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The paper selected new commodity housing market price of city for the main object ofstudy, in the urban scale by analyzing the situation that the domestic and foreign scholarsresearched on housing price, analyzed newly built commodity housing market price formationmechanism, changes in the law and the main factors. For lack of the traditional house pricemodel, the model of the urban housing price based on regional characteristics (the followingcalled regional characteristics of the housing price model) was built innovatively by Reference toregional economic factors, location factors, neighborhood factors, construction factors, and timefactors according to the theories of locations. For the smooth change of housing price modelvariables in the global and no smooth change of housing price model variables in the local, thepaper used multiple linear regression and spatial analysis techniques, built the multiple linearregression model of the price of global and local geographical weighted regression model of theregional characteristics of the house and its specific functional form. The paper selected thesample data from the Zhengzhou city real estate spatiotemporal data, integrated of sample datafor the main purpose of the model calculations, and computed the model space factor impactfactors by use the GIS spatial analysis tools. The results showed that the model better revealedthe spatial distribution pattern and the variation in time of newly built commodity housingmarket price, it could be provide technical support for assessment and prediction of cities in newhousing price and could provide the scientific decision basis for the government regulation ofhousing price and also provided the theoretical and methodological support for the futureconstruction of the intellectual property. The main content and innovation of the paper were asfollows:
     1.The paper analyzed the main theories of the housing price that the domestic and foreignscholars had researched, pointed out that the main problems that currently existed in researches,studied the main factors on the house price the various theories pointed out, analyzed of themodels of equilibrium price and housing hedonic price specially.
     2. The house concept in China and western countries were different. The author believesthat it was more appropriate to use the house community as a unit when the house sample dadawas selected.
     3.Based on the location theories of the earth science, the paper comprehensively analyzedthe impact of various factors on housing price including natural characteristics (location,neighborhood, and structure), regional economic characteristics and time characteristics,defined the average transaction price each set of the community as the dependent variable andthe natural characteristics (location, neighborhood, and structure), the regional economiccharacteristics and the time characteristics as the independent variables, pointed out the model ofhousing price based on regional characteristic, built the general form of the characteristics of thehousing price model in urban scale, The paper studied the methods include the parameterestimate, the model test and the model prediction of the model of the global multiple linearregression. The paper discussed the methods of the local geographical weighted regressionmodel include the estimate of the choice of weight function, the optimization of the bandwidthand the test of the spatial non-stationary.
     4. The paper calculated the impact factor in the model by the spatial analysis of GIS in orderto reduce the random factors and ensure the objectivity of the data.
     5. For instants of Zhengzhou, the total price of an average house set were as the dependentvariable,20variables were as independent variables, the paper validated the models of the globalmultiple linear regression models and the local geographically weighted regression model basedon the regional characteristics of housing prices of ZhengZhou city by the sample data of2005-2010of ZhengZhou, predicted and analyzed the house price of the sample data of2011ofZhengzhou. The result showed that the models built by the paper were a scientific and effective.
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