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The Customer Manager System of commercial banks, which is an institutional renovation in the banking system, is one of the most effective patterns for banks' marketing. For instance, the customer managers, who act as the agency between banks and customers, help to establish an all-round and stable relationship between these two parties and trigger the promotion in the marketing concepts taken by the commercial banks. The system will also lead to banks' more investments in modern information skills and equipment in order to facilitate customer managers' work. Meanwhile, within the framework of the Customer Manager System, the effective information channels between banks and their customers can also be set up through customer managers' professional services, such as marketing new financial products, delivering market news, collecting and managing individual information of customers and the like, which in turn help to maximize the benefits of both banks and customers.
    At the same time, however, there really exists evidence indicating that the Customer Manger System has its own disadvantages or shortcomings, such as restricting the market competition, fueling conflicts between bank's market operators and background managers, putting more requirements on relevant institutions and the like. Therefore, it is quiet necessitous for us to find out what advantages and disadvantages of the system in China will have and make sense of its positive and negative influences on the development of China's banking system. Focused on the efficiency of the Customer Manager System and on the basis of foreign and domestic literature, this thesis analyses systematically the main factors influencing the system's efficiency. Meanwhile, with help of a field research and the data it provides, the paper also designs some relevant institutions for the successful operation of the system. Our results indicate that the main factors can be generally divided to four dimensions: arrangements of institutio
    ns, marketing concepts, service tenets and marketing tools. Therefore, reforms aimed at solving the problems existing in the above four dimensions should be taken into account, such as consummating basic institutions, improving the marketing concept, carrying through the service tenet, introducing high-efficiency marketing tools and the like.
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