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     通过对闽楠天然林林下凋落物现存量的调查,分析了其凋落物层中未分解层和半分解层的储蓄量和含水量。结果表明,在我们调查的8个具典型性的闽楠群落内,林地现存的凋落物中,闽楠凋落物未分解层平均为1.061 435 t/bm~2,占总现存量的32.04%;其它树种未分解凋落物平均为0.860 54 t/hm~2,占总现存量的25.97%;半分解状态凋落物为1.391 185t/hm~2,占总现存量的41.99%,半分解层占有绝对优势。这可能是因样地均处于阳坡(东南坡、西南坡或西坡),水热状况较好,群落结构稳定,群落内的凋落物分解速度较快。样地内凋落物层平均总持水量达2.318 74t/hm~2,平均持水率高达61.09%,这从一定程度上反映了凋落物层的拦蓄降水、调节森林生态系统水量平衡的生态功能。而且各样地内的未分解层持水量均较少,而半分解层持水量相对都较多,可见相对的半分解层对凋落层的持水蓄水能力的贡献更大。在闽楠林凋落物中,落叶的干重占总凋落物层干重的68.92~99.46%,在凋落层中占有绝对优势。
    35.450O一66.950%,到 2002年 9-11月初分解速度减慢,而* 月以后速度又有一定
    的,分别需要1刀27 a和4.44 a。4个树种的落叶分解速率由大到小依次为:樟树>
    g·xg‘,一年后,只剩下 zoz.v刀 g·xg’,丢失了近刃.svto。闽捕落叶中的 5种微量
    解了一年后,仍有 55.970 g kg”’,几乎无变化。而且在中期其元素总含量还增加了。
    的大小顺序为:有机碳>N>Cat K>P>Mg。一年后,元素含量的大小顺序变成了:
    有机碳>N>Cat K>K>2“Mg。
     在分解始期,闽捕落叶中有机碳含量为 421.28 g·kg“‘,除低于池杉落叶中的有
    g·kg“’,高于竹柏叶,而低于樟和池杉落叶。闽捕落叶的年释放量为 182.33 g·kg’,
     闽捕落叶中 N含量门.107 g·kg“‘)在分解初期比樟和池杉落叶中的都高,但
    富集。闽桶落叶中的 P的初始
Litter is a major index in the study of biomass yield, nutrient recycling and energy flow in forestry ecosystem. It has significance to the organic formation and nutrient release because of the follow reasons: major content of the forest productivity; major material pool of forest organic; major course of the material cycling and energy flow in forest ecosystem. Leaves amounts 60%-80% of the litter. Their decomposition is a key factor in the ecosystem functions and the decomposition process reveals the fundamental characteristics of nutrients recycle. In order to remain the sustainable productivity of the forest, it is very important for the nutrient to return to soil through litter, especially the comprehensive fertilization is impossible in our country.
    The author investigated the structure of 8 representative community in the Luoboyan Natural Reservation in Fujian Province, analyzing characteristics of vegetation and structure of Phoebe bournei community in subtropical natural forest. The result shows that the structure separates obviously into three layers: tree, shrub and herb. There are many species in the vegetation with 55 in the tree layer, 82 in shrub layer, 22 in herb layer. They are all growing healthily. In the tree layer, the dominance species are Phoebe bournei, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Loropetarum chinense, which accounts for 5.5% of the total species numbers, while the IV (important value) 37.22% of all. In the shrub layer, 6.1% species occupies 24.33%.
    The young Phoebe bournei is in the second place, which reveals the community is in stable condition because the regeneration is normal. There are more Pteridophyta species in the herb layer and many inter-community species because of the high coverage, more rainfall and high moistening. The community is favorable of the environmental with quick growth, dark-green aspect and stable forest form. Their average crown density is 0.8.
    The author analyzed the storage amount of the un-decomposing and sub-decomposing layers by investigating the remnant litter under the forest. The result shows that the un-decomposing remnant of Phoebe bournei litter accounts for 32.04% of the total remnant and other species 25.97%; the sub-decomposing has the dominance of 41.99%. The reason may be the sample spots are in good conditions .So the structure is stable and the decomposition rate is high. To some extend, it reflects the facts that the litter has the ecological function of containing rainfall and balancing the water in ecosystem because the total water-holding amount and the average water-holding rate are so high that they reached 2.31874t/hm2 and 61.09% respectively. Moreover, the water holding in the un-decomposition is less and that is relatively more in the
    sub-decomposition, which reveals the sub-decomposition contributes more to the ability of holding and storing water.
    By studying apprehensively the process of litter decomposition and comparing quantitatively the other subtropical plantation species, the author quantitatived the mass changes and build the dynamic model to analyze the characteristics and to predict the half-life. The outcome shows that in prophase Phoebe bournei, Cinnamomum camphora, Podocarpus nagi and Taxodium ascendens have lost most of the dry mass, the remnant amount occupied 35.45%-66.95%. During Sep. to Nov. 2002,the rate began to decrease while increased after November. Comparing with the Cinnamomum camphora, Podocarpus nagi and Taxodium ascendens, the decomposition of Phoebe bournei is the slowest and the remnant amount is 52.33% of the original amount after one year. It took 1.027 year and 4.44 year respectively for the litter of Phoebe bournei the longest time to decompose to the extent of 50% and 95%. The rate order of the 4 species decomposition is Cinnamomum camphora > Podocarpus nagi> Taxodium ascendens>Phoebe bournei.
    Studying on the rules of concentration, releasing amount and releasing rate of 6 major nutrient elements and 5 macronutrient elements in the decomposing process of Phoebe bournei litter and comparin
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