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利用PCR技术扩增海南海口市、福建厦门市和广东珠海市3个地理群体海捕黄鳍鲷(Sparus latus)线粒体D-loop基因片段,测定了该基因片段580bp序列。结果发现,3个地理群体内和群体间都存在丰富的DNA序列多态性,共检测到33个多态性核苷酸位点(5.7%),24个个体具有22种单倍型(haplotype)。UPGMA法构建的分子系统树中,海南群体内所有的单倍型聚成一支,福建与广东的单倍型混杂在一起,聚成一支。从序列差异的分析中得出,海南群体与福建和广东群体的亲缘关系较远;福建群体和广东群体亲缘关系较近。
     对鲷科鱼类中黄鳍鲷(S. latus)、黑鲷(S. macrocephaIus)、真鲷(Pagrosomus major)和平鲷(Rhabdosargus sarba)的线粒体DNA细胞色素b 408bp序列进行分析,并结合GeneBank中灰鳍鲷(S. berda)、黄鲷(Taius tumifrons)、犁齿鲷(Evynnis japonica)和高背四长棘鲷(Argyrops spinifer)的该区段DNA序列的比较,共发现126个核苷酸位点存在变异(30.7%)。黑鲷和灰鳍鲷亲缘关系最近,序列差异为3.8%;而黄鲷和平鲷的亲缘关系最远,序列差异为21.7%。用MEGA2.0软件中的NJ法和MP法构建分子系统树,其中黄鲷属、平鲷属和鲷属分类的结果与形态分类学的观点相吻合;而在NJ分子系统树中,犁齿鲷、真鲷和高背四长棘鲷聚成一支,在MP分子系统树中,犁齿鲷和真鲷聚成一支,这与传统分类学上把这三种鲷归为三个不同属的观点不一致。
580bp mitochondrial D-loop gene segments of Sparus latus catched in sea from Haikou(Hainan province), Xiamen(Fujian province), Zhuhai(Guangdong province) were amplified with PCR technique and sequenced. High genetic polymorphism in three populations was examined. 33 nucleotide sites (5.7%) were variable. 22 haplotypes were found in 24 individual. In molecular phylogenetic tree constructed by UPGMA method, all the haplotypes of Hainan population assemble one branch, while the haplotypes of Fujian and Guangdong populations intermix together and assemble another branch. Nucleotide diversity of sequences demonstrates that Hainan population has a far genetic relationship with Fujian population and Guangdong population, and that Fujian population has a colse relationship with Guangdong population.
    408bp mitochondrial cytochrome b DNA of Sparus latus, S. macrocephalus, Pagrosomus major and Rhabdosargus sarba were sequenced .Combined with the DNA fragments of S. berda, Taius tumifrons, Evynnis japonica and Argyrops spinifer in GeneBank,sequences were aligned and analyzed. There are 126 nucleotide sites substituted (30.7%). S. macrocephalus and S. berda are the most related of all Sparidae fishes.while T. tumifrons and R. sarba are the least related. Molecular phylogenetid tree is constructed by NJ and MP method of MAGE2.0. The classed result of Rhabdosargus, Taius and Sparus is in consistent with that of morphology, while P. major, E. japonica and A. spinifer assemble one branch in NJ molecular phylogenetid tree, P. major and E. japonica assemble one branch in MP molecular phylogenetid tree, which is different with the traditional viewpoint that classing the three strains for different category.
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