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As a key obstacle to economic globalization and trade freedom, international trade frictions have been becoming an unharmonious factor in the course of world economic integration. Thus it is important and necessary to make a comprehensive study on trade frictions. And most of current study on trade frictions are made from the angle of governmental behavior instead of enterprise behavior.While, the propelling force behind trade frictions are acturally based on the interest and behavior of enterprises .Also with the rapid development of multinational investment, trade frictions are more and more originating from enterprises themselves. Based on such background, in this paper the author will focus on the angle of micro-enterprise behavior to make a new study of trade frictions, analyzing the process and mechanism in which the strategic behavior of enterprises have caused trade fritions. This paper consists of seven chapters as below.
     The first chapter is the introduction of this article, including the background、purpose、the research method, pointing out that it is a new attempt to discuss trade frictions from the micro-enterprise angle.
     The second chapter is a comprehensive review of the current researches related to trade frictions.It is classified in terms of the different research perspective, which are classical analysis、political economics、strategic trade policy as well as micro-enterprises respectively.
     The third chapter will discuss the current features and potential tendency of trade frictions, mainly introducing the trade frictions situation our country is today facing.
     The forth chapter will theoretically analyse the mechanism, in which the strategic behavior of enterprises will cause trade fritions. Three correlated models will be established in this chapter. The first one is a typical framework of political economics analysis ; The second is an expanded model of political economics analysis, stating the process of enterprise behavior causing trade fritions;The third one is a bi-oligarchy model analyzing the mechanism of non-market strategy of enterprises causing trade frictions.
     The fifth chaper will empirically discuss the actural evidence of enterprise behavior causing trade frictions in four different cases, which are equivalent to models above discussed.The first case shows how the enterprise donation behavior affect the governmental policy-making; The second case shows how the trade frictions appear as a result of government acting as the spokesman of enterprises; The third and forth case show how the non-market strategy has caused trade frictions.
     The sixth chapter will conclude some enlightenment from above analysis. There are mainly three aspects. The first will discuss the feasibility and adaptbility of sloving trade frictions issue from the enterprises level; The second will discuss the counter-measures government and enterprises can adopt respectively; The third will analyze the pathway of how China will handle with trade fritions.
     The last chapter will be the conclusion of the whole paper.
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