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Economic development highly depending on the energy, determines the strategic position ofenergy in the world political, economic and social development. Plenty of energy supply is theimportant guarantee for countries’ stable economic development. However, how to realize thenational energy security has become one of the important issues for all countries.
     With the deepening of globalization and the rapid development of modern science andtechnology, the world economy has become this development pattern from competitive pattern tocooperative pattern. The era of diversified win-win cooperation becomes the internationalmainstream social thoughts. Especially based on geographical relations, the regional groupbecomes the main trend of the regional cooperation. Such as Chinese foreign minister YangJiechi at the46th Munich security policy conference called for: As the multipolarity andglobalization of international society, we should see things in the light of their development andseek solutions with a cooperative spirit. United actions and win-win cooperation represent the callof the day and offer the only viable pathway to security and development for all.
     The development of the international energy cooperation is not accomplished in one step, itneeds to experience the difficult and complicated process from production to the mature. Althoughenergy cooperation alliance mode that is formed by European Union as the representativepromotes the process of the international energy cooperation, it also has this kind of area--Northeast Asia Area. Although it is gathering the energy consumption power and supply powerand the various countries' cooperative complementarily is very obvious, international cooperationis still slow progress.
     In this context, this paper integrates the scholars in this field. In the base of Economic Theoryand the Systems Theory, we introduce the mutual theory of the evolution of the Economics andsociology, and we also use the symbiotic and the System dynamics methodology to prove theinternational energy cooperation mechanism, and we also make stability analysis of theinternational energy cooperation as the core to provide a theoretical basis for the realization of thepath of energy cooperation in Northeast Asia.
     There are eight parts in this paper. The first chapter expounds the background and significance of this study.The content and methods of basic knowledge of the study. And we alsoreview the basic content of the current international energy cooperation. This chapter is the fulltext of the general outlines of the paper. The author elaborates the basic theories and methods ofinternational and regional cooperation and establishes the research and analysis of the theoreticalsystem in the second chapter. ChapterIII to the complexity of the perspective and evolutionaryeconomics as the guiding ideology, on the basis of the practice and theory, given concept ofinternational energy cooperation, the use of interpretive structural model analyzes the influencingfactors of international energy cooperation, establish the key factors and their interactionrelationships. Chapter IV of the use of three-dimensional theory of the formation of internationalenergy cooperation strength analysis the basic principle, the introduction of the concept ofspherical coordinates cooperation strength measure model. Chapter V to the social network theoryand social judgment theory as a guide,operates the method of dynamics system to construct thedynamics system model of the willingness evolution of the international energy cooperation. Andthe willingness to cooperate of evolution process and evolution condition is analyzed when thereare cooperation2members. Chapter VI, in the view of ecological Symbiosis theory, there comesthe definition of the stability of international energy cooperation; analyzed the effective factors tothe alternation in its character and stability, found the analysis model of the stability ofinternational energy cooperation, and given the international energy cooperation achieve thenecessary and sufficient condition for a stable. Chapter VII, from the research foundation above,this paper regards the complex system theory and system economics theory as the instruction. Theauthor analyzes the behavior characteristic of international energy cooperation and reveals thestabilities’ changing rules of international energy cooperation. Taking the energy cooperation ofChina, Japan and Korea for example, the theoretical system and main model of the internationalenergy cooperation are applied and verified. In the last chapter, the author summarizes the paper’sresearch results, deficiency and the outlook of further research.
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