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     WHO Executive Committee proposed the concept of'Universal Coverage'in2005, also known as'Universal Health Insurance Coverage'or'Universal Health Coverage'. It refers to countries ensuring all citizens to obtain the necessary health services under an affordable level through the establishment of a good financed insurance system. In2010, WHO further developed an operation guide for achieving universal health coverage. For any country regardless of their development level, universal health coverage should be the priority objectives of its policy-making. The implementation of universal health coverage needs to answer the question that how to raise funds to pay for health services from government, society and individuals and to ensure individuals being able to afford those services. Thus, the basis of'universal coverage'is to establish a good health financing system.
     A health financing system raises public resources through taxation, social health insurance and other forms, shares them in individuals with different health status and ability to pay, and uses these resources to purchase services from health service providers. One of the objectives of health financing is to make the economic burden between different groups of people tend to be fair. Equity in health financing can be divided into horizontal equity and vertical equity. Horizontal equity means those have same ability to pay should pay the same fees. Vertical equity means people with different ability to pay should bear different health costs. Adopting reasonable means of financing when implementing universal health coverage can effectively protect the financial risk so that people can use services timely when they have the health service needs, and ultimately promote the overall health of population and achieve the goal of'health for all'.
     The medical insurance system in China has established for more than60years. Reviewing its history, the system has undergone several stages from public funded medical care, labor protection medical care, the rural cooperative medical system to the urban employees/residents basic medical insurance (UEBMI/URBMI), the new rural cooperative medical care system (NCMS). Before the promotion of universal health coverage, the low health insurance coverage in China and the increasing proportion of out-of-pocket (OOP) payments become the main problems in health financing. In2000, WHO report shows that China's equity in health financing ranked188in the191member states, which was far from ideal. After a new healthcare reform in2009, China began to comprehensively promote universal health coverage. Although there are still many challenges in the system construction, funding levels, protection levels and other issues, the basic achieving of universal health coverage has become a reality.
     In the early21st century, the declining of equity in health financing aroused the attention of many domestic scholars. The emergence of researches focusing on health financing and equity had made great progresses both in theory and the analysis methods. After2003, the equity in health financing in China has been significantly improved as to the reform of the new rural cooperative medical care system and urban employees basic medical insurance. Studies on new rural cooperative medical care system showed that it improved health services utilization for people with different income levels and reduced farmers' catastrophic health expenditure (CHE) risk. Studies on health financing in China's urban areas reflected the situation prior to the implementation of urban residents basic medical insurance. There are few existing researches focusing on the new situation, especially after the implementation of the new healthcare reform. And less existing researches used data of health services utilization and the financing status specifically for urban areas. Therefore, it is important to assess the current situation of equity in health financing and the impact of insurance reform under the background of universal health coverage after the new healthcare reform in China's urban areas.
     This study chose the typical pilot cities implementing the urban residents basic medical insurance reform as samples. Combined with the theory of financing in health reform, we took the perspective of urban households and investigated the utilization of health services and family economic conditions. The objective was to assess the changes in utilization of health services, equity in health financing and the protection of financial risk of urban populations in the current health financing system after the basic achieving of universal health coverage. Policy suggestions would be provided to promote the development of the basic medical insurance system in urban areas.
     Specific objectives include:
     1. Based on the theory of financing in the health reform, describing and analyzing the development, challenges and existing problems of universal health coverage in China, as well as the current situation of health financing system;
     2. Empirical Analysis on the current situation of utilization of health services and its equity in urban areas;
     3. Empirical Analysis on the current situation of health financing and its equity in urban areas;
     4. Empirical Analysis on the current situation of financial risk protection in urban areas;
     5. Empirical Analysis on the current situation of individuals'health level in urban areas;
     6. Providing suggestions and recommendations to improve the financing of the existing urban medical insurance system based on the analysis results.
     1. The effect analysis framework of health financing system
     In this study, we combined the framework of monitoring and evaluation of health system strengthening and the framework of health reform and development and discarded the evaluation indices of supplier side to evaluate and analyze the effect of health financing under the background of universal health coverage. Using the empirical data from the family health service survey, we inspected and evaluated the results chain from'promotion of universal health coverage','assessment of equity in health services utilization and health financing', to'assessment of impact on the health status and financial risk protection'.
     2. Data Source
     Household Survey
     Based on the different geographical and economic development between Chinese provinces and the feasibility of data acquisition, we chose Hangzhou as the sample of eastern cities and Baoji as the sample of western cities from those first pilot cities having URBMI reform. We adopted a multi-stage stratified random sampling method to randomly select a certain number of households in the two cities and investigated all permanent residents in these families as samples of residents living in urban areas in China. In this study, household survey was organized in three consecutive years (2009,2010,2011). Data of health service utilizations and financing of family members was collected for continuous monitoring. The survey tried to revisit the same family in three years to control the impact of changes in populations.
     Literature and policy data collection
     International and domestic researches on universal health coverage and health financing were searched and collected. Important policy documents of the implementation and promotion of insurance system from central government, Baoji and Hangzhou municipal government were reviewed, as well as statistical data from the World Health Organization, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Municipal Bureau of Health, Bureau of Labor and social Security and other government departments.
     3. Analytical Methods
     Literature review and summarizing
     Through summarizing the collected literature, policy documents and other secondary data, the development of China's health insurance system, the inevitability of implementation of universal health coverage as well as the current situation of the health financing system were analyzed.
     Analysis on equity in health service utilizations and health financing
     Ratios comparison, Gini coefficient, concentration index, standardization of utilization of health services and HIwv, Kakwani index etc. were used to empirically analyze the equity in health service utilizations and health financing of resident samples.
     Analysis on financial risk protection
     Catastrophic health expenditure incidence and severity of catastrophic health expenditure were estimated to reflect the strength of the financial risk protection in the population under the existing health insurance and health financing system.
     Analysis on health status of sample populations
     Health related quality of life of residents aged15and over was measured by EQ-5D scales to evaluate the changes of the health status of urban residents.
     Statistical analysis tools
     Household survey data was input by Epidata3.1and was imported into SPSS18.0to run statistical analysis.
     1. The implementation of new healthcare reform played an important role in improving the construction of universal health coverage and health financing system in China
     Prior to the implementation of the new healthcare reform, there were problems of inequality such as heavy burden of OOP payment, lack of medical insurance, low efficiency of resource allocation and use, regional and inter-system inequality in health financing in China's health systems and health financing system. After the implementation of the new healthcare reform in2009, China established the goal of universal health coverage. China's health financing system has also undergone a significant change in the sources of funding and financing forms. In the new healthcare reform, the important objective of health financing was to enlarge the function of government financial funding and financing of social insurance. Its purpose was to reduce the proportion of individual OOP payments. The goal of reform, in line with the requirements of the health financing system for universal health coverage, was praiseworthy.
     2. China has established a basic universal health coverage system with wide coverage and good system construction
     In this study, Hangzhou and Baoji were chosen as the representative samples of eastern and mid western cities. Until2011, the survey shows the basic health insurance coverage in the two cities has reached95%, which refers to the wide urban basic medical insurance coverage basically reaching the requirements of universal health coverage, revealing the tremendous achievements of the new healthcare reform. From the operation status, financing forms and security benefits of insurance systems in these two cities, the current systems were designed with different financing and benefit methods for different groups of people. The policies of URBMI in these two pilot cities were adjusted constantly in the past few years to gradually increase the level of financing and security benefits. This showed government's great determination to mitigate the medical and economic burden of the residents at the greatest extent.
     3. Significant differences in health financing and security benefits were found between different regions, and different insurance systems
     The medical insurance systems in different areas were managed by local government, which resulting the obvious gap of financing and security benefits between different regions caused by differences in the levels of social and economic development. Two types of urban basic insurances in Hangzhou both had higher security benefits at out-patient level, while the urban basic health insurance in Baoji was designed to mainly reimburse the in-patient services causing low compensation for out-patient services. In addition, the financing of URBMI was mainly from the investment of government budget funding and the financing level was far lower than UEBMI, which results the gap of the security benefits between two types of insurances. In terms of regional differences or inter-system differences, universal health coverage in China was carried out to be at the basic stage which can cause inequality between different groups of people.
     4. There were disparities in the utilization of outpatient and inpatient services among people in different regions and with different insurances
     Due to the differences in the health financing and security benefits of medical insurances between Hangzhou and Baoji, residents in these two cities had great differences in the utilization of outpatient and inpatient services. The health financing level was higher and the extent of protection in outpatient services was greater, thus a higher utilization of outpatient services was found in Hangzhou. The level of outpatient financing and protection was lower, which restricted residents to use outpatient services in Baoji. But the situation of hospitalization rate was the opposite. Year hospitalization rates in Baoji were higher than Hangzhou, reflecting that it may occur more utilization of hospital services to treat the outpatient diseases because of the relatively higher security benefit level for inpatient services than outpatient services in Baoji which resulting the increasing of hospitalization rate. We used methods of standardization of health services utilization to calculate the standardized outpatient and inpatient treatment times and analyzed the concentration index and HIwv index. The results showed that the equity in outpatient services utilization was good between populations with different economic levels in the past three years in two sampled cities, but hospital services utilization in the two cities was relatively unfair because population with higher economic levels used more hospital services. Current universal health coverage and health financing system did not make a fundamental improvement in the use of hospital services.
     5. The proportion of OOP payment in medical expenses was still high in urban areas and differences between regions and insurance systems still existed
     The data results showed that the gap between the levels of medical expenses caused by the differences of socio-economic development levels between eastern and western cities, which was more obvious in the cost of hospitalization. Based on the proportion of OOP payment in medical expenses, the level of security benefits for outpatient services was higher in Hangzhou and the proportion of OOP payment was only about35%. The compensation for outpatient treatment was lower in Baoji, especially for population with URBMI who basically had no reimbursement and relied on OOP payment to pay for outpatient services. The difference between reimbursement levels for hospitalization services was small between the two cities. The proportion of OOP payment was about40%in Hangzhou, while in Baoji the proportion was about45%. From the international experiences, the proportion of OOP payment in inpatient treatment costs was just barely reached the standard level of40%in China's urban areas, which means our universal health coverage was still at a very basic level. Comparing the two urban basic medical insurance system, the results showed that people with UEBMI had lower proportion of OOP payment whether in outpatient costs or inpatient costs than those with URBMI. The gap between different regions and health insurance systems meant the inequality in health financing in urban areas.
     6. The equity and progressivity in health financing were poor in urban areas
     This study used concentration index of health expenditures, Gini coefficients calculated using different measurement of economic level and Kakwani index and other indicators to evaluate the equity in health financing in China's urban areas. The results showed that the health financing system was still regressive under the universal health coverage system after the implementation of the new healthcare reform in China's urban areas. Various types of Kakwani indices were negative showing that the proportion of health financing in families with low economic level was higher than their corresponding proportion of family economic capacity which means the burden of health financing was heavier for families with low economic level. The results of redistributive effects analysis showed that the inequality in economic level distribution after health financing was larger than the distribution before financing. Regressivity of health financing also would more easily lead to occurrence of catastrophic health expenditure, thus affecting people's living standards and health status.
     7. The incidence of household catastrophic health expenditures was still high in urban areas
     The data showed that the incidence of catastrophic health expenditures was about11%in Hangzhou while about15%in Baoji, which means the OOP health expenditures have a great negative impact on the family life. Although the universal health coverage was widely expanded, health financing didn't lead to better protection of family's financial risk. The living standard of families with catastrophic health expenditure was significantly lower than those without catastrophic health expenditure. The proportion of health expenditures in household consumption expenditures was about60%in those families with CHE, much higher than the standard of40%. The concentration index of catastrophic health expenditure occurrence showed the occurrence of CHE in favor of the families with low economic level which means the protection of financial risk for those poor families was less ideal.
     8. People's health status was not significantly improved in urban areas
     This study used the EQ-5D scale to evaluate the health-related quality of life of surveyed population. The results showed that the overall EQ-5D VAS scores and EQ-5D index scores reflecting a good situation of average health status of urban residents in Hangzhou and Baoji. Regarding the revisit in three years, the survey may be affected by the decline of health level caused by the increased residents'age so that the two types of EQ-5D scores slightly decreased in the past three years. The existing results indicated that within three years after the implementation of the new healthcare reform, universal health coverage didn't substantially improve health status of urban residents and residents subjectively did not think their health levels had increased. It should be noted that due to the lag of improvement effect of policies on health status, self-cognitive health status of urban residents in a short time after the implementation of new healthcare reform reflected by the survey could not fully indicate the true state of health changes, which still need to be evaluated by long-term monitoring.
     1. Government financial investment should be increased and the level of social insurance financing should be improved to decrease the proportion of OOP payments in medical expenses
     In the past three years after the implementation of the new healthcare reform, government had invested850billion yuan for health system development, but investment did not fundamentally improve the inequality in residents' health financing regarding the changes in residents' health services utilization and health financing in urban areas. Therefore, the government should continue to invest the health system to not only ensure residents getting insured, but also further improve security benefits of basic medical insurances and reduce the proportion of OOP payments in health financing.
     2. The efficiency of allocation and utilization of health resources should be focused when improving the equity in health financing
     With the limited health resources, the government should support the development of primary health organizations, the delivery of public health services, basic health services and essential drugs, while exploring the payment reform for supply-side and controlling excessive demand for demand-side. Government should also promote the efficiency of health financing to improve the security benefits of the current universal health coverage system and equity in health financing through the implementation and management of various types of supporting policies relative to health financing.
     3. Pooling between urban and rural areas and between different insurance systems should be promoted to enhance the pooling level and reduce the regional and inter-system differences
     The differences between the different cities and different health insurance systems were the important reason causing inequality in health financing. Government should input more financial investment to the midwestern cities or other areas with lower socio-economic level to narrow the gap of security benefits between different regions. Meanwhile the security benefit level of URBMI should also be improved to move closer to the level of UEBMI, especially for the reimbursement level of outpatient services.
     4. Progressive financing mechanisms could be introduced to the financing of health insurances.
     The regressivity of the health financing system in China was partly due to that the current medical insurance system did not finance based on the individuals'economic level. Therefore insurance financing mechanism which meeting the equity requirements need to be established so that policies would be beneficial to poor population.
     5. The role of medical assistance system should be strengthened to focus on the help for families with catastrophic health expenditure
     CHE families had great impact on equity in health financing. Reducing the proportion of catastrophic expenditures families can significantly improve the equity in health financing. China's current medical assistance system had well developed. Estimate of catastrophic health expenditure can help to strengthen the role of medical assistance system to protect vulnerable populations. Furthermore, medical assistance should not only protect families after the happening of CHE, but also to help families to receive medical treatment when they facing high medical expenses.
     6. Idea of universal health coverage and equity in health financing need to be established to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation
     To achieve the cost and service dimension of universal health coverage, focus could not be just remained on the proportion of reimbursement of medical expenses and should be on health financing as a whole from the financing structure to the financing effects of the health financing system. Therefore, the mechanisms for monitoring and analysis of China's health financing system need to be established and become an important part of health system performance assessment.
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