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A famous management master, Pro. Peter Drucker, once pointed out that "at present, the competition between enterprises is not represented as the one between products, but commercial modes." Mac, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Southwest Airline, Amazon, Dell and other late-uprising enterprises succeeded to provide such convenience that customers had never had before with their own unique commercial modes and the market valued billions of US dollars was initialized, and the whole industrial structure was changed and they became the leaders of industry. A large amount of commercial practices in China and abroad have proved that an excellent commercial mode is the key for enterprises to win from competition. To a certain extent, innovation of a commercial mode is more important than that in product and service.
     As we all know, China is the first steel country of the world. However, we are far from a steel giant and one of the reasons lies in our lagging commercial mode of steel circulation. Under conventional commercial mode, most of steel circulation enterprises carry out a trade-margin-oriented mode. For strike of fierce international competition and spreading financial crisis, more and more steel circulation enterprises are involved in this bloody "red sea" and some of them even decline to the status where there is no profit but loss. According to the statistics of China Association of Metal Material Circulation, "though the sales volume and turnover of 67.8% of steel circulation enterprises in China have a 20%-30% increase in 2008 than 2007, but 73.7% of enterprises have 10%~20% less profit than the same period; 12% of enterprises suffer from the loss of 50% profit, even 90% at most and still many enterprises suffer from loss." Therefore, under the background of economic globalization, it is very necessary to review and contemplate upon the current commercial mode of China's steel circulation enterprises as it is of important theoretical and practical significance to the health and sustainable development of whole industry.
     The paper consists of 6 parts:
     (1) In this part, author summarized and combed the oversees and domestic studies on the commercial mode of steel enterprises, illuminated main methods, attitudes and contents used in the studies, and analyzed the referable points and limitation in the research achievements of former researchers, and thereby formed a good foundation for this study.
     (2) In this part, author studied the component factors and types of commercial modes of steel circulation enterprises. Firstly, connotation and types of circulation enterprises were defined; secondly, the basic concept of commercial modes of steel circulation enterprises was explained; thirdly, component factors of business modes of steel circulation enterprises were analyzed; finally, it pointed out the main commercial mode of steel circulation enterprises.
     (3) In this part, author studied the commercial mode of overseas steel circulation enterprises. Firstly, general situation and commercial modes of American and European steel circulation enterprises were introduced; secondly, development status and commercial modes of Japanese enterprises were illuminated; next, from main component factors of commercial modes, customer value, resources and abilities, relationship network, profit mode and marketing channel, author made a comprehensive and systematic comparison of the connection and difference of steel circulation enterprises under American-European and Japanese modes; finally, author proposed the points of the two commercial modes referable and reasonable for developing countries.
     (4) In this part, author studied the formation and evolution rule of conventional commercial modes of China's steel circulation enterprises. Firstly, formation and development of traditional commercial modes of China's steel circulation enterprises were illuminated; then, theories of value chain and enterprise's ability were adopted to give a comprehensive analysis on the shortcomings and strong points of conventional commercial modes; at last, an analysis was made to cover the drive of evolution and development mechanism of China's steel circulation system, and discussed the evolution rule of commercial modes of China's steel circulation enterprises.
     (5) In this part, an empirical analysis was given to the conventional commercial modes of China's steel circulation enterprises. Firstly, general situation and status of commercial mode of Wukuang Steel Company was introduced; secondly, theories of value chain, enterprise's ability and competitive advantage were applied to analyze the advantages and problems of commercial mode of the company. At last, general thought and framework of new commercial mode of Wukuang Steel Company were illuminated.
     (6) In this part, author studied the selection of commercial modes of China's steel circulation enterprises. Firstly, principles of selection were analyzed; secondly, in light of the defects in conventional commercial modes of China's steel circulation enterprises, author pointed out the path and suggestion for improving.
     (7) Conclusion and expectation. A conclusion was given and innovative points of the paper were abstracted. For the points to be studied further, author gave an assumption of future research.
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