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The experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of different substrate formula on the growth, yield, quality, and nutrient uptake along with its distribution of tomato under plastic tunnel during spring-summer season, by analysing the physicochemical properties, nutrient releasing rule in process of cultivation and cost along with the benefit of different substrate formulas. Four kinds of compound substrates, which using the composted corn straw as the main material, together with different ratios of composted corn cob, rice husk and cattle manure, combined with dried chicken manure and the ternary compound fertilizer as topdressing. Two treatments were used as control: 50% peat + 25% perlite + 25% vermiculite (CK1) was taken as the substrate control of organic ecotype culture and the conventional soil culture (CK2) was taken as the control of substrate culture. The main results were obtained as follows:
     (1) The equivalent basic fertilizer was added in all the four kinds of compound substrates before cultivation. Before cultivation the physicochemical properties of the four kinds of compound substrates were in the appropriate ranges of an ideal soilless culture substrate for tomato. The pH and EC of all the four kinds of compound substrates were increased in various ranges after cultivation, but both remained in the appropriate ranges of an ideal soilless culture substrate for tomato.
     (2) The plant height and stem diameter of tomato throughout the whole growth period of crop field setting, were found close to CK1 and CK2 only in the treatment B (50% composted corn straw + 10% composted corn cob + 20% composted cattle manure + 20% river sand).
     (3) Various substrate formulas reflected significant effects on the numebr of fruits, mean fruit weight and yield per plant of tomato. Comparing the mean fruit weight and the yield per plant in each treatment, the yield per plot showed the same trend. The yield per plot only in the treatment B and A were found close to CK1 and CK2.
     (4) Different substrate formulas had great effects on the fruit quality. Comparing with CK2, it was found that all the four kinds of compound substrates not only greatly improved the ratio of sugar to acid, solid matter and vitamin C, but also reduced the content of nitrate in tomato. The treatment B remained superior amongst all the four kinds of compound substrates.
     (5) Throughout the whole growth period of crop field setting, the contents of available N and K decreased gradually; the content of available P decreased at first and in the last period it showed slightly increase. The content of available P only in the treatment B was recorded less than the beginning. The uptake of macronutrients of tomato in the treatment B was significant higher as compared to the others. At the end of experiment in all the four kinds of compound substrates the content of K was noted higher than N and P in the different organs of plant, i.e. root, stem, leaf and fruit. The content of K was recored high especially in the fruit and stem. The contents of N, P and K in the root, stem, leaf and fruit during ending date in the treatment B were significantly high as compared to the other three kinds of compound substrates.
     (6) As the cost and highest yield were concerned, the benefit of CK2 was found the highest in this experiment. The benefit of CK1 was not good due to its expensive substrate cost. The treatment B showed the highest benefit, by increasing 15% as compared to CK1, amongst the four kinds of compound substrates.
     The results of this experiment will provide a theoretic basis and reference for solving soil salinization and continuous cropping obstacle by resource-utilizing agricultural residue (crop straw and livestock manure), which can be used to synthesize organic ecotype culture substrate instead of using peat.
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