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480 juvenile common carps(Cyprinus carpio) with initial body weight about10.3 g were randomly divided into 4 groups with 3 replicates and 40 carps per replicate, and were fed purified diets supplemented with selenium (Se, NaSeO_3, AR) 0、0.15、0.30、0.45 mg/kg respectively for 30 weeks. By establishing experimental model of carps with selenium deficiency, growth performance、the pathology and hematology and were studied. The results indicated that the growth performance of juvenile carps were cut down extreme remarkably (p<0.01), the morbidity and mortality were 46.7%, 33.3%, 13.3%, 0 and 26.7%, 16.7%, 6.7%, 0 respectively。The carps fed selenium deficient diet showed thin back disease and lordosis.Anatomical pathology showed the muscle at the both side of the carps back became thin and looked like knife blade, muscular dystrophy and white muscle. The liver and spleen were swollen with hyperemia and hemorrhage. The examination of histopathology showed nutritional muscular dystrophy, hepatosis, degeneration and necrosis of pancreas. The skeletal muscles showed degeneration, necrosis and muscular atrophy. The cardiac muscle fiber cells showed swelling and degeneration. The liver cells showed degeneration and necrosis, even disappeared. The pancreas follicle showed degeneration and necrosis. The spleen showed haemorrhage, lymphocyte were reduced, mdelano macrophagocyte center increased. The renal tubular epithelial cells showed swollen and deteriorative. The neuron showed swollen and degeneration. In ultra-structure, the mitochondria of the skeletal muscle fiber, liver cells and renal tubular epithelial cells showed swelling, cristae collapsed dissolve with vesiculation, sinus of spleen showed Expanding and lymphocyte were reduced. In hematology, erythrocyte haemoglobin quantity and IgM were reduced, leukocyte quantity and erythrocyte fragility increased, MDA, AST, ALT and LDH in serum increased, but. the activities of GSH-px, SOD and CAT were decreased.
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