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     (5)根据相关草坪质量评价标准(NY/T634-2002、GB/T19995.1-2005、FIFA May 2009 Edition)对混合系统草坪进行运动质量评价结果表明,各处理均有较好表现,综合质量符合标准。通过层次综合分析法对混合系统草坪综合特性进行评价发现,评价体系中生理响应元素占有权重值最高,其次是生长特性元素,而土壤特性元素所占相对较少。结合混合系统草坪综合特性评分标准,通过公式推算出总得分排序为A6(6cm)>A4(4cm)>A0(CK)>A8(8cm)>A2(2cm)。
An excellent athletic field turf is essential for many high-level sports matches. It is a complex of many factors such as economy, science, technology and management. Athletic field turf includes natural turf and artificial turf. In order to take advantage of both the two types of turf, a new planting technique for the new type of turf, the Natural-Artificial Turf has been invented. The Natural-Artificial Turf refers to the turfgrass system composed of natural turfgrass, special machinery management, basic ground equipment and some artificial fiber materials mixed in the natural turf surface and root-zone, using modern mechanical equipment. The material mixture plays a role as strengthening and protecting the natural turfgrass, as a result, the using quality of the athletic turf would be increased a lot, thus providing a ground meeting the requirement of high-frequency and high-intensity sports games. Currently, researches on this technology and products of the new type of turf are rare in China, while this technology and product have been used for many years in some foreign countries. However,their researches mainly concentrate on the quality of Natural-Artificial Turf. So there are certain limitations to reflect the comprehensive characteristics of Natural-Artificial Turf.
     This paper has studied the planting technology, basic quality, using quality, appearance quality, eco-quality and physiological response of the natural turfgrass, through the establishment of the Natural-Artificial Turf with excellent natural turfgrass and artificial fibers, based on the comprehensive characteristics of the Natural-Artificial Turf. The objective of the study is to provide scientific and technological references to this new planting technology and promote the application of this new thchnology in China.
     The turf-bed structure was built according to the football field turf-bed standards. Set the artificial fiber with different density on the ground, then put 5cm substrate with different kind of peat content. Then planted excellent natural turf seeds in it. When the research began, applied simulated trampling processing on it by using simulated trampling device oval roller. This research used double split plot design. The main area factors are three kinds of traffic stress and deputy area factors are substrates with different peat content. Split plot factors are artificial fibers with different density. The main results are those as follows:
     With the increase of the traffic intensity, appearance quality and biomass of Natural-Artificial Turf decreased. Compared with the control group, height declining extent of A2(2cm),A4(4cm),A6 (6cm) and A8 (8cm) was retarded. Root system of surface layer (0-5cm) took up more than 80% of the total and declined fist but then increased obviously with the increase of the peat content in substrate. The differences between each group were significant. The proportion of surface layer (0-5cm) root system enhanced because of the increase of artificial fiber density.
     The twist friction, sliding friction, bounce rate and rolling distance of Natural-Artificial Turf rised with the increase of the traffic intensity. A4 and A6 kept obviously higher twist friction and sliding friction than other groups. All the indicators above declined with the increase of the peat content in substrate.
     With the increase of the traffic intensity, the soil compaction and soil pH of every group increased gradually and soil water infiltration rate decreased. Soil electric conductivity decreased at first but then increased. Compared with the control group, soil water infiltration rate of A6 and A8 increased significantly. There was a huge difference of the variation of soil water content between the group with 15 cm turfgrass bed and the one with 5 cm turfgrass bed. Soil pH and Soil electric conductivity of A6 were relatively stable.
     Soil water content of 15 cm turfgrass bed and 5 cm turfgrass bed increased with the increase of peat content in turf-bed. Soil hardness and pH declined obviously. Soil electric conductivity variation trend of all group were similar and increased at first but then decreased. Soil electric conductivity fitted with strengthen material density and showed significant quadratic function. Soil water content of different soil layers in AO and A8 showed higher value than the ones in A2 and A4.With the decrease of strengthen material density, soil hardness decreased and soil water infiltration rate increased.
     With the increase of the traffic intensity, the relative electric conductivity of every group increased gradually and net photosynthetic rate and light saturation point decreased. Light saturation point appeared earlier. SOD activity increased at first but then decreased and MDA content increased. Chlorophyll content and soluble sugar content of Natural-Artificial Turf increased at first but then decreased and the difference between groups with heavy traffic stress was obvious (P<0.05). Average net photosynthetic rate of Natural-Artificial Turf increased at first but then decreased with the decrease of artificial fiber density.
     According to the Turf Quality Evaluation Standards (NY/T634-2002,GB/T19995.1-2005,FIFA May 2009 Edition), the results showed that, every group had good performance and the comprehensive quality complied with the standards. The results of AHP indicated that, the weight value of Physiological response was the highest and the growth characteristic was the second highest. The weight value of soil characteristic was relatively low. The sequence (from large to small) of comprehensive characteristics evaluation score was A6 (6cm)>A4 (4cm)>A0 (CK)>A8 (8cm) >A2 (2cm)
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