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With the development of logistics operation and the drastic competition, more and more customers call for the "door to door " transportation services in which the seamless transportation service is the cornerstone. Since railway container terminal is one of the important taches in modern container multi-modes transportation chains, its operational logistics efficiency greatly affects the efficiencies of container terminals of the system. Facing the fierce competition and the increasing container throughput, the managers have to take measures to optimize the resource allocation and reduce the operational cost so as to enhance the operational efficiency of internal logistics networks of railway container terminals. In order to supply better theoretical help for the internal logistics operation of container in our country's railway container terminals, the disstation has studied on the resources allocation decisions during the plan and employment of them with related models.
     The main study of this paper as follows:
     (1) The function and layout of the railway container logistics center have been to summed up. Aiming at the difference of the layout between the railway and the port, gained several operation flow(or operation modes) and necessaries facility types in the each operation section. In the end, pointed out most of decision problems during the plan and employment in the railway container logistics centers.
     (2) The door of the railway container terminal is a stochastic service system. Introducing the fuzzy theory in the queue system, usedα-set and after that the queue system with fuzzy M/F/1 is transformed into the traditional queue system M/G/1, then calculates with the correlative formula. Comparing the number of truck lanes at the door calculated by the transformed queue performance formulations with that by experiential formula.The example also improves that the fuzzy theory can be applied into the traditional queue system.
     (3) Two of the operation modes are that the external trucks drive directly to the train (un)loading zone to deliever/haul container onto/from the train and other train stops at the rail track. In this mode, kind of necessary equipment,such as the rail-mount container cranes、front cranes and internal trucks need and how to allocate their mount in the operation is solved. Aiming at the characteristic of the container transfer flow, the railway container transfer system is divided into three "(un)loading and transport" sub-systems using system analysis, the unit operational time of each sub-system is gained. Then sets up the modal to minimize the total time of unloading all containers from the train and the cycle time time of the internal trucks. Finally according to these two operation modes, compare the results to supply an idea when the operators make decisions.
     (4) In the mode which no external trucks directly drive to the train (un)loading zone, how to schedule the internal trucks and allocate the empty container slots to the container from the arriving train is studied. An multi-object model is set up which one object is to make the longest finished time of each rail-mount crane minimize and the other is to minimize the mean waiting time of the internal trucks during discharging the train. Solve the model with genetic algorithms and finally analyse the effection on the operation efficience under different weighted coefficient.
     (5) Based on the simulation theory of the discrete event system, analyse the entities related to the whole discharging operation of the container train and gain 10 kinds of events in the operation. Set up a simulation model of discharging the whole container train using event graphs in which realize the performance analyses of that system with C++. Though the example gain different effects on the number of rail-mount cranes and the internal trucks under kinds of container proportion.
     With the view of logistics and system, the paper capitalized on optimization theory, intelligent algorithms, fuzzy theory and simulation theory to discuss the resource allocation and decision problem in railway container terminal. Most of them such as the gate, rail-mount crane allocation, front crane allocation, internal trucks allocation are discussed. The study provides some valuable decision suggestion for the 18 railway container logistics terminals in our country.
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