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The observed and projected increase in emission of greenhouse gases, with attendant effects on global warming, have raised interests in identifying mitigation options. Terrestrial C sequestration involves capture of atmospheric C through photosynthesis and storage in biota and soil. As a significant contributor to the regional carbon budgets, agro-ecosystem plays an important role in terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycling. In comparison with natural ecosystems of forest and grassland, agro-ecosystem is much complex due to human being activities, particularly the application of synthetic N fertilizer which was considered as an effective practice to promote crop production, also augments C inputs to the soil and hence, often increases soil organic carbon (SOC).
    It has been well recognized that the addition of N fertilizer promotes crop tissue N and the tissue N changes as crop growing. Numerous studies have demonstrated that plant photosynthetic capacity correlated strongly with leaf N concentration and a linear relationship existed between plant respiration and tissue N for forest. However, crop respiration regulated by tissue N is still far from being understood. Though previous studies indicated that the augmentative effect of fertilization on crop productivity would decrease as the fertilizer application exceeds a certain rate, all these results came from the evaluation of fertilizer application on photosynthesis in physiological views or on production benefit in economic views. Moreover, the influence of N application on crop respiration and a synthetic assessment on crop carbon sequestration with different rates of fertilizer N application is not very clear.
    The objectives of this study are, 1) to evaluate the changes in SOC at national scale over the last two decades by pooling and analyzing a mass of data sets from published papers towards providing a scientific basis in making soil management policy, enhancing soil C sequestration and reducing soil C loss; 2) to address the changes of total nitrogen
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