In the fierce market competition, only the flexible management,continuous innovation, competitive enterprises can survive in the long run. And theenterprises lack of energy, response, innovation will be eliminated by the market. Thecurrent central enterprises is the main body of the state-owned economy, which is thebackbone of the state-owned enterprise keep influence on national economy. Under thebackground of the current global competition, the state-owned assets supervision andadministration commission of the state council asked the central enterprises to activelyimplement the "going out" strategy, make full use of two markets and two kinds ofresources, improve the international competitiveness. Cultivating and developinginternationally competitive large enterprise groups, promoting the internationalcompetitiveness of central enterprises need to take a variety of measures, from theexperience of international multinational company development, actively implementthe strategic reorganization is an effective means of the enterprise which have rapidgrowth, also is an important strategic moves of the enterprise. After the financial crisisera, there are a large number of opportunities of strategic restructuring in domestic andinternational markets, but also contains a number of risks. how to seize the historicalopportunity to effectively enhance international competitiveness of the centralenterprise, cultivate a batch of large enterprise group with independent intellectualproperty rights, well-known brands and international strong competitiveness, is anurgent project needs to study and practice. Although enterprise competitiveness hasbeen the hot spot in the research and the theoretical circle, but the studies of centralenterprise international competitiveness is few, especially in-depth studies of therelations between the strategic reorganization of central enterprises and internationalcompetitiveness improving are even less. So research on the strategic restructuring of central enterprises to enhance their international competitiveness not only hasimportant theoretical value, also has important practical significance.
     Based on the further study of relevant theories of corporate restructuring andinternational competitiveness, From multiple disciplines, systemic and dynamicdevelopment, research perspective, Combining the industrial organization theory,transaction cost theory, competitive advantage theory and game theory. By promotingstrategic reorganization of central enterprises and international competitiveness as theresearch object, analyze these theoretical issues related to the strategic reorganizationof central enterprises and international competitiveness from both theoretical andpractical levels. This paper mainly analyzes the interactive relationship between themand the mechanism, selects the two central enterprises to do in-depth case analysis.Finally this article analyzed the countermeasures and measures to further accelerate thestrategic reorganization of central enterprises and promote the internationalcompetitiveness.
     Except the introduction and the main research conclusions, this paper is dividedinto eight chapters.
     In the introduction, first of all, this chapter expounds the background andsignificance of the writing. Second,it defines the origin and concept of the centralenterprises, and then explains the central enterprise international competitiveness andthe connotation of the strategic reorganization of central enterprises and defines theconcept and related instructions. Again, the research ideas, basic framework andresearch methods of this article are introduced. Finally, this paper pointed out the maininnovation and deficiency.
     The first chapter mainly relates theories and literature review. This chapterreviews the theory of corporate restructuring and international competitiveness, thuslaying a solid foundation for the study of the theory and literature of this article.
     The second chapter mainly analyzes the nature and function of state-ownedenterprises. First of all, from the perspective of industrial organization, this chapterexamines the nature of traditional enterprise. From the perspective of the evolution anddevelopment of industrial organization, it investigates the characteristics of thedevelopment of different eras of industrial organization, and then rethinks the nature ofthe modern enterprise. Secondly, on the basis of reflection on the nature of the modernenterprise, it re-understands the nature of state-owned enterprises from the general nature and the special nature; Finally, it analyze the central positioning of theenterprise features, starting with the macro-economic positioning of state to proceed,and then explore the functional orientation of central enterprises.
     The third chapter reviews and summarizes the restructuring process of the centralbusiness strategy. From2003to the formal establishment of the SASAC centralenterprises have experienced several distinctive characteristics of the strategicrestructuring, the course is divided into the initial stage (2003-2004), stage ofdevelopment (2005-2007), deepening phase (2008-2010) and crucial stage(2011-present), and summarized.
     The fourth chapter mainly carries out theoretical analysis of the problems of thestrategic reorganization of central enterprises. First of all, this chapter analyses threelevels of the central enterprise strategic restructuring of problem from the enterpriseitself, the development of industrial organization and national competition. Second, theuncertainty of the strategic reorganization of central enterprises are analyzed, and itpoints out the transaction cost, economies of scale, industrial structure and theuncertainty of human capital and so on questions of the strategic restructuring. Finally,it emphatically analyzes the scale and monopoly boundary problem of the strategicreorganization of central enterprises, from the perspective of market structure analysisof the scale of the central enterprise boundary problem, and points out that the strategicreorganization of central enterprises to achieve economies of scale on the productioncost and transaction cost, and then from market forces, whether there is a monopolyprofits and competition in the market to build three angles analyzes whether thestrategic reorganization of central enterprises brings monopoly problem.
     The fifth chapter mainly carries out theoretical analysis of the problems of theinternational competitiveness of central enterprise. First of all, this chapter analyzespresent situation and problems of the central enterprise internationalization, and thecountermeasures of speeding up the internationalization development. Secondly, thispaper analyzes the central enterprises and further enhance the internationalcompetitiveness of the existing bottleneck. Finally, the construction of centralenterprise international competitiveness evaluation index system, from the three coreelements: resources, capabilities, and innovation. From the state resources,multinational management, technical innovation and system innovation of organizationof four core index to construct the central enterprise international competitiveness evaluation index system, which is divided into11primary index and41a secondaryindicator.
     The sixth chapter mainly studies strategic reorganization of central enterprisesand the promoting of the international competitiveness from the perspective oftransaction cost. First of all, this chapter analyses the zero transaction cost under themarket model and enterprise's choice of restructuring strategy, it finds businessrestructuring strategy under the zero transaction costs is not is the optimal choice of theenterprise. Secondly, analyzes in the real world is market model under transactioncosts and enterprise's choice of restructuring strategy, discovery is the transaction costto rapidly promote the enterprise competitiveness, obtain competitive advantage,strategic restructuring will become an enterprise of rational choice. Again, analyzed isthe transaction cost under the strategic reorganization of central enterprises andpromoting the international competitiveness of the interactive mechanism, analyzes thestrategic reorganization of central enterprises the influence of transaction cost, and thestrategic reorganization of the mechanism of promoting international competitiveness.Finally, the strategic reorganization of central enterprises and promoting theinternational competitiveness of game analysis, mainly on the choice of the strategicreorganization of central enterprises, market block, the prisoner's dilemma anddynamic game analysis.
     The seventh chapter mainly carries out the comparative analysis of strategicrestructuring of central enterprises with international competitiveness. This chapterselected the pros and cons of the case to analyze the strategic reorganization of centralenterprises to enhance the international competitiveness of the focal point and keypoints. One is promoting the strategic restructuring of China's building materials group,which has synergistic effect through strategic restructuring to improve the efficiency ofresource use, promote the technology innovation ability, optimize the corporategovernance structure, thus makes the enterprise international competitivenessconstantly improve. Another is China steel group co., LTD., blind expansion of thestrategic restructuring, strategic target, after restructuring integration weak lead to theenterprise internal management confusion, the governance structure is imperfect, theinternal supervision mechanism of failure, ultimately did not increased internationalcompetitiveness have to drag down the company's business performance, the enterprise international competitiveness. Through the comparative study on the two case wefound a lot of beneficial enlightenment.
     The eighth chapter is mainly to further promote the countermeasures of thestrategic restructuring of central enterprises and enhance international competitiveness.In order to effectively promote the strategic restructuring of central enterprises andbuild a batch of internationally competitive world-class multinational companies, thereare many aspects need to form a complete set of central enterprises reform, system andmechanism innovation of system. This chapter put forward the strategic reorganizationmode innovation of central enterprises, the improving of the corporate governancestructure, international management system innovation, integration development oftechnology innovation and vigorously promoting the reform of the mixed ownershipenterprises, etc. countermeasures and suggestions.
     Finally, This chapter briefly summarizes all of the content and conclusions of thepaper.
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