花生抗黄曲霉(Aspergillus flavus Link)侵染和产毒机制以及抗性遗传规律的研究
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     3、通过丙酮分级沉淀和DEAE-Sephadex A50离子交换柱,从花生种子醋酸提取液中分离纯化的具有胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性的胰蛋白酶抑制剂。SDS-PAGE电泳图谱显示,纯化的胰蛋白酶抑制剂是以二聚体形式存在,分子量分别为17.1和10.3kDa,纯化的胰蛋白酶抑制剂在体外能显著地抑制A.flavus孢子的萌发和菌丝的生长,表明胰蛋白抑制剂是花生种子抗黄曲霉的有效成分。种子胰蛋白抑制剂含量的多少、活性的高低与品种抗黄曲霉侵染的能力有关。5个抗性品种胰蛋白抑制剂的含量和活性均高于感病品种,且抗性品种胰蛋白抑制剂粗提液体外抑菌效果也较感病品种显著,表明花生种子胰蛋白抑制剂含量和活性可作为花生抗黄曲霉侵染的标记性状之一。
     (PO)和苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PA L)活性以及木质素含量等均发生显义变化。
    增幅人,接种后1~3d抗性品种PPO t性达峰值,而感病品种d才达峰
    PJ SOD活性变化不明显,而感病品种在感染后 id急剧升高并达峰值。由丁
    脂氧合酶活性提高和活性氧爆发的甲且量多,但体内的 SOD*ICATffi性没有
Aflatoxins, the high carcinogenic secondary metabolites of Aspergillus flavus Link, is possess of serious health hazards to human and domestic animals because it frequently contaminates agricultural commodities.
    Peanut (Arachics hypogaea L.) is one of most susceptible host crops to A.flavus invasion and subsequently aflatoxin production. Development of host resistance to A.flavus invasion and aflatoxin producing is the best and most widely explored strategy to control aflatoxin contamination. About 20 resistance genotypes have been identified since 1970's, but progress toward developing resistance variety is the slow and the mechanism and inheritance of resistance were not clear, especially the specifics markers responsible for resistance.
    The objectives of this thesis were: ?to identified the main factors responsible for resistance in peanut seed; (2) to detect the difference of defense response between resistant and susceptible peanut seed after A.flavus invaded; (D to analyze the performance of resistant characters in progeny of resistant X susceptible genotype.
    To gain these informations above mentioned, 5 resistant genotypes (J-ll, VRR245, PI337494-F, UF71513 and Zhangqui 48) and 4 susceptible genotypes (Yueyou 5, Yueyou 114, Shanyou 523 and Zhanyou 30) were used. The experiment results are outlined below.
    1. The aflatoxin content of broken seeds was higher than intact seeds after inoculation with A.flavus. The account, distribution, bioassays in vitro of wax and cutin layers in peanut seeds was investigated. The datum revealed that there were significant differences between genotypes tested. The kernel wax contents of resistant genotypes were higher than susceptible genotypes. The bioassays in vitro showed that no significant test-by-treatment interactions were detected for wax bioassay data. Scanning electron microscopy of kernel wax revealed distinct differences between seed of resistant and susceptible genotypes. Most of resistant kernels were thick and coarse in appearance and had rich wax deposits on seed surfaces. Thin and a small amount of surface wax deposits were observed on most susceptible seeds.
    Removing of wax with chloroform, and removing of cutin with KOH and cutinase or both can increase the susceptibility of peanut seeds but don't reducing their germination. The infected rate of intact seeds after removing both wax and cutin were nearly equal to those in wounded control seeds in both genotypes.
    These results indicated wax and cutin layers of peanut seed might play a role in resistance to A.flavus invasion and colonization.
    2. In attempt to search for zn\\-A.flavus protein, peanut seeds proteins extracted at pH2.8 and pH7.5 were analyzed with PAGE and SDS-PAGE. Consistent differences in protein profiles were detected only in proteins extracted at pH2.8 buffer among genotypes. A protein of 38kDa was unique or presented in higher concentration in resistant genotypes, whereas absent or in low concentration in susceptible genotypes. Protein extracted at pH2.8 from seed showed markedly antifungal activity against A.flavus in vitro. By means of (NH)4SO4 precipitation and chromatography, 14.2 and 26.3 kDa proteins were isolated and purified. 14.2 and 26.3 kDa proteins can inhibit spores germination and hypha extending of A.flavus in vitro. The peptide mass fingerprinting and database search showed 14.2 and 26.3 kDa proteins may be new proteins.
    3. A trypsin inhibitor in peanut seeds was purified by acetone fractionation, followed by passing through DEAE-Sephadex A50 ion-exchange column. The purified inhibitor consisted of two subunits with molecular weight of 10.3 andlTkDs respectively. The inhibition of germination and hypha growth of A.flavus were observed in protein concentration 10 u g on Czapek medium. The content and activity of trypsin inhibitor were relative to genotypes resistance. The content and activity of trypsin inhibitor in resistant genotypes were significantly higher than that in susceptible genotypes.
    4. The activities of perox
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